Does pro-abortion have a real defense?

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And I love the people that say adoption is always an option. Way to live in reality.

There are over 1,200,000 abortions in the US every year.
There are only 150,000 adoptions per year with the vast majority of them being by biological relatives.
There are currently 500,000 children in foster care that nobody seems to want.

So if you think that all abortions are murder and adoption should be the choice, then what are we going to do with the extra 1,050,000 children that won't be adopted each year?
That number will be well over 10 million unwanted children in under ten years...

Tim I 100% agree and then people spend tons of money on Out of Country Adoptions.. People cannot even adopt children from their own country they have to look at others.. What is wrong with this picture and why do they go outside the US ( in this case ) to get children? Because they all want "NEWBORNS" as if other kids don't deserve a home. Why does a Newborn deserve a home more than a 3, 5 or even 7 year old. Makes me Fucken sick ( sorry )..

Through intercountry adoption, the legal transfer of parental rights from birth parent(s) to another parent(s) takes place. Over the last decade, U.S. families have adopted on average approximately 20,000 children from foreign nations each year.
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alice in chains

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When does it become complete

a day

a week

a month later


is taking a pill the day after having sex murder?

is a month old fetus complete?

The seperation from signle entity to a human is when the sperm fertilizes the egg and a heartbeat is developed.

Of course a fetus is not complete. Neither is a developing 10 year old child into adolescent but you donnot see me accusing it of not being human.

alice in chains

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And I love the people that say adoption is always an option. Way to live in reality.

There are over 1,200,000 abortions in the US every year.
There are only 150,000 adoptions per year with the vast majority of them being by biological relatives.
There are currently 500,000 children in foster care that nobody seems to want.

So if you think that all abortions are murder and adoption should be the choice, then what are we going to do with the extra 1,050,000 children that won't be adopted each year?
That number will be well over 10 million unwanted children in under ten years...

This guy actually believes from the way he posts that these kids will be euthanized like the stray animals of the street.

alice in chains

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pro lifers only care about the unborn while still being an unborn. once born, its no longer their problem and they no longer care about it because its not theirs to deal with! easy for them to make that call for someone who doesnt want it to begin with ;)

I have an unplanned son due in January and I've adapted my life to where I will be able to care for my family.

alice in chains

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I also agree that men can be the strongest ProLife voices. Usually because their girlfriend/wife made the decision w/out them.

I'm old enough to know a few women in the course of my life who were quite vocally ProLife! until they found themselves in a predicament. Suddenly they saw things in a nice big shade of Grey and understood that a woman's right to choose is indeed quite important.

I also agree that an abortion should never be used as routine birth control and that more education still is needed in our schools.

When you have kids thinking they can drink Mountain Dew and prevent pregnancy, you have problems. Funny how it seems to be those same kids were opted out of Sex Ed in school by their parents.

I know one thing for sure. Discussing it is like :horse because both sides lines are firmly drawn.

Since women have soul legal consent to abort without the mans consent, then hopefully men have zero financial obligation...hopefully it's that way or hope for humanity is doomed.

It confuses me how women can say I want to kill your baby even though you want it, yet the man has no say in his financial obligation if she happens to decide she wants it.

In other words, the woman has all the say and the man has to tag along with all the decisions. So, where's the actual sexism here? I doubt I'll get a rational answer, but may as well try and ask.

alice in chains

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everyone keeps on coming up with these crazy ass insane complications that all boil back to the same fucking solutions that donnot result in abortion except through a doctor's professional consent. it's really strange idk =I


Sarcasm is me :)
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everyone keeps on coming up with these crazy ass insane complications that all boil back to the same fucking solutions that donnot result in abortion except through a doctor's professional consent. it's really strange idk =I

Sorry you opened up the can of worms. Abortion has been a battle field for ages, before you were born people could not agree and still can't.. Do you honestly think you will make everyone love your idea.. :24:

And for the record, they are not crazy ass idea's, just contrary to yours or ones you can't come up with answers to..


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I'm with you there.

I'm also w/you somewhat on the Black. But then again, perhaps the woman knows it would be the wrong choice because of the man? For whatever reason. Say for example, he slaps her around. Do you really wanna get tied to this guy w/a kid? No. Your chances of being able to escape such a relationship are much easier when you're not dragging kids along w/you.
yeah, the marriage situation can vary many different ways. it just goes to prove that one should not judge a woman who gets one and/or why a woman has an abortion!

alice in chains

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I'm posting alot in this thread but think I'll throw a little extra thing in here...

A woman wants an abortion because she decides she's not ready to be a mom and asks her husband for a divorce. The man has no consent.

A man has a pregnant wife. He decides he's not ready to be a father and asks his wife for a divorce. SHE HAS NO CONSENT.

I say again, it's sexism and there's no logical or rational reason besides a medical emergency approved by a doctor.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Yes Allen... :tooth

I was sorta agreeing with you while running off the post.. Sometimes it doesn't sound that way after the fact.. Makes you sound ohhhhhhhh AA like ( hence a prick ) :D

Go ahead and fill in the blank

I was being gentle

I am not always a prick :D


Having way too much fun
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This guy actually believes from the way he posts that these kids will be euthanized like the stray animals of the street.

Don't dodge the fucking point. Where are all these kids going to go? Where are the millions of people that will be willing to adopt if abortion was made illegal?

I'll understand if you need a moment to go back and reread the post, but try addressing what I pointed out.
Where will all these kids go?

It has always amazed me that those who are against abortion are the same ones to advocate abstinence only education. Are the ones that want to cut social programs like Planned Parenthood which gives out free contraception and education.
There is so much truth behind the saying, Love the fetus, hate the child when it comes to describing these pro-life idiots.


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It has always amazed me that those who are against abortion are the same ones to advocate abstinence only education. Are the ones that want to cut social programs like Planned Parenthood which gives out free contraception and education.

There is so much truth behind the saying, Love the fetus, hate the child when it comes to describing these pro-life idiots.


alice in chains

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Don't dodge the fucking point. Where are all these kids going to go? Where are the millions of people that will be willing to adopt if abortion was made illegal?

I'll understand if you need a moment to go back and reread the post, but try addressing what I pointed out.
Where will all these kids go?

It has always amazed me that those who are against abortion are the same ones to advocate abstinence only education. Are the ones that want to cut social programs like Planned Parenthood which gives out free contraception and education.
There is so much truth behind the saying, Love the fetus, hate the child when it comes to describing these pro-life idiots.

Everyone here knows I think going the farthest reaches to preserve life is perfectly in order as long as it doesn't begin to do more damage than it does good.

Now on topic, if abortion was made illegal unwanted pregnancies would decline because people would know their attractive options have been I donnot see more children without homes, I see less unwanted pregnancies prevented. I don't at all believe in abstinence. That is a common trait among typical pro-life believers but I am not that way because it's unrealistic! Use condoms goddamnit and donnot go places where you're a vulnerable target. I don't believe in cutting Planned Parenthood, either. I'm all for avoiding unwanted kids but I strongly believe people have choices and responsibilities.


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Now on topic, if abortion was made illegal unwanted pregnancies would decline because people would know their attractive options have been I donnot see more children without homes, I see less unwanted pregnancies prevented.

I call bullshit. Do you REALLY think that an ABORTION is an "attractive option"??? Do you think the women that opt to get an abortion are just jumping for joy and doing cartwheels down the sidewalk??? It's not a cakewalk - and many women struggle with their decision.

Taking away a woman's right to choose only ends up with women abandoning infants, keeping their pregnancies secret (then giving birth on the toilet and throwing the baby into a dumpster), attempting to give themselves an abortion OR going to see a back-alley abortion doctor. Why don't you take a look at what women were doing to get rid of an foetus BEFORE Roe VS Wade.

I don't at all believe in abstinence. That is a common trait among typical pro-life believers but I am not that way because it's unrealistic! Use condoms goddamnit and donnot go places where you're a vulnerable target. I don't believe in cutting Planned Parenthood, either. I'm all for avoiding unwanted kids but I strongly believe people have choices and responsibilities.

To the bolded: With abstinence only education, there are teens and young adults who don't even KNOW how to use a condom or might be embarrassed to BUY condoms. And even when it's a fucking pro using a condom, it's still only 80% effective. Sounds like you might need to buy a clue when it comes to birth control education.

To the underlined: Why don't you just go tell a woman who has been raped that it's all her fault??? Your lack of sensitivity is sad and disgusting.

Finally... here's a novel concept... IF YOU DON'T LIKE ABORTION, DON'T FUCKING HAVE ONE. Stunningly simple, really.

alice in chains

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I call bullshit. Do you REALLY think that an ABORTION is an "attractive option"??? Do you think the women that opt to get an abortion are just jumping for joy and doing cartwheels down the sidewalk??? It's not a cakewalk - and many women struggle with their decision.

Taking away a woman's right to choose only ends up with women abandoning infants, keeping their pregnancies secret (then giving birth on the toilet and throwing the baby into a dumpster), attempting to give themselves an abortion OR going to see a back-alley abortion doctor. Why don't you take a look at what women were doing to get rid of an foetus BEFORE Roe VS Wade.

To the bolded: With abstinence only education, there are teens and young adults who don't even KNOW how to use a condom or might be embarrassed to BUY condoms. And even when it's a fucking pro using a condom, it's still only 80% effective. Sounds like you might need to buy a clue when it comes to birth control education.

To the underlined: Why don't you just go tell a woman who has been raped that it's all her fault??? Your lack of sensitivity is sad and disgusting.

Finally... here's a novel concept... IF YOU DON'T LIKE ABORTION, DON'T FUCKING HAVE ONE. Stunningly simple, really.

bluhhghh fuck it here we go again:

It is an attractive option COMPARED to the other options available like keeping a child you gave birth to due to a rape. Sorry, until this moment I didn't know how to make it more clear. I donnot think it's an easy decision for them; I simply believe it's wrong, that's all I ever implied.

It's stupid to think taking their rights of abortion away will result in child abandonment. Why in the hell would they be abandoned when they can clearly give it up for adoption at the fucking hospital? There's no perfect answer and not everything can be controlled. Anyone who tries to perform an at-home abortion is seriously fucked up in the head before the pregnancy...which is probably how they got pregnant to begin with...not being bright enough to avoid it.

Who cares if teenagers are embarassed. Get the fuck over it. Condoms plus birth control pills used by women should do the trick. (birth control pills kill the sperm, not the fertilized egg before I'm accused of being a hypocrite.) How is defending a life being insensitive to the woman? I never once mocked or didn't feel compassion for the woman. You seem to be the delusional one.


Having way too much fun
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(birth control pills kill the sperm, not the fertilized egg before I'm accused of being a hypocrite.)

Birth control pills do absolutely nothing to the sperm.

And this right here folks is why we need better sex education in the public schools.

It is people like this that don't even understand how birth control works that end up with unwanted pregnancies... right?

alice in chains

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Birth control pills do absolutely nothing to the sperm.

And this right here folks is why we need better sex education in the public schools.

It is people like this that don't even understand how birth control works that end up with unwanted pregnancies... right?

thank you! i actually didn't realize i was wrong, so i did a little research and found what they actually do


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I'm not delusional. I'm a realist.

It's obvious that you're utterly oblivious as to how desperate a woman could get before Roe vs Wade was passed. Why don't you take a gander at ??? It's an essay by a physician (graphic) who worked in an ER and "fixed" botched illegal abortions.

And I cannot believe that you thought that BIRTH CONTROL PILLS could kill sperm. WTF????

A foetus is NOT a baby. If it can't live outside the host (viability) then it is nothing more than a parasite.