Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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Having way too much fun
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so i typed this long ass reply to everything everyone said then the site logged me out. Ill re-type it tommorow. Sorry guys. I dont get much net time because im transitioning from a line medic back to a clinic bitch job..

That's ok, I don't think there is anyone here that wants to read it anyway.

The Doc

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I had posted a question for him that I'd like to read the answer to.
was it the one about treating a gay soldier if they were injured? Yeah, its my job. As much as i hate homosexuals for being homosexual, i still realize they are God's creation. They can be rehabilitated, like pedophiles, necrofiliacs, crack addicts etc...

But really, at the end of the day having gay concentration dont affect me in any way. I could give 2 shits about it. I care about gay concentration camps as much as i care about abortion or global warming. Which is very little. Yes i have an oppinion on the issues, but at the end of the day none of our oppinions really matter.

All Else Failed

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So you wouldn't care if millions of humans were forced into captivity against their will because they prefer the same sex?

You sound massively insecure.


Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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was it the one about treating a gay soldier if they were injured? Yeah, its my job. As much as i hate homosexuals for being homosexual, i still realize they are God's creation. They can be rehabilitated, like pedophiles, necrofiliacs, crack addicts etc...

But really, at the end of the day having gay concentration dont affect me in any way. I could give 2 shits about it. I care about gay concentration camps as much as i care about abortion or global warming. Which is very little. Yes i have an oppinion on the issues, but at the end of the day none of our oppinions really matter.

Did you seriously just compare gay people to this filth........... How ignorant can you be seriously!!!


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He outright hates them, there's no reasoning with a phobia like his, and that's the last I will feed into this evil troll. :rolleyes:

The Doc

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So you wouldn't care if millions of humans were forced into captivity against their will because they prefer the same sex?

You sound massively insecure.
Why should i care about things that dont concern me? I am not gay, nor are any of my friends, family, or anyone important to me. Therefore i dont care. Its not like i could change the situation for them.

Did you seriously just compare gay people to this filth........... How ignorant can you be seriously!!!

Pedophiles and necrophiliacs are sexual deviants as homosexuals are.

He outright hates them, there's no reasoning with a phobia like his, and that's the last I will feed into this evil troll. :rolleyes:

Thank you.

I wonder if homophobes can be rehabilitated like paedophiles, necrophiliacs and crack addicts?

I wonder too.

Faggots can get married but underage soldiers who fought in wars cant drink.


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Faggots can get married but underage soldiers who fought in wars cant drink.

Come on Doc. Live and let live Bro. I guarantee you there are more gay soldiers than you know and they would and do willingly risk their lives for any of their their Brothers-in-Arms.

All Else Failed

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Why should i care about things that dont concern me? I am not gay, nor are any of my friends, family, or anyone important to me. Therefore i dont care. Its not like i could change the situation for them.
yeah see this conflicts with your faith system

christ would want you to care about the suffering of others

Seriously though if you're this afraid of homosexuals odds are you have some pretty major insecurities you should work on.
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The Doc

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yeah see this conflicts with your faith system

christ would want you to care about the suffering of others

Seriously though if you're this afraid of homosexuals odds are you have some pretty major insecurities you should work on.

Your right He would, but death is a re-occuring theme in my field of work. If i cared about everyone i would have killed myself by now.

Oh yeah I am 'Afraid' alright. I guess myself and the rest of the squadron are all insecure.

But to be completely honest, i wouldent support the killing of homosexuals. But if it happens, it happens. Such is life, friends, family and people i know will continue to die. I will die, so will you. Whats the big deal. Death is the perfect statistic, 10/10 will die. Either the homosexuals die in some camp or in the hospital. Either way it was going to happen.

Also, about gay soldiers in the Army. I know hella Dykes. As for Gay Male soldiers i dont know any. I am sure there are, but they are smart and hiding it. I am sure a gay male soldier can serve in support battalions, sustainment brigades, and service-support units and be openly gay. They have females in those units and they stay at big nice bases with Equal Oppertunity personell and whatnot etc...

Bring that homo shit to the line, Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillary, Armor etc... and that openly gay soldier wont make it. Line units are all guys, we sleep together, shower together, shit in the same barrel together etc... we live too closely together that it would undermine the unit cohesion.


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Bring that homo shit to the line, Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillary, Armor etc... and that openly gay soldier wont make it. Line units are all guys, we sleep together, shower together, shit in the same barrel together etc... we live too closely together that it would undermine the unit cohesion.

Doc I hate to break it to you, but the odds are high that you have probably showered in the same shower room and slept in the same squad bay with gay soldiers.

Check out this 60 Minutes episode:

Interestingly enough, I just finished watching this documentary on Net Flix - Why don't you check it out. Live and let live Doc. I know there's love in your heart.

All Else Failed

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Your right He would, but death is a re-occuring theme in my field of work. If i cared about everyone i would have killed myself by now.

Oh yeah I am 'Afraid' alright. I guess myself and the rest of the squadron are all insecure.

But to be completely honest, i wouldent support the killing of homosexuals. But if it happens, it happens. Such is life, friends, family and people i know will continue to die. I will die, so will you. Whats the big deal. Death is the perfect statistic, 10/10 will die. Either the homosexuals die in some camp or in the hospital. Either way it was going to happen.

Also, about gay soldiers in the Army. I know hella Dykes. As for Gay Male soldiers i dont know any. I am sure there are, but they are smart and hiding it. I am sure a gay male soldier can serve in support battalions, sustainment brigades, and service-support units and be openly gay. They have females in those units and they stay at big nice bases with Equal Oppertunity personell and whatnot etc...

Bring that homo shit to the line, Infantry, Cavalry, Field Artillary, Armor etc... and that openly gay soldier wont make it. Line units are all guys, we sleep together, shower together, shit in the same barrel together etc... we live too closely together that it would undermine the unit cohesion.

Yeah those faggots better hide it and go make cupcakes and stay off the battlefield!

^^^^ PS the kind of combat these guys were involved in is 100% more intensive than what you and your buddies do.

Not to mention the million of homosexuals that served in WW1, WW2, the Civil War, Korea...homosexuals can make good soldiers as any of your other soldiers.

But yeah, you should probably start following what Christ said.

Just curious, if you lived back in the late 30s and early 40s, would you just say "oh well, not me and my friends!" to the Jewish concentration camps?
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The Doc

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Yeah those faggots better hide it and go make cupcakes and stay off the battlefield!

^^^^ PS the kind of combat these guys were involved in is 100% more intensive than what you and your buddies do.

Not to mention the million of homosexuals that served in WW1, WW2, the Civil War, Korea...homosexuals can make good soldiers as any of your other soldiers.

But yeah, you should probably start following what Christ said.

Just curious, if you lived back in the late 30s and early 40s, would you just say "oh well, not me and my friends!" to the Jewish concentration camps?

100% more intense? Fight in a war before you start comparing shit. I would be offended, but you dont know any beter. So a bunch of gay guys formed an army. Good for them. If the army started a brigade or division for all homosexual soldiers i wouldent complain at all.

If i lived in the 30's and 40's what would i say about the concentration camps? Well, i wouldent approve of it, but there wouldent be anything i could do. I dont have anything against jewish people, i would empathize for them. But im just 1 person. I dont get concerned about shit that doesnt have anything todo with me. If one of my friends ended up in one thats a totally different story. You need to understand, if you found me 3 years ago i would hella feel bad and get involved and shit....but... like i said death is a re-occuring theme. If i felt bad for every soldier or afghani little kid that got injured or sick i would go crazy and commit suicide. If i let the deaths of people who arent of significance to me get me down, then i would be one really sad guy.

The end point is, terrible things happen all the time. I dont waste my time feeling bad about shit i have no control over. Instead of picketing and protesting, and then getting beat up by cops... i could do something productive like hit up the gym etc..
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All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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yeah but you seem to have this mentality that all homosexuals should be kidnapped and forced into camps against their will even if they "die" or something. That is psychotic.


Stickboy's Biznitch!!
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How is a homosexual a sexual deviant.... do they pray on people? Do they molest young kids?

You are a idiot for even saying that you have the iq of a peanut butter sandwich. Go crawl back under your rock you heathen.