for all you atheists out there...

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Death sucks but believing in fairy stories isn't going to change that.

i believe in life after death, but even if i'm wrong, i think trying to be a better person in life won't have been a terrible waste, and if i'm wrong i'll probably never find out anyway, and we'll all have the same fate regardless, and i guess that wouldn't be so bad, but i've been convinced of one belief over the other, and i'll at least try to stay on the path i've chosen...

Minor Axis

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i believe in life after death, but even if i'm wrong, i think trying to be a better person in life won't have been a terrible waste, and if i'm wrong i'll probably never find out anyway, and we'll all have the same fate regardless, and i guess that wouldn't be so bad, but i've been convinced of one belief over the other, and i'll at least try to stay on the path i've chosen...

That sounds good to me as long as you stay open minded. With really no proof, I also believe in a spiritual life after death because if we are created, grow up, raise a family, work for 40-100 years, die and then there is nothing, what exactly is the point? Why even bother? A spiritual life is just as good as any guess. :)


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I have really enjoyed this thread. Lots of good points going both ways. Especially by Intruder and Momento. If I were more intelligent I might make an attempt to reply but I am not. I have my beliefs because of personal experience as much as testing and proving things to be true. There are many proofs for the Bible, the finding of David's City, Hebrew/Egyptian carvings on stones in the desert etc etc. At the same time there is no "100% verifiable proof" either way, as its been said many times here.

You can't prove there is a God and you can't prove there isn't. My opinion. With that said let the debate continue until we get that proof. :)

Minor Axis

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Thread revival! Sam Harris Believes in God- Newsweek. Interesting article for you Atheists. Sam Harris an outspoken Atheist talks about his spirituality.

Harris is in town promoting The Moral Landscape, his new book. Even here, he briefly explores the connections between spiritual experience—especially an experience of selflessness—and human happiness. “I see nothing irrational about seeking the states of mind that lie at the core of many religions. Compassion, awe, devotion and feelings of oneness are surely among the most valuable experiences a person can have,” he writes. Over lunch, he says with a smile how much he looks forward to working on the next project, which will allow him to pull back, after six long years, and focus on things that support human flourishing. “Ecstasy, rapture, bliss, concentration, a sense of the sacred—I’m comfortable with all of that,” says Harris later. “I think all of that is indispensable and I think it’s frankly lost on much of the atheist community.”

The answer to the question “Do you believe in God?” comes down to this: It depends on what you mean by “God.” The God Harris doesn’t believe in is, as he puts it, a “supernatural power” and “a personal deity who hears prayers and takes an interest in how people live.” This God and its subscribers he finds unreasonable. But he understands that many people—especially in progressive corners of organized religion and among the “spiritual but not religious”—often mean something else. They equate God with “love” or “justice” or “singing in church” or “that feeling I get on a walk in the woods,” or even “the awesome aspects of existence I’ll never understand.”


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The question "Do you believe in God?" is becoming less and less meaningful as the definition of God becomes more and more vague. If God is love then I pity the person who doesn't believe. I am an atheist but I don't really find that a useful designator. It is much better to tell someone I'm a humanist. That tells you what I do believe instead of a single vague thing that I don't believe.

I would much rather know if someone believes in peace on earth, good will toward men, treat others the way you wish to be treated, etc. than if they believe in God. People who believe in God have burned people like me alive before. People who don't believe in God have also done terrible things. Belief in God really tells you nothing about a person.


In Memoriam - RIP
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I agree. If you think there isnt an afterlife, dont talk to me about it.Cause I wanna hold on to my one small candy coated piece of reality. Let me believe that there is someone out there that sees when I do something good. Let me believe that I am blessed. I dont see the hurt in it at all.