I've been lucky in life really, I've never suffered extreme bullying, I've had a few encounters with ppl in my past that have left some scars but as you grow older you realise that they're bullying to try and fill a void in their own lives.
My little brother got bullied at school by this kid who was an evil little shit, it got to the point of where my little brother was in the school playground self harming in full view of the teachers.. my mum had previously spoken to the teachers about this kid and over and over again she got told that they'll sort the problem and after seeing my brother in the playground self harming they called her in and asked if home life etc was ok due to this..she went ape and it totally deflated her knowing her little boy was hurting himself because of the shit this kid put him through so she took matters into her own hands,had very stern words with the kid and his mother and things like that shouldn't be up to the parent to fix, parent's send their kids to school to be safe.
It's horrible when you hear a child taking their live due to bullying and more and more you see it nowadays with stabbings and shootings it's getting so scary to think a child could have those thoughts and be that low to think about killing themselves.