Does pro-abortion have a real defense?

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alice in chains

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I'll read your links. I've stated why and when a fetus is a human being. Tell me when does it become a baby from a fetus. The moment it is birthed because it is no longer a parasite? It is developing. Children develop too. What's the difference from the too? A baby that is still developing inside a host is so much different (in the interests of abortion) in relevance than a baby that is outside of it's host and is STILL developing. A born baby still depends on it's mother so how is it no longer a parasite? Didnt' nature intend breast feeding for a reason? That baby is still dependant at birth, so donnot give me shit about there is a difference from the two.
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You're a MAN.

You're in Texas.

A foetus CANNOT live outside the MOTHER'S BODY. Neither can CANCER. With your faulty logic, I could argue that when a human being gets a CANCER of any sort, it should be illegal to remove said CANCER because it is "alive". Can cancer live outside the human body?? NO. And neither can a foetus that is under 22 - 24 weeks gestation.

Until you understand the biology of pregnancy and the stages of development, I'll be taking your opinions on this particular subject with a whole fucking shaker full of salt. Your argument holds NO water - and what I'm really curious about is this... why are you, as a swinging-dick man, so determined to dictate what women can choose to do with their bodies???

alice in chains

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You're a MAN.

You're in Texas.

A foetus CANNOT live outside the MOTHER'S BODY. Neither can CANCER. With your faulty logic, I could argue that when a human being gets a CANCER of any sort, it should be illegal to remove said CANCER because it is "alive". Can cancer live outside the human body?? NO. And neither can a foetus that is under 22 - 24 weeks gestation.

Until you understand the biology of pregnancy and the stages of development, I'll be taking your opinions on this particular subject with a whole fucking shaker full of salt. Your argument holds NO water - and what I'm really curious about is this... why are you, as a swinging-dick man, so determined to dictate what women can choose to do with their bodies???

i donnot consider a difference from fetus and baby; i'm not arguing the biology, either. but you seem to think your interpretation of this is a fact. show me undisputable evidence that a fetus is not a baby and i won't refute it. and don't give me a bullshit article that clarifies what you already have about 22-24 weeks. all that tells me is a human life is a 'parasite'.


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Abortion. One of THE hottest hot button issues.

I am Pro-choice because it is not my job or any of our jobs to tell another woman what to do. We have freedoms for a reason. I, myself, don't see a situation in which I would have an abortion. I believe in dealing with the "consequences" of my own actions. Unless there were something fatally wrong with the fetus or the pregnancy, I can say with fair certainty that I would keep the baby.

I agree with others in that there will never be a middle ground on this situation. People cannot debate the issue of abortion without letting emotions get in the way. It's hard.


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Now on topic, if abortion was made illegal unwanted pregnancies would decline because people would know their attractive options have been I donnot see more children without homes, I see less unwanted pregnancies prevented.

So what you're saying here is, there are only unwanted pregnancies because people know they can have abortions?

The whole point of an 'unwanted' pregnancy is that it isn't planned. People don't go around having unprotected sex because sure, they can just have abortions instead. I'm sure we all know someone, who knows someone, who knows someone who uses abortion as a contraceptive, but that kind of person is few and far between. The vast majority of abortions will be people who weren't planning a child at all. Some of those will be failed contraceptives - using condoms isn't 100%, neither is the pill. Some of those will be girls who didn't even consent to the sex in the first place.

Rape and contraceptive failures will not magically go down in number if you make abortions illegal.


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i donnot consider a difference from fetus and baby; i'm not arguing the biology, either.

Fact: You are arguing about biology. You're arguing about biology that you have shown you do NOT even understand.
Fact: You don't comprehend the difference between a foetus and a baby.

but you seem to think your interpretation of this is a fact. show me undisputable evidence that a fetus is not a baby and i won't refute it. and don't give me a bullshit article that clarifies what you already have about 22-24 weeks. all that tells me is a human life is a 'parasite'.

Fact: A foetus cannot live OUTSIDE it's mother's womb. It cannot BREATHE, it cannot THINK, it cannot SURVIVE. Although you might not like the concept of a foetus being a parasite, that is what it certainly is. It depends upon a host for survival. A BABY can live outside the womb, UNAIDED. It can breathe on its own, cry, move its limbs, and has limited communication. Of course, it still needs someone to feed it, hold it, clean it, and change it. However, ANY human being (or even a trained monkey in cases) can take care of it after it is born. I'd love to see you try and breast-feed a gelatinous clump of cells. Fuck's sake.

Quite obviously, you DIDN'T read the link I provided - because that link mentions NOTHING about parasites. Which makes me wonder as to how high your level of reading comprehension is... especially if you cannot understand the difference between a foetus and a baby.

And you seem unable to explain to me why a group of cancerous cells (which, by your definition is alive) and a foetus (before 20 weeks gestation) is different??? Why should cancer be allowed to be obliterated, but other cells that are dependent on a host have the right to keep growing? I think you're far out of your depth and your arguments are based on how you FEEL - not actual logic or thinking.


Having way too much fun
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And for god's sake don't go places where you're a vulnerable target! Because if you get raped, it will be your fault. Got it?


Sarcasm is me :)
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Everyone here knows I think going the farthest reaches to preserve life is perfectly in order as long as it doesn't begin to do more damage than it does good.

Now on topic, if abortion was made illegal unwanted pregnancies would decline because people would know their attractive options have been I donnot see more children without homes, I see less unwanted pregnancies prevented. I don't at all believe in abstinence. That is a common trait among typical pro-life believers but I am not that way because it's unrealistic! Use condoms goddamnit and donnot go places where you're a vulnerable target. I don't believe in cutting Planned Parenthood, either. I'm all for avoiding unwanted kids but I strongly believe people have choices and responsibilities.

Show me the proof that pregnancies will drop?

Teen age women are having children at an alarming rate with their parents having to become guardians of those children so they do not end up in Foster Care.

Worse yet, the numbers don't add up if you look at all the countries with Abortion being legal and teen pregnancies and numbers don't add up..


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And for god's sake don't go places where you're a vulnerable target! Because if you get raped, it will be your fault. Got it?

exactly, because women who are in bad areas and dressed 'wrong' are the ONLY ones who get raped! *end sarcasm*


Well-Known Member
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And for god's sake don't go places where you're a vulnerable target! Because if you get raped, it will be your fault. Got it?

It's totally up to women to carry and birth their rape babies. At least it will get to live! What could go wrong????

alice in chains

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Fact: You are arguing about biology. You're arguing about biology that you have shown you do NOT even understand.
Fact: You don't comprehend the difference between a foetus and a baby.

Fact: A foetus cannot live OUTSIDE it's mother's womb. It cannot BREATHE, it cannot THINK, it cannot SURVIVE. Although you might not like the concept of a foetus being a parasite, that is what it certainly is. It depends upon a host for survival. A BABY can live outside the womb, UNAIDED. It can breathe on its own, cry, move its limbs, and has limited communication. Of course, it still needs someone to feed it, hold it, clean it, and change it. However, ANY human being (or even a trained monkey in cases) can take care of it after it is born. I'd love to see you try and breast-feed a gelatinous clump of cells. Fuck's sake.

Quite obviously, you DIDN'T read the link I provided - because that link mentions NOTHING about parasites. Which makes me wonder as to how high your level of reading comprehension is... especially if you cannot understand the difference between a foetus and a baby.

And you seem unable to explain to me why a group of cancerous cells (which, by your definition is alive) and a foetus (before 20 weeks gestation) is different??? Why should cancer be allowed to be obliterated, but other cells that are dependent on a host have the right to keep growing? I think you're far out of your depth and your arguments are based on how you FEEL - not actual logic or thinking.

dude stop trying to make me look like an incomprehensible person because i disagree with the interpretation. i never tried to compromise the biological facts and i do understand them. i understand why a 'fetus' is classified as just that...stay on topic and stop trying to insult my intelligence because i disagree. it's fucking mean and i haven't even portrayed myself or my posts as being incomprehensive or deserve for you to attack me personally.

it is true that a fetus cannot support it's own being, but i think it's drastic to claim it isn't human due to that fact. i find the developmental stages sacred because it is what i would say that you MIGHT AGREE with 'striving to become human'.

personally, it's stupid as shit to go so deep into the science to classify the exact fucking biological moment past conception that it is transfered from a fetus to a human. doesn't it have heart beat and brain functions and development in the womb? no pro-abortioners will hold that statement up like they do of saying babies are able to support their own being against a fetus. it's selective bullshit and the FACTS are INTERPRETED in a distinctive way.

so i'm done trying to fight the entire fucking forum, it's a losing battle because i'm alone on it. you win

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Relax AIC

This topic always brings out the beasts

"i find the developmental stages sacred "

I asked before and don't recall the answer. I take it you are against the morning after pill?

I do applaud your consistency though with regard to rape. I never could understand how anybody pro life could accept abortion in the case of rape.


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Relax AIC

This topic always brings out the beasts

I asked before and don't recall the answer. I take it you are against the morning after pill?

I do applaud your consistency though with regard to rape. I never could understand how anybody pro life could accept abortion in the case of rape.

I couldn't agree more, rape is such a touchy subject


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why would they have a guilty conscience if had nothing to do with them or anybody they know?

They know deep down sometimes an abortion is justified, even in light of their moral beliefs. I would assume anti-choice people who make exceptions for rape abortions could feel guilty about their strict views enough to say "Ok, ya, if you're raped, we won't make you birth THAT baby. Um. Everyone else has to though!"