It's not a baby; it's a fetus. Define the moment and circumstance when it is transfered from fetus to child. A fetus has a heart, so it is a living being.
When a fetus gains brainwaves, it is considered human. Otherwise it is an unthinking mass of flesh
The world is overpopulating. It is? It appears to be overpopulating because life necessities are distributed to large cities and it breaks down from there; lack of distribution is the cause.
Most likely, yes it is. There is just so much finite resources available to us, and at some point no matter how good our distribution methods get the fact remains that they are finite.
Not to mention the dramatic impacts 7 billion humans have had on the planet that are almost innumerable.
It is also funny that people who think the Earth is not over-populated think that "Oh well, the planet could support so much more humans!" Even if that were true, should we? *IS* 7 billion people on this planet a good thing? Is 3 billion people on this planet a good thing?
I was raped. Shit happens. You're willing to take another life, but not your own? Interesting. adoption is always an option because that life will live much longer than the dreaded 9 months of pregnancy.
"You were violently raped by an alcoholic schizophrenic that probably has genetic predispositions for passing on his mania to your child, have fun"
Go pound salt. Plan B and a first trimester abortion is nothing.
I'm pro choice. Yes you are. So live with the choice you made. If you abort you're backing out of your choices.
No sorry abortion is not backing out.
Peoples' personal opinions on pro-abortion shouldn't be respected or tolerated because they are attempting to murder an individual who cannot stand up for itself. It's plain science.
"Wa wa wa neener neener neener you think differently so I'll cover my ears and not listen to you!!!"
Cool attitude.
Having an abortion in the first trimester or taking plan B is not murder. It is as serious as scraping skin cells off your arm.
This who point of view isn't even coming from a liberal "woman's choice!" perspective. I just think that certain people shouldn't be having babies, and less humans in the planet is a good thing. Plus, I support encouraged abortion for those who have severe genetic deficits.