Does pro-abortion have a real defense?

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I'm anti-abortion.

Some say that abortion is not the killing of a soul, while others believe it is. My arguement is that we don't really know, to speak of, when an unborn baby becomes a soul. Hence, why take the chance of allowing abortions if we don't know whether it's the killing of a soul or not? It's too risky in my view.
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Well-Known Member
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I'm anti-abortion.

Some say that abortion is not the killing of a soul, while others believe it is. My arguement is that we don't really know, to speak of, when an unborn baby becomes a soul. Hence, why take the chance of allowing abortions if we don't know whether it's the killing of a soul or not? It's too risky in my view.

Makes me think...can a soul be killed? I always thought the concept of souls meant they never "died" but recycled...the human life is killed, but the soul carries on. I think there is no question abortion ends the human life force, and as someone pro-choice I think it is acceptable, but that's usually where the debate lies. Do you see souls differently?


Maulds' Angel
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What if the baby would kill the woman's human life or her soul?

Like me for example.. I have some health issues that prevent me for carrying a child and surviving it. If I tried, I'd die and most likely the baby would go with me.

So with that in mind, say I'm raped and conceive from that. How would you choose who should be killed? Still think abortion is always wrong? If so, you might have two corpses on your hands.


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It just doesn't make sense to me for many to think that the intentional killing of a born baby is murder but somehow it's not just if the baby hasn't been born yet. We know that baby's are alive before they're born as they kick their feet and so on. So how does it make sense that it's OK to kill them?

It just doesn't add up.


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It just doesn't make sense to me for many to think that the intentional killing of a born baby is murder but somehow it's not just if the baby hasn't been born yet. We know that baby's are alive before they're born as they kick their feet and so on. So how does it make sense that it's OK to kill them?

It just doesn't add up.

People who are pro-choice have to consciously suspend their morality to make an exception for abortion within the parameters they feel comfortable cases of danger to the mother, or rape, as Brieze said, or early term only, or if someone feels abortion is acceptable at any time...that is something they've decided is acceptable.

I think abortion does more good than harm in most cases, and that's how I make sense of it. The same can be said for murders of self defense, though they are not related in any other ways.

Despite what we like to tell ourselves, not every moral conundrum has a perfectly moral solution, and I think an imperfect "best" solution is appropriate in this case, whatever it may be for the mother.


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I'm anti-abortion.

Some say that abortion is not the killing of a soul, while others believe it is. My arguement is that we don't really know, to speak of, when an unborn baby becomes a soul. Hence, why take the chance of allowing abortions if we don't know whether it's the killing of a soul or not? It's too risky in my view.

For me, I don't think of a foetus as being viable until it can live outside the womb on its own.

And what another woman chooses to do with her body is her complete and private choice. Would I have an abortion?? At this stage in my life?? Yes. I'm 36, my husband is 40, and we've never wanted children. Would I tell every Tom, Dick, Harry and Susan about it??? Fuck NO. It's my private decision, between me and my doctor. What does it have to do with ANYONE else???

And that's the way it should stay. If you don't like abortion, don't have one. But your rights end where mine begin.


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What if the baby would kill the woman's human life or her soul?

Like me for example.. I have some health issues that prevent me for carrying a child and surviving it. If I tried, I'd die and most likely the baby would go with me.

So with that in mind, say I'm raped and conceive from that. How would you choose who should be killed? Still think abortion is always wrong? If so, you might have two corpses on your hands.

There are some people that would be SO pro-life, they'd rather you "take the chance" (because some will think that your medical condition is a "lie" - regardless of what a doctor says) as opposed to aborting.

I think that mentality is wrong. As a matter-of-fact, I think the idea of so many MEN being so PRO-LIFE as pretty fucking laughable. It's not so much how THEY feel - it's the biology of it. Once a man can conceive AND carry a baby, that is when men should truly be able to choose. As long as men are in control of the laws about women's reproductive health, a woman's ability to choose to have an abortion will always be hanging in the balance.


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One thing I do know is the topic about abortion will never be resolved. Both sides believe they have legitamate arguements, and both sides have strongly held beliefs.

Isaac Death

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Pro-abortioners have all kinds of irrate arguments of why it should be allowed...

Most of those "pro-abortioners" as you unkindly re-named them are not in favor of abortion. They favor freedom of choice. Big difference.

If a black person started a thread on a subject related to being black would you insist on referring to black persons as "negroes"? Of course not (I hope), because the current word that most blacks want to use for being black, is black, not negro.


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What if the baby would kill the woman's human life or her soul?

Like me for example.. I have some health issues that prevent me for carrying a child and surviving it. If I tried, I'd die and most likely the baby would go with me.

So with that in mind, say I'm raped and conceive from that. How would you choose who should be killed? Still think abortion is always wrong? If so, you might have two corpses on your hands.

There are some people that would be SO pro-life, they'd rather you "take the chance" (because some will think that your medical condition is a "lie" - regardless of what a doctor says) as opposed to aborting.

I think the mind set has more to do with the idea that if you conceive, no matter what the circumstances, it is God's will. If both Mom and child die, it's God's will. If one survives and the other dies, it's God's will.

All Else Failed

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It's not a baby; it's a fetus. Define the moment and circumstance when it is transfered from fetus to child. A fetus has a heart, so it is a living being.

When a fetus gains brainwaves, it is considered human. Otherwise it is an unthinking mass of flesh

The world is overpopulating. It is? It appears to be overpopulating because life necessities are distributed to large cities and it breaks down from there; lack of distribution is the cause.

Most likely, yes it is. There is just so much finite resources available to us, and at some point no matter how good our distribution methods get the fact remains that they are finite.

Not to mention the dramatic impacts 7 billion humans have had on the planet that are almost innumerable.

It is also funny that people who think the Earth is not over-populated think that "Oh well, the planet could support so much more humans!" Even if that were true, should we? *IS* 7 billion people on this planet a good thing? Is 3 billion people on this planet a good thing?

I was raped. Shit happens. You're willing to take another life, but not your own? Interesting. adoption is always an option because that life will live much longer than the dreaded 9 months of pregnancy.

"You were violently raped by an alcoholic schizophrenic that probably has genetic predispositions for passing on his mania to your child, have fun"

Go pound salt. Plan B and a first trimester abortion is nothing.

I'm pro choice. Yes you are. So live with the choice you made. If you abort you're backing out of your choices.

No sorry abortion is not backing out.

Peoples' personal opinions on pro-abortion shouldn't be respected or tolerated because they are attempting to murder an individual who cannot stand up for itself. It's plain science.

"Wa wa wa neener neener neener you think differently so I'll cover my ears and not listen to you!!!"

Cool attitude.

Having an abortion in the first trimester or taking plan B is not murder. It is as serious as scraping skin cells off your arm.

This who point of view isn't even coming from a liberal "woman's choice!" perspective. I just think that certain people shouldn't be having babies, and less humans in the planet is a good thing. Plus, I support encouraged abortion for those who have severe genetic deficits.
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You wouldn't even believe the number of people who think that my husband and I are "selfish" for not wanting to have children.

Sweet irony.

Isaac Death

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Only good quality people should have children.

Then, you would not have a baseline of horrible quality by which to judge who is good quality. Life could become boring if all kids turned out well. We actually need fuck-ups.

A woman always has the right to decide what happens in her own body, however. Nothing can change that, in my view. Telling women what they can and cannot do with regard to reproduction is as absurd as it would be telling a guy that he cannot jerk off. Imagine a law regulating or prohibiting men from whacking off! There would be armed revolution before guys would give up their right to do it whenever they want to.

All Else Failed

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We actually need fuck-ups.

We really do not.

There of course are varying levels of quality which can be compared to each other and progressed but overall having masses of fuck-ups is what is ruining reality.

All Else Failed

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That is why it seems to me that intelligent, successful people should have more kids and discourage drunks/drug users, the low IQ, genetically deformed and the thugs in life from having children. Nothing good will ever come of it.