I'm not sure which style they are taking but I took okinawan isshinryu for about 6 years and I loved it. They were all about defense and the Sensei stressed this point. We had a competing school in the area that had tough guys there and their Sensei didn't mind when his students got into fights. Not the kind of school I would ever send my kids to. Discipline and form first, then it's about defense, never about being a tough guy or fighting.
I took the course here also.
It's all about control and defence here as well.. As well a great deal of it involves respect and honour..
The fighting I am talking about will probably happen at home as in horse play.. The kids get along fantastic and will probably try to out do each other.. Unfortunately they are competitive.. But who knows, maybe the "respect" part will catch them early..
And I was being sarcastic.. LOL