Any believer in religion is going to tell everyone that their beliefs are true.
And I say athiests are just as "stuck up" (if that's what you want to call it) for saying that evolution is true (and "pushing it down our throats" in school). It goes all ways around. Pretty much anything that is said about Christians and their beliefs can be said for evolutionists as well.
And I'm not trying to appear stuck up, it's just I truely believe that the Bible is true, and I don't know what else to tell you besides that it is true. From everything I have studied about the Bible, I can say that it is more likely true than not true. I have many reasons for thinking this, and if you don't agree with me, that is fine. But please don't go name-calling. I'm not here to pick a fight, just debating about stuff. So lets keep it to a friendly debate eh?
Intentional or not, most mistranslations would be caught because of the myriads of copies of the same passages we have and can compare. I've already gone over this argument several times in this thread, so if you want to see what I wrote, look back a few pages.