Bullycide in America

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In Memoriam - RIP
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This isn't about cyber bullying. That you can turn off the computer and walk away from. Problem fixed...

These are children that were talking about for the most part. Teenagers are still children. So are you saying it's the kids fault that they are being bullied in school and that they don't know any other solution but to take their own lives? I really don't think so but that's how it sounds to me. Kids and adults have to be responsible for their actions good or bad.

This all boils down to the parents, teachers and law enforcement getting together and educating the kids on what to do if being bullied by a single individual or a group of kids. It's our obligation to teach that it's NOT alright to be bullied or to bully.
Did that paragraph say it was the child's fault because you must be reading something that I can't see. I agree that children need to have thicker skin. Life is fucking rough. Wear a helmet. Death is just an easy way out and a very selfish thing in my honest opinion. When you're in that zone you're not thinking how a parent is going to feel when they find your lifeless body.... kids need to grow some kahunas.
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This is what I've been saying... Kids need to stand up for themselves. DA's acting like they need to be coddled or something.
I didn't say coddled. Things need to change in the sytem if Bullycide is going to have an end put to it. It will probably go on for many years to come but at least there are sites out there that are addressing the seriousness of this issue and parents are getting involved. That's a 1st step. Unless you're a parent you couldn't possibly know what it's like for your own child to be a victim of bullycide. And what lengths you would go to put an end to it so your child can at least get a safe education. No child should be scared to leave the house or go to school...


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Well DA the thing about that, at least where I come from is that when Kids go to Teachers or other authority figures about being bullied nothing is done about it, they turn a blind eye and let it go on, kids have to learn to fight back against their bullies, because if they don't nobody is going to do it for them.
That is why they are trying to get programs started in schools to educate and do something about bullycide...Even law enforcement is being suggested to help out with teaching kids that it's not alright to bully or be bullied. This has been going on for decades if not more but now we have more tools to fight it.


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The problem will never go away no matter how many anti bullying programs there are, it's been happening since the beginning of time, it's not going to stop.


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The problem will never go away no matter how many anti bullying programs there are, it's been happening since the beginning of time, it's not going to stop.

Probably but why not try to put an end to it. We can put an end to war why not bullycide?


Toes in the water...
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This isn't about cyber bullying. That you can turn off the computer and walk away from. Problem fixed...

These are children that were talking about for the most part. Teenagers are still children. So are you saying it's the kids fault that they are being bullied in school and that they don't know any other solution but to take their own lives? I really don't think so but that's how it sounds to me. Kids and adults have to be responsible for their actions good or bad.

This all boils down to the parents, teachers and law enforcement getting together and educating the kids on what to do if being bullied by a single individual or a group of kids. It's our obligation to teach that it's NOT alright to be bullied or to bully.

The problem I have is that somewhere the media portrayed suicide as a glamorous thing. It is NOT human nature to kill oneself. Human nature is to survive no matter what. It's not the kids' fault, no. But the solution they have on their own without outside influence is not suicide. Children don't think that way.

The other issue I have is that adults these days (SOME, not all) seem to have a hard time being parents. It's easier to turn a blind eye than it is to do the hard thing and have a stern conversation or tell a child that by bullying they are in the wrong. You can stretch that to suddenly spanking a child is child abuse.

Well DA the thing about that, at least where I come from is that when Kids go to Teachers or other authority figures about being bullied nothing is done about it, they turn a blind eye and let it go on, kids have to learn to fight back against their bullies, because if they don't nobody is going to do it for them.


Did that paragraph say it was the child's fault because you must be reading something that I can't see. I agree that children need to have thicker skin. Life is fucking rough. Wear a helmet. Death is just an easy way out and a very selfish thing in my honest opinion. When you're in that zone you're not thinking how a parent is going to feel when they find your lifeless body.... kids need to grow some kahunas.

I understand what you're saying about programs educating against bullying, DA, but what about programs educating about the after effects of suicide?


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I understand what you're saying about programs educating against bullying, DA, but what about programs educating about the after effects of suicide?
I agree! There should be programs and classes about the effects of suicide too. Both are equally important. The thing is that we need to educate about ALL aspects of the situation.