1) I would phrase it differently...its not so much that I'm willing to kill innocent people as I am capable of making sacrifices for the greater good.
2) I do embrace the unknown, each and every day. Death is just one of many unknowns...I have no fear of death but I am in no particular rush to meet it. I'm the kind of person who would kill himself one day simply out of curiosity to see what else awaits, but there are plenty of unknowns held in life too. If I died this moment I would be perfectly fine with it though.
3) Oh, so you don't think democracy is a stable form of rule? You don't think an overwhelming majority of individuals with a common viewpoint should pass law and judgment? So what form of government DO you prefer?
4) I never said they lose ALL their rights, I suggest you learn the meaning of reading comprehension. I said many rights are revoked when a person is imprisoned, they still retain many rights but its not like they can't walk down to the store and buy a loaf of bread or visit their family.
5) Well, I will retract my statement that nobody ever changes...it can happen...most assuredly though we as a society need to progress much faster with the science of brain surgery and memory manipulation.
6) But ethics only exist as a means of basic law. I mean c'mon, all ethics really are is "if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours". No need to get emotional or spiritual about it whatsoever.
1) So how is killing an innocent man achieving any sort of "good"?
2) I agree that life has many unknowns, but if I read you correctly, you are too flippant in pushing your view of embracing the unknown (death) into other people's lives.
3) No, democracy is a great form of rule. I wouldn't prefer anything else (well, maybe slightly modified) but my point has nothing to do with voting. It has to do with hypocrisy.
"He killed someone! What a terrible thing to do! What a monster!"
"How should we deal out justice with this monster!?"
"I know, lets do the exact same thing to him, but its ok because we're acting out of fear and emotion and since a bunch of people say murdering someone back is ok, its MUST be ok!"
"three cheers for no common sense!"
Utter hypocrisy.
4) "Convicted murderers don't have rights". Thats an absolute statement, then you go on to say "many of their so called "rights" are revoked" which contradicts your aforementioned statement. Which is it?
5) Yes, Science can help us create better people, I agree with you there.
6) Ethics have nothing to do with spirituality. Logic and ethics go hand in hand, which are secular ideals. I am not clear on what you mean by "if you scratch my back I'll scratch yours". Ethics aren't about that.
I'm going to bed. I'll pick this up tomorrow. I THINK we may have started off on the wrong foot....haha. No hard feelings, eh?