for all you atheists out there...

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Since god is all knowing, and he supposedly created us, he knows what will happen to us and how we will act. Therefore, he must have predestined us to act a certain way since humans acting out of true free will would be somehting that is out of his power, and if something is out of his power he cannot be all powerful.

that's where the meta-good and the meta-evil come in. the crime and poverty and disease we face are all somehow better for us in the long run. you know. because it's all in His plan.

then theres the free will argument. God gave us free will because He loves us and the troubles we face are our fault. like huricanes and diseases and drought.

and while God is supposedly all powerful, there are no claims that He has supernatural work ethic. He did take sunday off, why not take the rest of eternity off as well?
(watchmaker argument)
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All Else Failed

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that's where the meta-good and the meta-evil come in. the crime and poverty and disease we face are all somehow better for us in the long run. you know. because it's all in His plan.

then theres the free will argument. God gave us free will because He loves us and the troubles we face are our fault. like huricanes and diseases and drought.

and while God is supposedly all powerful, there are no claims that He has supernatural work ethic. He did take sunday off, why not take the rest of eternity off as well?
(watchmaker argument)

Free will is impossible with the Christian god, since he already knows how you will act, he knows if you are going to enter into heaven or hell befor hand, making your choices in life meaningless.


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shame on you, all else failed.

maybe predestination is acceptable in calvanism, but you know good old catholicism teaches God gave us free will because He loves us. And if we do something 'wrong' by choice, it's because we're ignorant to His love.

and what's this nonsense about Him knowing whether you are going to heaven or hell before hand?

"All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.” -Palahniuk 3:16

All Else Failed

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That couldn't be more wrong.

God knows all ------> He knows how we will act.

Since he knows all, he will know how we will act ------> He makes us that way

A god that knows all, and makes beings that he already knows the outcome of their lives, is predestination. Since he knows how we will act, when we will sin and such, he already knows who will go to hell or not. Your actions in this life are meaningless.


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so im in a bad mood and in for a good god debate.

i see people look towards god and religion as a moral compass. i guess that's reasonable, but it's in no way infallible. some believers tell non-believers and people they dont agree with to read a bible, get their morals straight.

thats just absurd.

the bible has been used by the nazis and the kkk. Ed Gein's mother read him the bible every night. google him. anti-abortionists tell pregnant 12 yr olds raped by their fathers that they better keep that baby, soley on the Word of this 'good book.' it's also been used by the good Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

so not everyone who quotes the bible is wrong, it's just that it's so damn big and vague (like Parka pointed out) that you can use it for any number of agendas. reading the bible alone certainly isnt going to make you a good person. so where does that leave us but back to relying on our own beliefs? there is no moral compass, but a moral triangulation between experience, democracy, and rational thinking.

and whats this highest power stuff? so far as i see it, we're in a neverending story of constantly trying to find deeper and deeper truths. if this is God, fine. But to characterize that as some kind supreme being that will always help you out when in trouble is a gross perversion of that to me. it cuts a person off from having faith in what will actually pull them through the situation: themselves. The Powers that Be are nothing to The Powers of Being.

There are obvious flaws in an omnipotent omniscient all-benevolent being, especially with all the violence in the Old Testament. And again to dwell on the absurdity of taking the Bible literally:

2 Kings 2:23 (New International Version)
23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!"

24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

theres ridiculous stuff in the NT too.

but to get back to the subject matter:

" im not mistaken, you all believe that there are no godlike beings, thus no afterlife. when you die, you die, end of discussion.

but i have a question...normally when you cannot remember something, its as if that never happened (like infant years). so when you die, your brain ceases to function, so you cant remember ANYTHING. therefore, from your perspective, you never existed."

there is a big difference between not being remembered and not existing. Hitler killed the jews, but they grew back- so its like the Holocoust never happened, right?

atheists will be remembered by their actions and the memories of their loved ones, just like theists.

and the argument foamy the squirrel back there poses sounds really solipsist to me. solipsism involves only believing in yourself and in some versions some kind of supernatural force. thats it. the people around you are only puppets of this supernatural force thats playing with you. its very hard to debunk, but leads to a lot of philosophies many people would disagree with.

yeah. im atheist. and proud of it. bring it on.


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ok im tired of this post so ill put my two cents in

one wether you think your right or think your wrong your right.

two we fight for freedom of speech so who gives a hell.

three if your athesiest more power to you, if your a god man then peace to you when you die....

its an illusion i side with the massiah everything is an illusion, and we can debate this subject down to the nigtty gritty end but for what, when we die were not gonna arugte bout it....if the athiesist are right then theres no chance of arguing cause we just wont be anymore and non of this will have mattered.....if gods people are right then we wont argue anymore because all the athieset will be in hell and you just dont argue in heaven im guesing? and if end up in hell im sure the last thing on our minds is 'ill be damned they were wrong we were right' or vice versa.

i personally belive theres osmething out there, but i dont know what, i dont go to church but i pray, but i dont pray to god i just pray, i dont belive that any one relegion is right that would be just stupid.

oh well theres my two cents, and i can finally say good ridence to this thread.


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its a question im not ready to put down. its a scab everyone wants to pick at occasionally, its the elephant in the room that this forum is here for to discuss.

so lets discuss it.


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but thats the thing its been discussed this thread has been going for 25 strong days now...but neither aside can agree...or hell even agree to disagree, i was just tired of seeing ialways pop up on my new threads tab, and i was like hell i guess ill contribute;) but yeah i put my two cents in with everyone else and im not gonna argue or "debate" about who is right and who is wrong, cause peronsally i dont care, live free, live strong, thats my motto, first amendemnt is here for us to decidde how we want to without any ....oh hell im outtie


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but thats the thing its been discussed this thread has been going for 25 strong days now...but neither aside can agree...or hell even agree to disagree, i was just tired of seeing ialways pop up on my new threads tab, and i was like hell i guess ill contribute;) but yeah i put my two cents in with everyone else and im not gonna argue or "debate" about who is right and who is wrong, cause peronsally i dont care, live free, live strong, thats my motto, first amendemnt is here for us to decidde how we want to without any ....oh hell im outtie

but its ALWAYS on peoples mind. if you delete the thread people will just make a new one. and while its great that you're giving a voice to all the people that are tired of this thread, i really want to hear from someone thats still interested in it.

All Else Failed

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so im in a bad mood and in for a good god debate.

i see people look towards god and religion as a moral compass. i guess that's reasonable, but it's in no way infallible. some believers tell non-believers and people they dont agree with to read a bible, get their morals straight.

thats just absurd.

the bible has been used by the nazis and the kkk. Ed Gein's mother read him the bible every night. google him. anti-abortionists tell pregnant 12 yr olds raped by their fathers that they better keep that baby, soley on the Word of this 'good book.' it's also been used by the good Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

so not everyone who quotes the bible is wrong, it's just that it's so damn big and vague (like Parka pointed out) that you can use it for any number of agendas. reading the bible alone certainly isnt going to make you a good person. so where does that leave us but back to relying on our own beliefs? there is no moral compass, but a moral triangulation between experience, democracy, and rational thinking.

and whats this highest power stuff? so far as i see it, we're in a neverending story of constantly trying to find deeper and deeper truths. if this is God, fine. But to characterize that as some kind supreme being that will always help you out when in trouble is a gross perversion of that to me. it cuts a person off from having faith in what will actually pull them through the situation: themselves. The Powers that Be are nothing to The Powers of Being.

There are obvious flaws in an omnipotent omniscient all-benevolent being, especially with all the violence in the Old Testament. And again to dwell on the absurdity of taking the Bible literally:

2 Kings 2:23 (New International Version)
23 From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some youths came out of the town and jeered at him. "Go on up, you baldhead!" they said. "Go on up, you baldhead!"

24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the LORD. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the youths.

theres ridiculous stuff in the NT too.

but to get back to the subject matter:

" im not mistaken, you all believe that there are no godlike beings, thus no afterlife. when you die, you die, end of discussion.

but i have a question...normally when you cannot remember something, its as if that never happened (like infant years). so when you die, your brain ceases to function, so you cant remember ANYTHING. therefore, from your perspective, you never existed."

there is a big difference between not being remembered and not existing. Hitler killed the jews, but they grew back- so its like the Holocoust never happened, right?

atheists will be remembered by their actions and the memories of their loved ones, just like theists.

and the argument foamy the squirrel back there poses sounds really solipsist to me. solipsism involves only believing in yourself and in some versions some kind of supernatural force. thats it. the people around you are only puppets of this supernatural force thats playing with you. its very hard to debunk, but leads to a lot of philosophies many people would disagree with.

yeah. im atheist. and proud of it. bring it on.

100% agreed.


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lol silly person you, im not talking about deleting it! lol i was just saying i dont plan on coming back afeter i posted, but your just so intriguing...seriously though now lol ive said my part ive contributed, and i wish you luck on your crusade to debate this subect with someone!


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and some people say "you cant prove God doesn't exist"

we cant prove monsters under our beds dont exist either to an empirical fact.

we check under the bed, theres nothing there. the child says he's hiding in the closet now. we check the closet, and now the child says hes hiding under the bed again. with supernatural speed that we cant see the monster goes back and forth from the closet and the bed- whichever one we're not looking at.

the child goes to bed every night, each night complaining of the monster going to get him, and every morning waking up fine. despite months of waking up fine, the child still insists the monsters watching him, going to punish him for being such a bold boy.

eventually the child gets sick, and he insists its because of the monster. he leaves a sandwich under the bed everynight so the monster will make him better. and everymorning he finds the sandwich gone.

eventually he starts to feel better, and he gloats to his parents "LOOK LOOK! the monster forgave me, see? he made me better." The parents tell him it was the medicine, and that the sandwiches explain why the dog has been sick lately.

then a new thought comes to the child "THE MONSTER MADE FLUFFY SICK TOO!!"

atheists cant force theists to believe theres no god, theres a never ending series of questions and excuses and amendments to keep the theory alive. but we can keep challenging those theories, and reduce the belief down to next to nothing, to the point we can all assume that the odds are there is no god. and if there is, its better off we dont believe in Him.

if anyone goes pascal's wager, im going to get on a soap box bitch slap.


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Pascal's Wager goes that there is more to lose in not believing in God than there is in believing in God.

you cant just willfully believe in something when you honestly don't.

there's plenty to lose by believing God, or believing in the wrong God, for those that believe that your God/Godess/Gods will smite you if you dont follow their religion.

i know what you're saying. But memento, what if God manifests himself in different ways to different people? Allah, Buddah, Flying Spaghetti Monster- they're all the same being.

well if they are, they have different morals. once upon a time it was common practice to sacrifice people, which is revolting by todays standards. its much easier to accept that different cultures have different values over different times.

no, no, no- people intrinsically know whats right and wrong in their hearts. sure people used to sacrifice people back then, but deep down they knew it was wrong. or they were morally ignorant, or something. surely we have the right answers now.

how do you have the right answers now? how do you know? because God's on your side? is God on your side with anti-gay marriage, anti-abortion, anti-condoms? you cant be wrong, God's on your side. And if you are wrong, it was just your mistake- you were just trying to follow God's word the best you could, even though you just heard it from a preacher with out thinking it yourself. meanwhile peoples lives are being fucked up. whoops!

All Else Failed

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You're comparing a deity that millions, maybe billions believe in to something from a child's imagination after being told something scary?

People thought the earth was flat once. They also thought mental disorders where caused by witchcraft. Is it that far off of an idea to say a large sum of people could be delusional?


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You're comparing a deity that millions, maybe billions believe in to something from a child's imagination after being told something scary?

yes. yes i am. in a rather offensive manner. because the model makes sense to me, and if im wrong, i want the millions, maybe billions who believe and are willing to find the flaws in the logic, to point out the faults.

im temporarily happy. its my 100th post. probably could have made it better.