
Execution as a form of punishment?

  • I think execution should be a form of punishment

    Votes: 15 60.0%
  • I do not think execution should be a form of punishment

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  • Could care less

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For instance, this motherfucker deserves to die
and if you call it revenge, so be it. If you call it justice, so be it. Just don't call it murder, because that's what HE did.
I'm sick of people calling execution "state-sponsored murder."
They both bring about death. Yes. No shit, sherlock. But they are NOT one in the same. To suggest so is idiocy.

Jessica Lunsford - murdered
John Couey - executed not soon enough.

HUGE difference, capiche?
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Peter Parka

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For the millionth time I am not religious.
And if you aren't a believer you have no business judging me. And if you are pay attention to your own walk with Christ or should I remove that plank of wood from your eye?

So is this your best comeback Peter? A comment to try and insult or offend me? You must not have anything factual to say if this is what you are going to resort yourself to.


I've actually read the Bible cover to cover , have you? Because for someone who reckons they admire Jesus (well your avatar seems to indicate that) you sure havent got his compasionate forgiving nature seeing you even go so far as neg repping me for what I said! Jesus came across as a compsionate forgiving guy when I read the Bible, can't say its worn off on certain followers!


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I've actually read the Bible cover to cover , have you? Because for someone who reckons they admire Jesus (well your avatar seems to indicate that) you sure havent got his compasionate forgiving nature seeing you even go so far as neg repping me for what I said! Jesus came across as a compsionate forgiving guy when I read the Bible, can't say its worn off on certain followers!
Yes I sure did neg rep you for attacking me in this thread for no reason. I'll leave this last post of yours to the staff of this board.
You are out of line.

Instead of attacking others with your remarks, check your own behavior. You are the only one judging here.

Peter Parka

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Before removing the straw from your brothers eye, remove the rafter from your own. Did I neg rep you when you implied I thought drink driving was ok because I said people should be able to buy a beer if they want? No! Seriously, attitudes like yours justify why I think religion is so bad and Jesus and God are fucking arseholes!


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No! Seriously, attitudes like yours justify why I think religion is so bad and Jesus and God are fucking arseholes!
I don't have a bad attitude Peter. You are the one that is throwing around insults and attacking here.

If you think Jesus and God are f*cking arsesholes, that is your right to do so, but don't try laying your blaming negativity onto me.

Peter Parka

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No, seriously, I've had extremely bad times with religion and I'm still suffering from it now. I try and take people for what they are are but when hypocritical Bible bashers like you come out with crap like this it really makes me realise why I hate religion so much!


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No, seriously, I've had extremely bad times with religion and I'm still suffering from it now. I try and take people for what they are are but when hypocritical Bible bashers like you come out with crap like this it really makes me realise why I hate religion so much!
I am sorry you had a bad time with your religion Peter.
I'm also sorry that you think I am a hypocritical Bible basher. I love God and I do not see how I have done anything in this thread to show otherwise. I also do not see where you fit into my personal relationship with Him.

I'd appreciate it if you would stop insulting me now. Thanks.

Peter Parka

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Wow! This really backs up your wonderfull Biblicall views about frying people in the electric chair!

Rom 12:19 (NIV) Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

Surely God has more power to pour wrath on our enemies than we do, and He surely sees the evil done all to clearly. So the thought may strike us to let Him do the dirty work. But when we think this through, it may not turn out as the carnal man within us might like. For let us face the plain fact that God has this habit of forgiving people and extending great mercy, at least for the time being.
So... we may not see fire from heaven come down to consume those we wish would receive God's vengeance. It is not that He is letting them off by some magic or deflection of mind, it is just that He may take the painful punishment Himself. Prov 24:17 (NAS) Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles.

All Else Failed

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There are certain motherfuckers that DESERVE to die for what they did. If that reckoning has the flavor of revenge to it, so be it. I don't see that as a bad thing. Justifiable revenge, if you want to call it that.

For instance, this motherfucker deserves to die
and if you call it revenge, so be it. If you call it justice, so be it. Just don't call it murder, because that's what HE did.
Calling execution state-sponsored murder is political. Arguably, so it calling it justifiable revenge, so I'll hand you that. But what exectuion is, regardless of its politically branded moniker, is the highest order of punishment. It's closure. There is no more after that. Life in prison carries tomorrow. There is no tomorrow in execution. It's the end. And that's what some people deserve.

People like John Evander Couey, who kidnapped from her own bed a nine year old girl named Jessica Lunsford, repeatedly raped her, kept her hidden in a closet for three days, then bound her arms together with speaker wire, placed her in two plastic garbage bags and buried her ALIVE. When authorities found her body, they discovered the skeletonized remains of two of her fingers poked through the bags, because she tried to dig her way out before she asphixyated.

Now Tim, et al you tell me if JEC did that to Logan you would want that man to live. I don't know Jessica Lunsford from Eve, but I can tell you that John Couey deserves to die for what he did to her.

Certain people deserved to die for their crimes.
Revenge is different from justice.

Calling execution state mandated murder isn't political, its the truth. Really though, what is the difference between a murderer and the guy who puts the leathal injection into the murderer's arm? Nothing.


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Wow! This really backs up your wonderfull Biblicall views about frying people in the electric chair!

Rom 12:19 (NIV) Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.

Surely God has more power to pour wrath on our enemies than we do, and He surely sees the evil done all to clearly. So the thought may strike us to let Him do the dirty work. But when we think this through, it may not turn out as the carnal man within us might like. For let us face the plain fact that God has this habit of forgiving people and extending great mercy, at least for the time being.
So... we may not see fire from heaven come down to consume those we wish would receive God's vengeance. It is not that He is letting them off by some magic or deflection of mind, it is just that He may take the painful punishment Himself. Prov 24:17 (NAS) Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles.
Rom 12:19 (NIV) Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
The Book of Romans was a letter written by Paul to believers/Christians in Rome to introduce him self to them and give them a sample of his message before he was to arrive there. Paul wrote this while he was in Corinth while preparing for his journey to Jerusalum, in which he was going to drop off a collection to the poor believers/Christians in Spain on his way. Paul planned to visit Rome after his drop off in Spain.

In chapter 12 Paul is talking about the responsibility believers/Christians are to behave in personal relationships with one another. Paul gives guidelines for redeemed believers/Christians living in a fallen world; telling them how they are to personally give themselves to Christ, obey the government, love their neighbors, and take care of those who are weak in faith.

If you would go on further to read chapter 13 in Romans, Paul then addresses the relationship between believers and the governing authorities.

Romans 13
Submission to the Authorities
1Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. 6This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. 7Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.

For let us face the plain fact that God has this habit of forgiving people and extending great mercy
Yes He does, but that still does not stop us from going through trials and tribulations and for suffering consequences of our actions. It is through these trials and tribulations that character is built, that we are humbled, that we grow, and for some it is their last chance to seek Him.

Prov 24:17 (NAS) Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles.
I love Solomon’s book of proverbs. It contains so much wisdom. Solomon describes where the beginning of wisdom comes from; he states that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

In Proverbs 24:17 Solomon is talking about gloating & revenge, not justice.

One of the consistent themes in the Bible regarding God’s character is justice.


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how did this become a religious debate...last i checked government and religion had nothing to do with each other.....LOL HAHAHAHAHAhahahaaaaa....phew i almost got thru that one with a straight face!!
ok guys, we seriously can't look at this from a religious point of view but from a legal and humanitarian point of view...
while i personally believe that the punishment should fit the crime (i.e. sex crimes resulting in castration, hate crimes resulting in decapitation etc) we have "cruel and unusual punishment" and "corporeal punishment" laws and well, we have to abide by them...(unless you are a republican in Cuba or abu graib then everything goes...)
so i think that a fitting punishment for someone who has commited unspeakable acts of murder and is a threat to society i believe the death penalty is a legitimate punishment...
why should we have concern for the right to life of someone who has no respect for another's right to life