Does pro-abortion have a real defense?

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Spoiled ass teenage whores? Hmmm...suprisingly teens are not the top demographic utilizing abortion health care services:

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I do get a sense of satisfaction by women not being able to get an abortion when they want one. For several reasons in fact like I love knowing they're pissed off that they cannot get back what they once had because they were careless now have to grow up. I hate spoiled ass teenage whores. And condoms and birth control are wonderful, why in the hell is there a reason to accidentally have a child if you're not raped? Second, abortions CAN be controlled as war is much more difficult to control. I vote and would love America's military to come home. All of them. The only 'demonstration' in my area are a bunch of idiots in downtown Dallas talking about corporate bullshit.

The hypothetical question is relevant and it's not a pre-meditated action. It's not even on the same level of urgency than a planned-abortion is.

because nothing works 100% of the time. Not everyone who ends up with an unexpected child is an irresponsible spoiled ass teenage whore. You act as though condoms and the pill are impenetrable walls made of steel that no sperm could ever get past, and that is a naive assertion at best.

alice in chains

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Why did you almost "vomit"??? Is it because I'm articulate and use words that contain more than one syllable??? I don't know why I'm even remotely surprised at some of the stupidity that pops up on the internet...

The same people who are pro-life are usually of the conservative ilk. Conservatives would like to abolish ALL social programmes - to include Section 8 housing, WIC, MedicAid, MediCare, and food stamps (to name a few). These are all resources that a single mother forced to keep a baby would most probably need.

An as far as the "party hooker" comment is concerned... why are you so upset with "party hookers"???? I'm guessing that you've never been able to get hot party girl pussy EVER. I'm wondering if you've ever even HAD someone willing to fuck you... because hearing how you feel about women, I'm thinking the closest you've ever gotten is your dominant hand and some internet porn. :24: :clap

This is the smartest thing you've written. So, I know that it was unintentional. You're absolutely right - YOU cannot speak for a WOMAN who makes her own decisions. Ta-DA!! Ding-ding-ding - AIC has actually said something worthwhile.

Quite obviously, you don't understand sarcasm or dark humour - I'll skip what I was going to say, because this has become downright pitiful.

Are you fucking SERIOUS???? Have you never heard of Larry Craig??? How about Mark Sanford??? Strom Thurmond?? Bob Allen?? Mark Foley??? Why don't you Google them and take a good look??

I realise that I probably shouldn't have bothered to respond. Don't argue with stupid people. They'll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

Funny how you call me exactly am I? Probably because you hate people that disagree with you and when you cannot find a reason to hate them outside of your PMS.

My posts never implied I'm a conservative. You should learn to respond with your brain and not your vagina. As far as the idiotic welfare programs for a mother who intends to adopt a baby she doesn't want...well, I just answered your dumbass question.

I'm married and have a child on the way, so please stop trying to sell me something I will need a doctor for later.

You have SERIOUS trouble twisting words around for what your emotions want them to be. I don't speak for the whore that wants to abort, I speak for the child without a voice for itself.

Lol, so all pro-life men are like them? You seem to be the one with the issue with men; not my issue with whores who hate responsibility

You can call me stupid all you want. You do it because I refute what you say and you would probably kill me out of irrate anger if you could. You're the stupid one! Stop arguing and give up and realize that you're not going to fool me with any of your feminist, sexist bullshit.

alice in chains

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Wait a minute... I'm confused here. You call people who get abortions "spoiled ass teenage whores" that they are "careless" and "now have to grow up".
Aren't you expecting an unplanned baby right now? Does that mean your baby momma is what you are describing? Or are you only talking about the spoiled ass teenage whores who decide to get an abortion?
Every time you bring up personal responsibility in this thread your words are diluted by the fact that you weren't even personally responsible to use protection.

It's unreal how much people twist words. That's probably why so many of you love these forums so much; it's where you can manipulate words.

Anyway, yes, I am expecting an unplanned pregnancy. Not UNWANTED. We accepted what we created and will adapt to our choices and responsibilities.

And as you assume incorrectly, we used birth control.

alice in chains

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Abortion is and should be legal. But even if we outlawed it women would still get them. It would just put the woman's life at risk. Not that "pro-lifers" would care.

Yes, it would increase, but that's at the woman's discretion. We cannot govern or protect a woman from herself. She's her OWN person...not the decider of death of another.
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alice in chains

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because nothing works 100% of the time. Not everyone who ends up with an unexpected child is an irresponsible spoiled ass teenage whore. You act as though condoms and the pill are impenetrable walls made of steel that no sperm could ever get past, and that is a naive assertion at best.

I know 100% for a fact they're not impenetrable. and I donnot think every person with an unplanned pregnancy is a whore.


Having way too much fun
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You sure do have issues with women, don't you?
You love to throw the "whore" word around an awful lot. Mommy issues? Or could it be that you have hooked up with a string of losers and now you think all women are loose and whores?

I have never met someone with so much disdain for women.

Maybe you need to grow up and mature a little before you can let that hate for women go. If not, then may I suggest some counseling? You really seem to need some.

alice in chains

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You sure do have issues with women, don't you?
You love to throw the "whore" word around an awful lot. Mommy issues? Or could it be that you have hooked up with a string of losers and now you think all women are loose and whores?

I have never met someone with so much disdain for women.

Maybe you need to grow up and mature a little before you can let that hate for women go. If not, then may I suggest some counseling? You really seem to need some.

Lol,I need counseling because I hate women who would rather get an abortion than adopt? Sounds like you wished I was crazy because I'm so consistent with fair arguments.

That is soley my issue, nothing else. You need counseling to learn how to stop twisting words around. I donnot hate all women.


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AIC --- you fucking disgust me. Your sense of "morality" is misguided at best. Who made you the judge and jury of people that don't share your moral views?

alice in chains

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AIC --- you fucking disgust me. Your sense of "morality" is misguided at best. Who made you the judge and jury of people that don't share your moral views?

Misguided? Care to lend me some evidence or an argument?

You really have formed an accurate opinion of me through my view point of abortion!


Maulds' Angel
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This thread makes me sad. So so sad for all you 'abortion is wrong! no exceptions.' people. Nothing is black and white.


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Yep, it's definately PMS. :D

Well, at least you understand SOMETHING about the menstruation cycle of women. I suppose we all must take our victories when we can get them...

Good luck on finding some hot party whore!!! (Oh, my mistake!! You have to be INVITED to a party first!! Good luck with that)...

Minor Axis

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Historically fetus's have no rights until they are viable on their own. I am pro-choice although I don't think women should be using abortion as birth control. I don't know if I could agree to abort a child but many people do. I believe abortion laws as they now stand are reasonable. Society is not going to take care of your child. It is up to the individual to decide. I love the GOP position- By God you'll have that child, but I don't give a damn about it after it's born...:p