Gay Adoption

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Alex Kanashi

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First, I think it's cute you guys are planing on getting married. As far as a kid is concern, I think you should wait to see if you and him are right enough in the relationship before you go through with adopting a kid.
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Actually, they are already married. And they have one of the strongest relationships I have seen. They are perfect together, and adopting (when they are ready) would complete their family. <3

Alex Kanashi

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I'm soooo sorry. Well i still think the kid thing should wait cause if something bad happens a innceont life will be hanging in th balance


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Basicly yes. United states is a christian country, christians dont like gay people. This is why gay people will always have a hard time

There you are, I rest my case on so-called religious ppl.

Christians, or any other religious ppl, are meant to be 'good' people apparently and kind. I almost choked typing that as I don't see that here.

I have only ever experienced very hypocrytical, nasty - minded characters who call themselves 'religious' where I live, although I appreciate some are actually OK, as I have said before on other posts.

If you don't like gay ppl, you should keep yr thoughts to yourself and not even attempt to respond to threads like these.

With age and life's experience, you may just learn to keep the peace with ppl in life.

You cannot come across all holyier than thou, with such nasty remarks as that - which, I know, will have been instilled into your brain, via yr parents and theirs before them probably, plus the so called religious goers from church.

From years ago, when I had to read the pretentious book, I did read and remember a cpl of things, one being - 'Love thy neighbour!!!'

You are entitled to a view, but first you must learn the rule of what HAS to be, in ppl, rather than assuming it is a choice thing. Good luck!

Lel and Matt - you are far more decent and friendly than the likes of CM. ;)


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Who gave me a pos rep for my post above? Wish I knew - pls send me a pm to let me know. Thanks :)


I think the problem with debating a topic such as this with the age bracket of most on this forum is kind of pointless. I don't think most on here have enough life experiences to make a rational argument. If you haven't adopted yet, don't do it. It is wrong for you to raise a child without a mother. You are depriving that child. There is a reason it takes a man and a woman to make pro-create and it has nothing to do with sexual organs. Each sex brings something unique to a new child. Two women or two men cannot provide that. No one is questioning whether or not you would provide enough love for that child, for that I have no doubt. But you just cannot provide the means that the child needs. If I hurt your feelings, I am sorry, but that is my opinion. Please don't debate with me that kids grow up today with one parent, I see that as an epidemic as well. If women would learn to properly use birth control, then that would stop.


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In regards to "pushing sexuality"... don't straight couples do that too? I mean, you're never really given the option as a child. I certainly wasn't, and my mother did everything to keep me from living the (happy) life I'm living now. It's very important to me not to push that at all. I don't care if a child of mine were straight/gay/bi/trans/purple whatever. It's just important to me that they're nurtured and well-loved. And Matt and I aren't exactly unusual guys. We don't live the "typical" gay lifestyle or anything. No promiscuity, no bad drugs, nothing like that. We're planning on quitting smoking and getting a bigger house before we ever adopt, but that's pretty standard, I'd say.

Matt and I are still just talking about this. We're not married yet, because we want to wait until we're completely ready. It's been four years we've been together now, but we're still going to wait, and we won't be adopting (if we do) until after we're legally married.

I'm just so glad we can adopt together in Canada. Pretty much anywhere else (even Norway, where I want to move back to!) one of us would have to be a single applicant, and then the other could adopt after that whole thing was through. That's a hassle.

I say go for it man. You two obviously love each other a lot, and like James said, the kid would probably even learn to accept more and learn different ways of life in a situation like that. And you're right, I've seen many straight people push their sexuality on others. Hell, any time you make a joke relating to anything being gay, my parents are always like, "We don't care if you're gay, but we want grandkids!". Actually, that'd be my mom, my dad said he'd disown the gay child. Which is shit, that's very wrong.

Dude Go for it... parental ability has nothing to do with your sexual preference.

IMO, all in all the kid will grow up learning about other ways of life, and will be more adept to deal and argue for it.

Don't tell my aunt you're gay. She's so anti gay it's stupid. I guess they're not humans anymore apparently. (Now you see part of the reason I hate religious zealots)

My next door neighbor's the same way, and I hate his guts. His brother was even gay, and he said, "I love my brother and all, but that faggot's going to hell". I felt the urge to stab him :mad

It's the same debate with all these ex-gay things. When these gay people "choose" to be straight, all they're doing is changing behavior, not orientation. It's a very important difference.

I just don't understand why gay people are supposedly given this mysterious choice, when no straight person ever says, "yeah, I decided to be straight." I don't remember this choice. When did I make this choice? Was I very drunk?

That is a perfect example, the "deciding to be straight" thing. Nobody seems to think of it that way.

Eh, more people could be gay in the first place. THAT could help overpopulation.

Bwahahaha, post of the week, right there :D

There really is none. Aside from the fact that it goes against moral's, and the fact it goes against christianity. As much as people say 'it doesnt matter'. It does. The united states is a christian country, like it or not. It will always be.

Ahem, fuck religion. :) Seriously, you're not getting the point man. THEY LIVE IN CANADA! Why do you think I like Canada so much? They have no laws against gays, and they are a pretty decent country.

And they aren't the USA. See, here's how that works. USA=not Canada. Therefore, stop saying that we are a Christian country. Besides, we're not a Christian country, we are diverse. And you can't use that bullshit argument that Christians hate gays, because I used to be Christian and still felt the same way as I do today, I support them in every way. I just decided that religion was bullshit, mainly because of reasons like this.

Ok, so, God says being gay is a sin, right? But how about the contradicting statement that God loves all of children equally? All of them, including gay people. And like Lel said, he didn't just wake up and say, "You know what, I'm gonna be gay now". He was born that way, so obviously, God made him that way.

And the same goes for you horseshoeing. Seriously guys, why be so fucking ignorant towards gay people? You don't see Lel insulting us for being straight. Have you ever seen a gay person say, "God hates you, you're straight!" It's really immature, being against homosexuality.


I say go for it man. You two obviously love each other a lot, and like James said, the kid would probably even learn to accept more and learn different ways of life in a situation like that. And you're right, I've seen many straight people push their sexuality on others. Hell, any time you make a joke relating to anything being gay, my parents are always like, "We don't care if you're gay, but we want grandkids!". Actually, that'd be my mom, my dad said he'd disown the gay child. Which is shit, that's very wrong.

My next door neighbor's the same way, and I hate his guts. His brother was even gay, and he said, "I love my brother and all, but that faggot's going to hell". I felt the urge to stab him :mad

That is a perfect example, the "deciding to be straight" thing. Nobody seems to think of it that way.

This is because you don't decide to be straight, this is what is normal for human beings. It takes a man and woman to pro-create and that is the only reason we are on this planet. So, at some point in your life, gay people decided to live the life of being gay. You made that choice when everything you are taught from the beginning of life is man and woman. You just chose not to conform to those ideals and I think no less of you or anyone else that makes this choice. But you can't say you didn't have a choice, everyone has choices. I choose everyday to obey the speed limit or not, which way is the right way? For me, it is an absolute NEED to go fast. I can't see life any other way. Sound familiar? My point is, you can put a spin on anything anyway you wish, no to bash/not bash gays. My stand is this: A gay person is human being. I respect ALL human beings.


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No, you are wrong, and obviously don't real. Like we've both said, Lel dind't choose to be gay, he didn't just say one day, "I think I'll be gay". Choosing to do the speed limit vs homosexuality are two completely different subjects. And yes, I was born straight, but I don't choose to be straight because of they way I was taught. I like girls, boobs are awesome in my opinion. That's it. I didn't say, "Well, God wants me to create a life, and I see everyone else fuck women, so maybe I'll try that". God didn't create us JUST to create more people. If we were put on earth just to fuck and make babies, we wouldn't have things like jobs, computers, etc. We'd all be running around naked fucking anything that walks.

Normal? Who's to say what's "normal"? Normal is a term created by us humans. Just like time, it doesn't exist. Time is an illusion. Time was created by us humans, because we can't just say to a friend, "Hey, meet me here tomorrow when the sun is over there!".

The main thing I think is you people that are saying it's a choice, USE A VALID EXAMPLE, like Lel did. Comparing homosexuality to speeding or drinking beer is BULLSHIT, that is COMPLETELY different.


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No, you are wrong, and obviously don't real. Like we've both said, Lel dind't choose to be gay, he didn't just say one day, "I think I'll be gay". Choosing to do the speed limit vs homosexuality are two completely different subjects. And yes, I was born straight, but I don't choose to be straight because of they way I was taught. I like girls, boobs are awesome in my opinion. That's it. I didn't say, "Well, God wants me to create a life, and I see everyone else fuck women, so maybe I'll try that". God didn't create us JUST to create more people. If we were put on earth just to fuck and make babies, we wouldn't have things like jobs, computers, etc. We'd all be running around naked fucking anything that walks.

Normal? Who's to say what's "normal"? Normal is a term created by us humans. Just like time, it doesn't exist. Time is an illusion. Time was created by us humans, because we can't just say to a friend, "Hey, meet me here tomorrow when the sun is over there!".

The main thing I think is you people that are saying it's a choice, USE A VALID EXAMPLE, like Lel did. Comparing homosexuality to speeding or drinking beer is BULLSHIT, that is COMPLETELY different.

I'd rather say meet me here at 2:30 pm, It's a little more precise. :D


Active Member
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Basicly yes. United states is a christian country, christians dont like gay people. This is why gay people will always have a hard time

Yeah not so much. I'm a Christian and I don't mind gay people. The only thing I don't agree with is their lifestyle. It's not the person you should not like. But who am I to say what lifestyle people should live. If it makes them happy so be it.


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Bahaha, that's a sig quote right there!

No, seriously.

Dodge. Get off my lawn. I don't want your straight germs around my house. It's disgusting. My kids could catch that! I don't want my kids to catch straight. How awful would that be? They'd be social outcasts, Dodge. SOCIAL OUTCASTS.



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I see how it is! I try to be nice and you fuck it all up! DAMNIT MAN! That's the last time I mow your lawn!

-storms out of the thread-
