Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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All Else Failed

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Knuckledragger sighted.

Homosexuality is biological. You're a doctor? haha that is rich.

Tell me, lets say a girl brings home "badboys" and the father does not like it. Should she beat her for continuing this?

Actually, substitute any behavior that juveniles partake in in that sentence. You're for beating them for pretty much anything the parents don't like. Not that being gay is a choice in the first place. People like you are the reason why there are are so many broken kids out there.
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Having way too much fun
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Maybe until they die, or they stop being gay. being gay is a behavior, just like stealing, doing drugs, being disrespectful to authority etc.. They will continue to live if they dont play buttpirates with another guy ever again. Its my oppinion. I dont like them. Would i personally go out and beat the gay out of them? would i pay money or offer my own time to support this? No. But if it happened i wouldent give a shit. They can easily control their behavior. I dont like looking at soldiers penis's and vaginas when they get STD's but its my job so i suck it the fuck up and continue the mission. Their families dont like them being gay, so they should stop being gay, suck it the fuck up and move on with life. i could have shut up and agreed with you all to get "post rep +" but i dont care.

Sure it is. Its obvious someone close to them doesnt like them being Gay so they paid the people to go beat them up. They are juviniles...correct? Their parents control them. Parents decision. If their homo behavior isnt fixed then they can just move out when they are 18 and play all the butt pirates they want.

All in all I just dont like Gay people and dont give a shit about them, whatever happens to them happens to them. Thats life.

Let me ask you a simple question.

Would it be possible for someone to beat you until you turned homosexual? What could someone do to possibly turn you gay? I really want to know

The Doc

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Knuckledragger sighted.

Homosexuality is biological. You're a doctor? haha that is rich.

Tell me, lets say a girl brings home "badboys" and the father does not like it. Should she beat her for continuing this?

Actually, substitute any behavior that juveniles partake in in that sentence. You're for beating them for pretty much anything the parents don't like. Not that being gay is a choice in the first place. People like you are the reason why there are are so many broken kids out there.

I am not a doctor. I am a platoon Medic, I am a Doc. Look up the study they did to prove being "born gay" and about a gay gene. It was disproven. Yes people like me are the reason kids are broken. I dont give a shit. keep telling yourself that.

Let me ask you a simple question.

Would it be possible for someone to beat you until you turned homosexual? What could someone do to possibly turn you gay? I really want to know

Its a behavior, so technically if i was raised under the wrong conditions i could end up gay. Like how co-incidentally most homosexuals are born without strong father figures. Being Homosexual is a biological defect. Im doing it right currently :). If someones beat me into being gay, i would let them beat me until I die because I am a christian and i know faggotry is wrong, and I will be reawarded in heaven because it is an honor to suffer for christ and rightousness. ( 1 Peter 3


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If someones beat me into being gay, i would let them beat me until I die because I am a christian and i know faggotry is wrong, and I will be reawarded in heaven because it is an honor to suffer for christ and rightousness. ( 1 Peter 3:14)

You know, I feel like my reaction to you should be anger, because you're spouting such outdated, ridiculous self-righteous rubbish. And I'm sure a lot of posters will also feel anger and try to correct your point of view with some choice words and cutting phrases.

But actually, I just feel sorry for you. People like you are trapped in the past, clinging to your religious beliefs and the propaganda you were taught as a child because it's far safer to believe you're superior to others simply by being born a heterosexual male, rather than consider the possibility that other ways of life are no more harmful or sinful than your own.

Good luck. Your viewpoint is going to earn you far more scorn and disgust, like the kind you express for homosexuals, than it will respect.

Peter Parka

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It's amazing how in this day and age there really are people this genuinely stupid around. And this guy is a medic??? I sure as hell wouldn't want someone this stupid trying to give me first aid given the bullshit he believes, he'd probably try and cure me with leeches or something. :willy_nilly:
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Maybe until they die, or they stop being gay. being gay is a behavior, just like stealing, doing drugs, being disrespectful to authority etc..
Being is not a behavior, whether it's being gay, being old-fashioned, or being ridiculous. Action is behavior, such as engaging in homosexual intercourse.

Would i personally go out and beat the gay out of them? would i pay money or offer my own time to support this? No. But if it happened i wouldent give a shit.
Okay medic, if troops in your unit tried to "beat the gay" out of another troop in your unit, would you give a shit? Would you treat the soldier's wounds, or would you step over the faggot and leave him bleeding?


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More than anything, I am just glad most of the people on this site agree that homophobia like his is fucked up. Not long ago, I think most people would be agreeing with this person.

Obviously a geneticist said:
Being gay is a behavior, just like stealing, doing drugs, being disrespectful to authority...etc..

One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong...
Sing it with me!

Heterosexuality is a behavior, as well...but that's not what you mean, I think you mean to say a learned behavior? In an attempt to paint it as just another vice?

I won't attempt to convince you of the biological nature and justifications of the continuum of sexual orientation, because I don't get the sense you're open to it or capable of comprehending it through your homophobia, but I will point out the more blatant flaw in your logic here.

Homosexual behavior is unlike the other behaviors you have listed. Stealing causes merchandise costs to rise, doing drugs fairly regularly results in domestic violence, possible crime, and being disrespectful to authority...I'm not sure what you mean here, just giving a cop an attitude when he's pulling you over or punching him in the head? These are quantifiable problems with actual consequences.

Being gay is only a crime against the tender moralities of the fundamentally Abrahamic, not anything else. If I was a crazy member of some whackadoodle religion that felt being a member of an online forum was a sin against nature (and provide "evidence" of it), I certainly couldn't throw it up there with rape and baby murder as morally equal.

You claim to have evidence that gay people are more prone to all sorts of wicked behaviors, but I would argue you are not qualified to make such assertions given your bias.


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Heterosexuality is a behavior, as well...but that's not what you mean, I think you mean to say a learned behavior?
But it's not a behavior. At most, it's a set of emotions. Acting on those emotions is the behavior. Some people go their whole life with sexual feelings that they don't act on. It's the behavior that is important.

Do people have a right to find certain behaviors objectionable? Absolutely. Do those people have a right to act on those objections? Yes, within parameters. Do those people have the right to force society to act in compliance with those objections? Absolutely not.

The same set of questions should receive the same set of answers when applied to homosexual behavior.

Do people have a right to find homosexual behavior pleasurable? Absolutely. Do those people have a right to act on those pleasures? Yes, within parameters. Do those people have the right to force society to act in compliance with those pleasures? Absolutely not.

So the obvious question becomes where should the line fall between the pleasure and the objection?

The obvious answer is unsatisfactory to all: Any emotion is valid and no one else's business. Any behavior among consenting adults that does not harm others must be tolerated, regardless of the valid emotion it might spur.

Now, that answer might need some caveats, but we must be extremely judicious in how we apply them.

All Else Failed

Well-Known Member
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I am not a doctor. I am a platoon Medic, I am a Doc. Look up the study they did to prove being "born gay" and about a gay gene. It was disproven. Yes people like me are the reason kids are broken. I dont give a shit. keep telling yourself that.
Everything is biological. Everything we do, say or express is because we have certain genetics that make it possible for us to do such things. The very culture you find yourself in is an expression of genetics. *Nothing* is not genetic or biological.

It is also found in the wild:

Even if homosexuality was *not* genetic and *was* a choice, I don't see how it would justify beating your child to "fix them". Unless you're some sort of barbarian.

Its a behavior, so technically if i was raised under the wrong conditions i could end up gay. Like how co-incidentally most homosexuals are born without strong father figures. Being Homosexual is a biological defect. Im doing it right currently :). If someones beat me into being gay, i would let them beat me until I die because I am a christian and i know faggotry is wrong, and I will be reawarded in heaven because it is an honor to suffer for christ and rightousness. ( 1 Peter 3
God is not real

have a nice day
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Peter Parka

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It's interesting how homophobes always seem to bring up god and the bible, not saying all Christians are homophobic but I rarely find homophobic atheists.


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It's interesting how homophobes always seem to bring up god and the bible, not saying all Christians are homophobic but I rarely find homophobic atheists.

I haven't either, I'm sure there are some of course, but it definitely is an Abrahamic religion thing, and if a person chooses to latch on to that (being the thought that homosexuality is one of the worst sins imaginable), they will end up saying stuff like this.

I'm not sure if evolutionary psychology slappies think homosexuality is a genetic sin lol but ya...


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Do those people have the right to force society to act in compliance with those pleasures? Absolutely not.

I don't follow this part. It is morally wrong for teenagers to bully their gay peers. Gays should be able to legally marry. Gays shouldn't be discriminated against. Are you saying it's unreasonable for gays to expect fair treatment by society?


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I don't follow this part. It is morally wrong for teenagers to bully their gay peers. Gays should be able to legally marry. Gays shouldn't be discriminated against. Are you saying it's unreasonable for gays to expect fair treatment by society?

I'm addressing equality. Just as people against homosexuality don't have the right to force all of society to act against homosexuals, homosexuals don't have the right to force all of society to act gay. See?

The Doc

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so i typed this long ass reply to everything everyone said then the site logged me out. Ill re-type it tommorow. Sorry guys. I dont get much net time because im transitioning from a line medic back to a clinic bitch job..