Not at all, I'm saying that I'm 100% sure.
yes you are saying you're 100% sure. But what about all of the overwhelming evidence that contradicts your belief? If you're ignoring it, you're being closed minded.
Fine. If you prefer to blame chance and luck on everything, then by all means, be my guest. I prefer to believe I'm in control of the events of my life. I'm done discussing this with you. and that's not because you proved me wrong and I'm taking my toys and going home. It's because we view the world through two very different sets of eyes, and there's no point in continuing to discuss this when we're not getting anywhere.
I don't blame luck and chance for everything, far from it. You're putting words in my mouth and you haven't addressed what I said.
It's just obvious to me that there are things we can control, and there are things we can't. Beyond obvious in fact. It's simply the way it is.
It seems to me that you're quite blatantly twisting and misrepresenting what she's saying in order to further your own agenda.
:24: Oh Retro, everything anyone says that disagrees with something you think is an "agenda". My God, you're not Glenn Beck in disguise are you? Come on, that line of thinking is getting tired and stale and you're better than that.
So tell me, where did I twist any words?
Actually, Josephus mentioned Jesus' miracles, thought not any one specifically. You have to look at the political and religious setting at the time though for explanations as to why the might not have been recorded. As far as the Christians were concerned, these miracles were documented in the gospels. In addition, they had their own oral accounts that were passed down. The Jewish leaders at the time were in opposition to Jesus, which would explain why they didn't want those accounts to be recorded.
Hmm. I see the political and religious setting at the time, but I just don't think that level of wow could have been overlooked by anyone. Do you not think someone, outside of highly religious, would have recorded them?
As far as Tacticus referring to Jesus as a revolutionary, look at his history. He was a Greek living in Rome and going off of Roman histories. The Romans would have considered Jesus to be a revolutionary, because that's how the Jewish leaders represented him to Pilate, and Pilate allowed the crucification to take place as a result. Also consider the fact that Tacticus was a military writer, which gives further background to his depiction of Jesus as a revolutionary.
Of course. If he did exist he most likely was a revolutionary, given the climate at the time.
Your argument that Jesus must not have performed miracles or wasn't the Son of God because they weren't recorded "properly" is a false dichotomy.
No I don't believe it is. Because, like the reasons below, there are things that you're not taking into consideration too. The main one being the natural laws of the universe. The fact that since these times, so many of the claims made in the religious scripts are simply wrong.
So on our side we have:
- The natural world
- The lack of recorded evidence
- The knowledge of the many falsehoods in religious scripts
On the flip side there is:
- Some political reasons these things weren't recorded.
You're looking at it from the view that it should have been something important that would have been recorded if it was true. Thus, since it wasn't recorded, it must not be true. You're forgetting that other options exist. As I've stated not so specifically, you have to pay attention to the political and religious climate of the time. The Jews wouldn't want the specifics of Jesus' miracles and teachings to become common knowledge, because it could paint them in a negative light and potentially cost them their power. As far as the Romans were concerned, recording these things and making specific note of them could potentially lead to a Jewish uprising in one of their controlled territories. They were concerned with keeping the rule of law and maintaining control over their lands. It would make logical sense that these things weren't recorded by those two entities for the reasons that I have outlined. Power and control.
No you see it's not just the fact it wasn't recorded. It's the masses and masses of scientific enquiry that has left no room for miracles I'm afraid. The non-recording of these miracles just adds a little more fuel to the fire.