for all you atheists out there...

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dude, this isnt a thread about why we curse who, this is a thread for all you atheists out there...

not agnostics who want to randomly come in and complain about how they're tired of seeing this thread go on and on or people who take offense to pointing out that the nazis and kkk also believed in god, and were still wrong in their actions.
(not that theres anything wrong with the people who who complained or took offense to the comparison)

keep it OnTopicz


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Being offended by what somebody thinks that you've never met, and will likely never meet makes no sense what-so-ever.

You have your beliefs, I have my beliefs, Ali has her beliefs. Do you think she should get offended that you don't subscribe to her opinion?

I miss intruder. he seems like a reasonable person.


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You guys crack me up. Between the Adams, and Python, I'm sure you're a lot of fun to hang out with. Are you guy roommates in college or something?

Your posts are all extremely well thought out. So much so that I would be hard pressed to not believe you haven't either spent a lot of time devoted to this subject, or are on intimate terms with Dogpile and Jeeves.

It is no secret I represent the exact opposite of your beliefs, as you have asked for debate, I would like to toss out this small morsel:

You have a similar faith to those that you spend so much effort attempting to knock down. The belief in a greater being is identical to the belief that life is random. There is no, and will never be any proof either way, as well as powerful questions that cannot be answered. How was eyesight evolved for example? Must you be correct, or is there room in your mind that other possibilities exist? Do you not find it at all disingenuous to crusade your beliefs when it is so offensive to you when others do the same?

You are obviously educated guys, and I enjoyed your post about the world being flat earlier, but that is a two edged sword my friend. Science and academia told us the world was flat; The Bible told us it was round, and hanging in space. A thousand years ago, you were a foolish simpleton if you believed the Earth was any shape but flat. You could be killed in higher institutions of learning if you put forth a theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

You mock the church for inconsistency, but your own thoughts on life are based solely on an ever changing set of ideas. Tomorrow, this information will be dated and foolish, so you'll believe something else. The teachings of the church has no doubt changed emphasis over the years, but it is still based on the text it was based on 2000 yeas ago. These teaching, as well as the politics of the church are well documented in history for better or for worse.

I agree with you that leaders and organizations have used religion to bring great suffering to the world. This is the fault of religion in that it has made little honest effort to truly educate their followers, but is also the fault of the individuals twisting these teachings for their own selfish motivations. .... KKK and Nazis. LOL Get out of hear with that. I know that you know enough about this subject to understand the methodical manipulation of information these groups use. This would have been a great argument in High School debate, but not here. You are relying too heavily on your opponent not being up to date on the subject matter.

I'm looking forward to this. I'll be cordial to the end, and hope you'll extend the same courtesy. Religious or not, we're all human beings.

Peter Parka

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what's up with that?

While I have no time with religion, I do believe in God. If you look around and see the wonderful things in our world and the Universe it seems highly unlikely to me that they just got there with a series of explosions. If you blew a load of things up, you'd never create anything as awesome as what is in our universe. I do have a problem with how a lot of religions percieve God though. I find it very strange that God would want to burn people forever in hell for simply exercising the free will he gave us.

All Else Failed

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You guys crack me up. Between the Adams, and Python, I'm sure you're a lot of fun to hang out with. Are you guy roommates in college or something?

Your posts are all extremely well thought out. So much so that I would be hard pressed to not believe you haven't either spent a lot of time devoted to this subject, or are on intimate terms with Dogpile and Jeeves.

It is no secret I represent the exact opposite of your beliefs, as you have asked for debate, I would like to toss out this small morsel:

You have a similar faith to those that you spend so much effort attempting to knock down. The belief in a greater being is identical to the belief that life is random. There is no, and will never be any proof either way, as well as powerful questions that cannot be answered. How was eyesight evolved for example? Must you be correct, or is there room in your mind that other possibilities exist? Do you not find it at all disingenuous to crusade your beliefs when it is so offensive to you when others do the same?

You are obviously educated guys, and I enjoyed your post about the world being flat earlier, but that is a two edged sword my friend. Science and academia told us the world was flat; The Bible told us it was round, and hanging in space. A thousand years ago, you were a foolish simpleton if you believed the Earth was any shape but flat. You could be killed in higher institutions of learning if you put forth a theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe.

You mock the church for inconsistency, but your own thoughts on life are based solely on an ever changing set of ideas. Tomorrow, this information will be dated and foolish, so you'll believe something else. The teachings of the church has no doubt changed emphasis over the years, but it is still based on the text it was based on 2000 yeas ago. These teaching, as well as the politics of the church are well documented in history for better or for worse.

I agree with you that leaders and organizations have used religion to bring great suffering to the world. This is the fault of religion in that it has made little honest effort to truly educate their followers, but is also the fault of the individuals twisting these teachings for their own selfish motivations. .... KKK and Nazis. LOL Get out of hear with that. I know that you know enough about this subject to understand the methodical manipulation of information these groups use. This would have been a great argument in High School debate, but not here. You are relying too heavily on your opponent not being up to date on the subject matter.

I'm looking forward to this. I'll be cordial to the end, and hope you'll extend the same courtesy. Religious or not, we're all human beings.
Nooooooooo no no. Atheism is NOT a belief system at all. Atheism is a science, a philosophy that uses logic and reason to observe facts and go from there. Religion does not do that. Plus, evolution is the exact opposite of "random". Evolution is pretty precise and calculating, having superior traits outmatch and evolve from weaker ones. That is not random at all. Saying evolution is random is one of the largest myths in scientifical history. Evolution is not a theory, but observable FACT.

Again, no. The church was a very large proponent of the earth being flat. In fact, greek scientists and philosophers thousands of years ago proved that the earth was round, and were tortured and some killed by the church for saying so. See Galileo for evidence. Eratosthenes was also a Greek that skillfully measured the Earth's circumference. Its a fact that the church has favored ignorance over fact to teach their followers so they can keep their followers in line. Religion is a business.

Its GOOD that our beliefs change with evidence! If tomorrow we found out that something we thought was right now is really wrong, we would adapt. That is good. We accept fact. With religion there is little room for fact.


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what's up with that?

dude, this isnt a thread about why we curse who, this is a thread for all you atheists out there...

not agnostics who want to randomly come in and complain about how they're tired of seeing this thread go on and on or people who take offense to pointing out that the nazis and kkk also believed in god, and were still wrong in their actions.
(not that theres anything wrong with the people who who complained or took offense to the comparison)

keep it OnTopicz

this is a topic about athiest not god, so how can you in one posts change topic, and then a mere two post later sit thee and talk about sticking to topic? How doe sone take serious your debated side of arguemnt when you cant even stay on track? *ponders that*

and thaqt highlited was towards me wasent it:(


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You guys crack me up. Between the Adams, and Python, I'm sure you're a lot of fun to hang out with. Are you guy roommates in college or something?

All Else Failed and I grew up in a catholic school system. Since then I've been brooding on the subject, maybe a little more than is healthy.

You have a similar faith to those that you spend so much effort attempting to knock down. The belief in a greater being is identical to the belief that life is random. There is no, and will never be any proof either way, as well as powerful questions that cannot be answered.

Belief that the center of all things comes from randomness or a higher power are similar in that they both point out we don't know what's going on. but they are far from the same thing. and powerful questions that have no answers, and a few proposed answers that many people are divided on, is prime picking for discussion.

How was eyesight evolved for example? Must you be correct, or is there room in your mind that other possibilities exist?

There is no definitive way to prove how anything evolved, or even that evolution is the exact way it happened. we can only weigh the evidence, propose our theories, and discuss until we can believe in one beyond a reasonable doubt or get tired of it all and jump into the humor section. I hope there is room in my mind for other possibilities to exist, but if not, I hope everyone has the ability to forgive me for being stubborn.

Do you not find it at all disingenuous to crusade your beliefs when it is so offensive to you when others do the same?

I have made no secret that I'm letting off steam, and aggressively arguing my thoughts as I have been brings up some interesting ethical questions, but that will be for another time. About others doing the same- they believe they are right and helping people live healthier, I just happen to disagree with their beliefs.

You are obviously educated guys, and I enjoyed your post about the world being flat earlier, but that is a two edged sword my friend. Science and academia told us the world was flat; The Bible told us it was round, and hanging in space. A thousand years ago, you were a foolish simpleton if you believed the Earth was any shape but flat. You could be killed in higher institutions of learning if you put forth a theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe.
You mock the church for inconsistency, but your own thoughts on life are based solely on an ever changing set of ideas. Tomorrow, this information will be dated and foolish, so you'll believe something else. The teachings of the church has no doubt changed emphasis over the years, but it is still based on the text it was based on 2000 yeas ago. These teaching, as well as the politics of the church are well documented in history for better or for worse.

I have no objections, it was reasonable to think the world was flat because normally any other way we all would have fallen off the earth! It gets even worse than that. Scientists felt they empirically proved black people inferior to white people, the nazis swayed the masses by applying darwanism to people and claiming themselves as the master race. Science is not immune to people using accepted customs for malice.
But science is based on the belief that we can be wrong, and probably will be wrong unless we devote ourselves to trial and error. Religion prides itself on being the final answer, an unwavering guideline for how we should live our lives. It's all there in the Bible 2000 years ago, weren't we dumb for not seeing it before? I don't think that's an appropriate way to get answers.

I appreciate the courtesy, and I hope we can keep this between gentleman. If not, it's just forums :p


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Wow....really, Nazis, KKK, Ed Gein?!?!?!? So since I quote the Bible I'm on the same terms as Hitler, racists, and a killer. Great comparison.

I was pointing out that just because someone refers to the Bible, does not necessarily mean they are right. Nazis, KKK, and Ed Gein are all great examples of using the Bible but doing things we wouldnt agree with. Marten Luther King- great guy who used the Bible that did things we agree with.

We've got a lot of things in common with the nazis. Like breathing, for example.


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this is a topic about athiest not god, so how can you in one posts change topic, and then a mere two post later sit thee and talk about sticking to topic? How doe sone take serious your debated side of arguemnt when you cant even stay on track? *ponders that*

and thaqt highlited was towards me wasent it:(

and the other part was directed at random guy. it's nothing personal, i just want some actual discussion.

the title of the thread is "for all you atheists out there..." i took that to mean this as a thread for atheists. but the title is obviously snide to attract attention to the propisition that atheists dont believe they have meaning in their lives because God wont remember them. It attracted attention, and who didn't see this dissolving into believers vs zealous non-believers?


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While I have no time with religion, I do believe in God. If you look around and see the wonderful things in our world and the Universe it seems highly unlikely to me that they just got there with a series of explosions. If you blew a load of things up, you'd never create anything as awesome as what is in our universe. I do have a problem with how a lot of religions percieve God though. I find it very strange that God would want to burn people forever in hell for simply exercising the free will he gave us.

The universe is a pretty awesome place. I dont think that proves there is a God (see puddle argument), but it is a pretty notion.

All Else Failed

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The big bang isnt set in concrete or anything, but I think its far more likely than a god existing. In fact, once you think about it the big bang is far more probable than anything stated in the bible about creation.

Here's a good website if any of you have any question on evolution:
Understanding Evolution

And for all of you "because its beautiful there must be a creator" advocates:
Category:Creationist claims - EvoWiki


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You have a similar faith to those that you spend so much effort attempting to knock down. The belief in a greater being is identical to the belief that life is random. There is no, and will never be any proof either way, as well as powerful questions that cannot be answered.

Belief that the center of all things comes from randomness or a higher power are similar in that they both point out we don't know what's going on. but they are far from the same thing. and powerful questions that have no answers, and a few proposed answers that many people are divided on, is prime picking for discussion.

I think we agree here, we're just saying it differently. There are obviously prime differences in the two theories, granted. However, the faith required to accept either of them is identical. Building a model of explanation is important to help us scientifically solve any issue, but the evolution model is in a constant state of flux. What we 'know' today, tomorrow we will find either an exception to, or find that we were mistaken, but will then 'know' the truth. Scientifically speaking, the creation theory fits all information we have available, and has done so constantly for thousands of years. Because the idea of a creator is difficult to accept, does not negate the scientific principal in this case.

How was eyesight evolved for example? Must you be correct, or is there room in your mind that other possibilities exist?

There is no definitive way to prove how anything evolved, or even that evolution is the exact way it happened. we can only weigh the evidence, propose our theories, and discuss until we can believe in one beyond a reasonable doubt or get tired of it all and jump into the humor section. I hope there is room in my mind for other possibilities to exist, but if not, I hope everyone has the ability to forgive me for being stubborn.

Again, I agree with you. The only item I take issue with is the fact that while you do say "or even that evolution is the exact way it happened," you are still adamant that creation could Not have happened, despite the lack of any evidence to the contrary.

Do you not find it at all disingenuous to crusade your beliefs when it is so offensive to you when others do the same?

I have made no secret that I'm letting off steam, and aggressively arguing my thoughts as I have been brings up some interesting ethical questions, but that will be for another time. About others doing the same- they believe they are right and helping people live healthier, I just happen to disagree with their beliefs.

Fair enough. We've all been there, and you have been honest about it.

You are obviously educated guys, and I enjoyed your post about the world being flat earlier, but that is a two edged sword my friend. Science and academia told us the world was flat; The Bible told us it was round, and hanging in space. A thousand years ago, you were a foolish simpleton if you believed the Earth was any shape but flat. You could be killed in higher institutions of learning if you put forth a theory that the Earth was not the center of the universe.
You mock the church for inconsistency, but your own thoughts on life are based solely on an ever changing set of ideas. Tomorrow, this information will be dated and foolish, so you'll believe something else. The teachings of the church has no doubt changed emphasis over the years, but it is still based on the text it was based on 2000 yeas ago. These teaching, as well as the politics of the church are well documented in history for better or for worse.

I have no objections, it was reasonable to think the world was flat because normally any other way we all would have fallen off the earth! It gets even worse than that. Scientists felt they empirically proved black people inferior to white people, the nazis swayed the masses by applying darwanism to people and claiming themselves as the master race. Science is not immune to people using accepted customs for malice.


But science is based on the belief that we can be wrong, and probably will be wrong unless we devote ourselves to trial and error. Religion prides itself on being the final answer, an unwavering guideline for how we should live our lives. It's all there in the Bible 2000 years ago, weren't we dumb for not seeing it before? I don't think that's an appropriate way to get answers.

I disagree. Science is not based on the belief that we can be and probably will be wrong. Science is based on giving us answers to questions through the power of observation.... Not questions to questions (which unfortunately we tend to find anyway).

I appreciate the courtesy, and I hope we can keep this between gentleman. If not, it's just forums :p

Dude!!.... :) Somebody who speaks my language!!

Stay cool. :cool


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I think we agree here, we're just saying it differently. There are obviously prime differences in the two theories, granted. However, the faith required to accept either of them is identical.

it isnt a big leap of faith to say we don't know exactly what's going on, and that we could be wrong. it's very sad when you don't leave that 5% chance of things not working out as you planned.

Building a model of explanation is important to help us scientifically solve any issue, but the evolution model is in a constant state of flux. What we 'know' today, tomorrow we will find either an exception to, or find that we were mistaken, but will then 'know' the truth. Scientifically speaking, the creation theory fits all information we have available, and has done so constantly for thousands of years. Because the idea of a creator is difficult to accept, does not negate the scientific principal in this case.

you didnt really think I could let you say "Scientifically speaking, the creation theory fits all information we have available" with out backing it up, did you? As for evolution being in a constant state of flux, you seem to think that as a bad thing. Sure scientists say they know when dinosaurs existed, but what they really mean is that's what all their evidence points to and it's the most reasonable explanation for the finding. Agreeing with already respected scientific principles is a plus, not a command. Evolution could be thrown out tomorrow if the evidence is good enough, but odds are it won't.

Again, I agree with you. The only item I take issue with is the fact that while you do say "or even that evolution is the exact way it happened," you are still adamant that creation could Not have happened, despite the lack of any evidence to the contrary.

We have a bunch of bones. Like a crime scene, we're trying to figure out what happened. While anything is possible (even Creation), I think evolution is more likely. Creationism is very unlikely in my mind. That's why I'm on Team Atheist :D

I disagree. Science is not based on the belief that we can be and probably will be wrong. Science is based on giving us answers to questions through the power of observation.... Not questions to questions (which unfortunately we tend to find anyway).

every single time i do a science lab write up i have to write about human error. we've been searching for increasingly accurate values for the acceleration due to gravity, the speed of light, and pi. Science is based on giving us answers to questions through the power of observation, and is based on the belief that we can be and probably will be wrong unless we devote ourselves to finding the right answers.

my friend's doctor was arrested recently, and it made the news. read it. you might find it amusing, you might not.
Captain America Arrested With Burrito In Pants - News Story - WFTV Orlando


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you didnt really think I could let you say "Scientifically speaking, the creation theory fits all information we have available" with out backing it up, did you?

I don't have to back it up per say. What is a scientific theory to you? We observe something, then we use logic and testing (if possible) to explain what we see. When we come up with something that fits the facts, we put the theory stamp on it. Later, when we can prove this theory, it graduates to law. Our universe is something we can observe. Its origins cannot be tested. If a creator existed, and made all of these wonderful things we see, it would fit all of the facts. Hence ‘scientific theory.’ I know it sounds absurd to you, but I think it is similar to the absurdity you would have expected if 3000 years ago if somebody told you people lived underneath the world, and didn't fall off.

As for evolution being in a constant state of flux, you seem to think that as a bad thing.

Nope. Not this guy. An incomplete theory is always in a state of flux as it is being formed. Almost by definition, it is either evolving (ha-ha), or being ignored. There is no shame in the time it takes to build an idea. It takes time, data, and information. When things come along that look different than you expected, you have to re-asses, re-calculate, and continue on. I’m very cool with that.

What I do look at as a bad thing is the idea of this incomplete theory being looked at and taught as law. It hasn’t even finished the first step, but people have such great faith in the idea, that they are unwilling to entertain a complete theory on the subject.

We have a bunch of bones. Like a crime scene, we're trying to figure out what happened. While anything is possible (even Creation), I think evolution is more likely. Creationism is very unlikely in my mind. That's why I'm on Team Atheist :D

That makes perfect sense to me. You have looked at the information we have available, and feel that one idea has more merit than the other. Nobody can argue with that, but they can see things differently.

every single time i do a science lab write up i have to write about human error. we've been searching for increasingly accurate values for the acceleration due to gravity, the speed of light, and pi. Science is based on giving us answers to questions through the power of observation, and is based on the belief that we can be and probably will be wrong unless we devote ourselves to finding the right answers.

Hmmm... Well, I think the best way for me to describe what I think about this is that I disagree with the spirit of what you're saying. Human error is a fact of life, and must be taken into account in everything that we do. As our technology and background information become more developed, we are constantly calibrating our information, but I still don't see science as being based on a belief that we will be wrong. :confused It's possible I just don’t understand what you're saying, but it's equally possible that we simply disagree. :)

my friend's doctor was arrested recently, and it made the news. read it. you might find it amusing, you might not.
Captain America Arrested With Burrito In Pants - News Story - WFTV Orlando

LOL. That'll be tough to explain!!

On a side note here, I am one of science's biggest fans. I'm big into technology, creating our future, understanding what is happening around us, etc.... It can be misunderstood that creationists are somehow against science. I don't think this could be further from the truth.