TM, I can't understand what you are trying to do with this thread.
(I'll point by point it fo you to make it easier for you to quote me)
At one second it sounds like you are trying to defend yourself as not being a chicken hawk, by demanding that others admit or not admit to being in the military, or having served, while you won't provide same said information...You seem to be basking in the attention....there is no other reason for this thread...
You condone legal torture by saying the 3 guys (out of how many hundreds who were tortured) gave some information...then call people liars who call you out on said quotes by insisting(even now) that you didnt say it....(check page 4, I don't even want to start quoting on this post)....and you are also the king of twisting posts to only answert a section of it out of context, so i am sure the semantic ax weilding is on it's way!
Stone is 100% on for calling you out about one thing, it seems like every debate thread you are in turns in to a point by point discussion of something you posted, or an opinion you shared, and it is so fars skewed from the original post as to be unrecognisable by the time it hits page 20....i am sure you have noticed my lack of recent interest in posting on the political threads....thats why! By the way don't take that as a win on a debate, you just chew it up and spit it out so unrecognisable as to not be worth continuing to comment...Winning would be to make a ON TOPIC point so valid and strong it would be never do that, and like this it turns into an all about TM conversation!
I may not agree with Stone for putting you on blast quite the way he did, but you had the oppurtunity to rise above it, and failed miserably... whatever damage his reputation took, you took a mortar and pestle to your own....