Does pro-abortion have a real defense?

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I love that kind of argument. The man is no where to be seen in the picture unless the ***** is looking for money to raise the child. God forbid if the man would want to keep the child.

It seems that's the logical disadvantage of not being able to carry it oneself.

alice in chains

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I was making the point of the next day. Which would be long before there is even a sign of there being a fetus. If a fetus is to be given human rights then is an egg or sperm also to be given the same status??

As to the point regarding the males rights I agree there is a double standard. Not sure what can be done about that. Tis a very windy road to travel eh

an egg or sperm is not complete. it takes the two to create a fetus...


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I love that kind of argument. The man is no where to be seen in the picture unless the ***** is looking for money to raise the child. God forbid if the man would want to keep the child.

That really is too bad, men need to get that clear message

alice in chains

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Fuck yes. Well done for condemning a couple to raising a child that they don't want, or can't support, or which has severe disabilities, or even which hey, might kill it's own mother due to complications. Life isn't sacred, quality of life should be. I don't support the idea that every cell is special. Life just is - there's nothing special or unique about life, even plants live.

I am pro-choice. I would prefer that abortion didn't have to be an option, but there are circumstances in which I think it is a better choice than having a baby that's going to have no quality of life. I would rather that any child that is born, be wanted and supported.

I also agree with Pan, that the key to reducing abortions is not to make them more difficult to receive - the people who abuse the system are not the majority. The focus should be on preventing the pregnancy in the first place, through contraception and information.

Interestingly, it always seems to be men who shout the loudest about being 'pro-life'.

Not all life starts with quality, so abort!

Once again, unless it's a medical emergency which a doctor has confirmed, there is always adoption. Do people really stand behind their desire to not have to resort to abortion? If they did, this explanation would be enough.

And it seems like mostly women are pro-choice because they hate the fact the choices to avoid abortion are there, but they donnot like them.


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And it seems like mostly women are pro-choice because they hate the fact the choices to avoid abortion are there, but they donnot like them.

That has to be the most offensive, sexist shit i have read here today

You really hate women that much?
That is a sad statement


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The problem with that argument is, where do you draw the line?

If technology allowed a mother to find out that her child was going to be born gay, and she felt that she couldn't bear having a gay child, should she be able to get an abortion?
read below....

I see what you're trying to say, but there's a huge difference between a disability, and a sexual desire that most likely won't even become evident for the first thirteen years of their life.

Having a disabled child can often mean committing to spending the rest of your life caring for them, particularly if their disability is severe. They may never leave home, might never work or even be able to leave the house without you. There's also the increased possibility that they will die before you anyway, but if they don't then you get to worry about what will happen to them, who will be willing to care for them when you're no longer around.

I think drawing a line here is not difficult. If your child is going to be disabled from birth, you should have the choice to terminate the pregnancy. Depending on the disability, I know I might.
EXACTLY!! and to compare a disability to being gay is WAY off the radar and is like comparing apples and oranges!

an egg or sperm is not complete. it takes the two to create a fetus...
a fetus is not created until 10 weeks gestation

and this bears repeating....



Banned PER USER's Request
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I am pro choice and would if I fell pregnant tomorrow (circumstances omitted) I would abort the pregnancy as soon as I found out I was pregnant.

If I decided to go ahead with the pregnancy and the father wanted nothing to do with me or the baby once it was born, I wouldn't ask for a penny from him. If he doesnt see the baby and doesn't want to then why should he pay for it? If I didn't want to be pregnant, I wouldn't continue the pregnancy which is my choice, as it is his choice not to see his baby.


Having way too much fun
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If it is a life the minute it becomes a fetus then where does the line stop?

They call it a fetus for a reason. It is not a viable living human being at that point. I am referring to early on in a pregnancy.

So then if one gets raped or makes a dumb decision and has unprotected sex then one should not be allowed to do anything even the next day?

The next step would then to ban contraception it seems if one takes that hard a line.

Tis a slippery slope and why I think it is none of my business what a woman chooses to do.

I am 100% hardcore pro choice. It does not make me pro abortion.


And I love the people that say adoption is always an option. Way to live in reality.

There are over 1,200,000 abortions in the US every year.
There are only 150,000 adoptions per year with the vast majority of them being by biological relatives.
There are currently 500,000 children in foster care that nobody seems to want.

So if you think that all abortions are murder and adoption should be the choice, then what are we going to do with the extra 1,050,000 children that won't be adopted each year?
That number will be well over 10 million unwanted children in under ten years...


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And I love the people that say adoption is always an option. Way to live in reality.

There are over 1,200,000 abortions in the US every year.
There are only 150,000 adoptions per year with the vast majority of them being by biological relatives.
There are currently 500,000 children in foster care that nobody seems to want.

So if you think that all abortions are murder and adoption should be the choice, then what are we going to do with the extra 1,050,000 children that won't be adopted each year?
That number will be well over 10 million unwanted children in under ten years...

pro lifers only care about the unborn while still being an unborn. once born, its no longer their problem and they no longer care about it because its not theirs to deal with! easy for them to make that call for someone who doesnt want it to begin with ;)


In Memoriam - RIP
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pro lifers only care about the unborn while still being an unborn. once born, its no longer their problem and they no longer care about it because its not theirs to deal with! easy for them to make that call for someone who doesnt want it to begin with ;)


I also agree that men can be the strongest ProLife voices. Usually because their girlfriend/wife made the decision w/out them.

I'm old enough to know a few women in the course of my life who were quite vocally ProLife! until they found themselves in a predicament. Suddenly they saw things in a nice big shade of Grey and understood that a woman's right to choose is indeed quite important.

I also agree that an abortion should never be used as routine birth control and that more education still is needed in our schools.

When you have kids thinking they can drink Mountain Dew and prevent pregnancy, you have problems. Funny how it seems to be those same kids were opted out of Sex Ed in school by their parents.

I know one thing for sure. Discussing it is like :horse because both sides lines are firmly drawn.


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I also agree that men can be the strongest ProLife voices. Usually because their girlfriend/wife made the decision w/out them.

I'm old enough to know a few women in the course of my life who were quite vocally ProLife! until they found themselves in a predicament. Suddenly they saw things in a nice big shade of Grey and understood that a woman's right to choose is indeed quite important.

I also agree that an abortion should never be used as routine birth control and that more education still is needed in our schools.

When you have kids thinking they can drink Mountain Dew and prevent pregnancy, you have problems. Funny how it seems to be those same kids were opted out of Sex Ed in school by their parents.

I know one thing for sure. Discussing it is like :horse because both sides lines are firmly drawn.

bolded......i think it also has to do with the seriousness of the relationship. obviously, if its a wife/husband relationship, its wrong in a way. they're in the marriage together, they need to make a decision as serious as that together. her going behind his back and doing it is wrong on so many levels. being just boyfriend/girlfriend though is a grey area, kwim?

bolded red......That is when i have a problem with abortions. being done multiple times and used as 'birth control'. as pro choice as i am, i think there should be a limit as to how many a woman can get. yes i know they can go to different clinics and even possibly pose as someone else, but i think limiting the amount could help. not sure HOW to go about doing it, but it could be something


In Memoriam - RIP
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bolded......i think it also has to do with the seriousness of the relationship. obviously, if its a wife/husband relationship, its wrong in a way. they're in the marriage together, they need to make a decision as serious as that together. her going behind his back and doing it is wrong on so many levels. being just boyfriend/girlfriend though is a grey area, kwim?

bolded red......That is when i have a problem with abortions. being done multiple times and used as 'birth control'. as pro choice as i am, i think there should be a limit as to how many a woman can get. yes i know they can go to different clinics and even possibly pose as someone else, but i think limiting the amount could help. not sure HOW to go about doing it, but it could be something

I'm with you there.

I'm also w/you somewhat on the Black. But then again, perhaps the woman knows it would be the wrong choice because of the man? For whatever reason. Say for example, he slaps her around. Do you really wanna get tied to this guy w/a kid? No. Your chances of being able to escape such a relationship are much easier when you're not dragging kids along w/you.


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pro lifers only care about the unborn while still being an unborn. once born, its no longer their problem and they no longer care about it because its not theirs to deal with! easy for them to make that call for someone who doesnt want it to begin with ;)

This is exactly right


Sarcasm is me :)
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I was making the point of the next day. Which would be long before there is even a sign of there being a fetus. If a fetus is to be given human rights then is an egg or sperm also to be given the same status??

As to the point regarding the males rights I agree there is a double standard. Not sure what can be done about that. Tis a very windy road to travel eh

Yes Allen... :tooth

I was sorta agreeing with you while running off the post.. Sometimes it doesn't sound that way after the fact.. Makes you sound ohhhhhhhh AA like ( hence a prick ) :D

alice in chains

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That has to be the most offensive, sexist shit i have read here today

You really hate women that much?
That is a sad statement

And you have the most selective thought process from what I've read here today. The post was in retaliation to the intial sexist post that I quoted...go back and read it and still accuse me of whatever the hell you want.