Did You Serve ?

Did You Serve?

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Stone eat fart and get back to the keyboard this isnt going away

Here is my official position stated just recently

of which you responded to showing proof that you read it.
But yet you claim I advocate the legalization of torture.
You have intentionally and openly lied to the forum in an effort to assassinate my character.
While doing such you also stated it was "truce over"...implying that it just got personal
Is this what the forum is to expect from you if they dont have a truce?
And that you will end at your whim?...Dishonest posting with a personal vendetta who dont have a truce?

IMO the forum has a right to know who they are dealing with before "trucing" with you.


Yeah, I hear ya.......:p
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The Man

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No, not with you.
This forum allows a lot more freedoms of expression and banning isn't the issue here that it was at that other forum.

You post something I agree with, like anyone else in this forum.....I'll agree in like fashion if I'm interested......post the crap you just did in this thread and if I disagree enough as I just have, I'll be posting in the same manner as you've been seeing.

If you want a war.....I'll oblige you with a cheery smile.....:D

Play on the edge of the rules all you wish stone..but name calling and trolling are not "fashionable here"
Yes people have been banned....Just because it is more lax...there are still rules...you really should read them.

And just as with any other forum...downright dishonest posting is highly frowned upon

You made the claim below

Irrelevant.......the issue isn't what I'd do illegally, it's what you advocate as a legal act......you do and have advocated legalized torture, in this thread.
And it's counter to previous clames made in this forum.

Its a downright lie.

As a matter of fact here is my position on torture which is the ONLY discussion regarding torture before you come to the thread stating I advocated legalizing torture.

Credit goes to you stone :thumbup
While it legally may have not been torture at the time....it needs to be illegal now.

Its quite obvious what my position is...and has been my only position.

You yet to show where I advocate the legalization of torture in this thread...or any where on this forum...as it doesnt exist.

My position has been clear...its water under the bridge...the policy has already changed...No one should be charged for doing what they were doing at that time.

If they board em now...well then I fully agree then action should be taken...but you cant change the past.
Look at the bright side for a moment[Pretending you were one of the three terrorists} they as a result of boarding got to skip out on trial and execution ....due to coercion...its a win win for them.
Personally I think it sucks as i would rather have seen them executed later through trial proceedings.

The Man

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Now back to topic

I am not a chicken hawk.
If anyone has documentation to prove otherwise...post it

John where are you?

Kakapo Dundee

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Stone eat fart and get back to the keyboard .........................

You have intentionally and openly lied to the forum in an effort to assassinate my character.

Mate, you're doing a far better job of destroying anyshreds remaining of your credibility than any other poster on the forum.

"Eat fart"............?:24: Damn near pissed myself laughing at the monumental futility.

The Man

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Mate, you're doing a far better job of destroying anyshreds remaining of your credibility than any other poster on the forum.

"Eat fart"............?:24: Damn near pissed myself laughing at the monumental futility.

Two separate actions

Mate, you're doing a far better job of destroying anyshreds remaining of your credibility than any other poster on the forum.
Never had a credibility issue...you wanna back that claim or just add yourself to the list of dishonest posters.

Good to see you in a thread besides idolizing Obama from across the ocean btw :D


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TM, I can't understand what you are trying to do with this thread.
(I'll point by point it fo you to make it easier for you to quote me)

At one second it sounds like you are trying to defend yourself as not being a chicken hawk, by demanding that others admit or not admit to being in the military, or having served, while you won't provide same said information...You seem to be basking in the attention....there is no other reason for this thread...

You condone legal torture by saying the 3 guys (out of how many hundreds who were tortured) gave some information...then call people liars who call you out on said quotes by insisting(even now) that you didnt say it....(check page 4, I don't even want to start quoting on this post)....and you are also the king of twisting posts to only answert a section of it out of context, so i am sure the semantic ax weilding is on it's way!

Stone is 100% on for calling you out about one thing, it seems like every debate thread you are in turns in to a point by point discussion of something you posted, or an opinion you shared, and it is so fars skewed from the original post as to be unrecognisable by the time it hits page 20....i am sure you have noticed my lack of recent interest in posting on the political threads....thats why! By the way don't take that as a win on a debate, you just chew it up and spit it out so unrecognisable as to not be worth continuing to comment...Winning would be to make a ON TOPIC point so valid and strong it would be indesputable....you never do that, and like this it turns into an all about TM conversation!

I may not agree with Stone for putting you on blast quite the way he did, but you had the oppurtunity to rise above it, and failed miserably... whatever damage his reputation took, you took a mortar and pestle to your own....

Kakapo Dundee

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you're like a kid on the beach feeding seagulls....

There are similarities...the screeching, the flapping around, the crapping over everything in sight..... but even the most determined seagull loses interest eventually. If they didn't they'd end up in the funny farm.


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There are similarities...the screeching, the flapping around, the crapping over everything in sight..... but even the most determined seagull loses interest eventually. If they didn't they'd end up in the funny farm.

seagulls, chicken hawks, chicken shit...wait what the fuck are we talking about again?

Kakapo Dundee

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Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Wonderful isn't it?

The whole thread is just a schizophrenic splinter from an equally pointless campaign in a different thread.


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There are similarities...the screeching, the flapping around, the crapping over everything in sight..... but even the most determined seagull loses interest eventually. If they didn't they'd end up in the funny farm.

Seagulls are from Brighton
Ironic or what

The Man

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TM, I can't understand what you are trying to do with this thread.
(I'll point by point it fo you to make it easier for you to quote me)

At one second it sounds like you are trying to defend yourself as not being a chicken hawk, by demanding that others admit or not admit to being in the military, or having served, while you won't provide same said information...You seem to be basking in the attention....there is no other reason for this thread...

You condone legal torture by saying the 3 guys (out of how many hundreds who were tortured) gave some information...then call people liars who call you out on said quotes by insisting(even now) that you didnt say it....(check page 4, I don't even want to start quoting on this post)....and you are also the king of twisting posts to only answert a section of it out of context, so i am sure the semantic ax weilding is on it's way!

Stone is 100% on for calling you out about one thing, it seems like every debate thread you are in turns in to a point by point discussion of something you posted, or an opinion you shared, and it is so fars skewed from the original post as to be unrecognisable by the time it hits page 20....i am sure you have noticed my lack of recent interest in posting on the political threads....thats why! By the way don't take that as a win on a debate, you just chew it up and spit it out so unrecognisable as to not be worth continuing to comment...Winning would be to make a ON TOPIC point so valid and strong it would be indesputable....you never do that, and like this it turns into an all about TM conversation!

I may not agree with Stone for putting you on blast quite the way he did, but you had the oppurtunity to rise above it, and failed miserably... whatever damage his reputation took, you took a mortar and pestle to your own....

Dont play an idiot rob its poor strategy...people will begin to think you are stupid.

Read the thread again
John claimed I was a chicken hawk...provide that proof{john} or shut the fuck up.
I have never stated to legalize torture,,you are again wrong
I clearly posting my position the other day. it is mentioned several times by me..do not come in this thread and claim I said something else
That will make you a liar.
You my friend can add yourself to the list of dishonest posters.
See rob you are a cop..I have great respect for cops..but not ones that lie...get the fuck out of my thread with your dishonest garbage
You read the thread intensely {I saw your name at the bottom for hours}..what you are posting is known to be false by yourself.

Here it is again...the only actual documentation in the thread and it it stated several times...there is no way you could have missed it.

Credit goes to you stone :thumbup
While it legally may have not been torture at the time....it needs to be illegal now.

Even stone frowns upon a lie...you are not doing yourself a favor by supporting it.
He made an error...got rode for it..its done...while you may think you are doing him a favor..you are actually bring the topic back to light.

Now go play rob....elsewhere...and do some soul searching...repenting is highly suggested.
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Play on the edge of the rules all you wish stone..but name calling and trolling are not "fashionable here"
Yes people have been banned....Just because it is more lax...there are still rules...you really should read them.

And just as with any other forum...downright dishonest posting is highly frowned upon

You made the claim below

Irrelevant.......the issue isn't what I'd do illegally, it's what you advocate as a legal act......you do and have advocated legalized torture, in this thread.
And it's counter to previous clames made in this forum.

Its a downright lie.

As a matter of fact here is my position on torture which is the ONLY discussion regarding torture before you come to the thread stating I advocated legalizing torture.

Its quite obvious what my position is...and has been my only position.

You yet to show where I advocate the legalization of torture in this thread...or any where on this forum...as it doesnt exist.

My position has been clear...its water under the bridge...the policy has already changed...No one should be charged for doing what they were doing at that time.

If they board em now...well then I fully agree then action should be taken...but you cant change the past.
Look at the bright side for a moment[Pretending you were one of the three terrorists} they as a result of boarding got to skip out on trial and execution ....due to coercion...its a win win for them.
Personally I think it sucks as i would rather have seen them executed later through trial proceedings.

Another day....................




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Now back to topic

I am not a chicken hawk.
If anyone has documentation to prove otherwise...post it

John where are you?

Truthfully, now.......didn't I predict you'd get desperate?

Now you're begging for John to arrive----------------->:D

TM, you brought this on yourself.


Well-Known Member
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Mate, you're doing a far better job of destroying anyshreds remaining of your credibility than any other poster on the forum.

"Eat fart"............?:24: Damn near pissed myself laughing at the monumental futility.

'Eat fart' tore me up too....:D

But yeah.....I've never seen such a self destructive thread before.


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Here it is again...the only actual documentation in the thread and it it stated several times...there is no way you could have missed it.

Credit goes to you stone :thumbup
While it legally may have not been torture at the time....it needs to be illegal now.

Even stone frowns upon a lie..........................

And I don't believe you and I've stated why.



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It's amazing that this poll is open to September of 2013........imagine the comments that could collect in that time from other discussions.......there's a debate strategy come back to bite someone in the butt........like ....'wearing an albatross around one's neck'.

I see a lot of potential pain in your future if you don't wise up, TM
I wasn't kidding about closing this thread being in your best interests.
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