Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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The OG
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I was the one who made the comment about swingers, and how I didn't personally have time, nor would want to associate with them.

If you're telling me that you got some sort of infraction because you mentioned that there was a thread on swingers, and mentioned to ask Tim where it was at, and that is indeed the case why you received an "infraction", I'm calling it total bullshit on a wannabe Barney Fife moderator who needs to get a life.

Ohh, secret VIP area. Is that better than having more rep points:24:

Clubs will be clubs.

That wanna be barney fife moderator was me. It is a strict rule in the mods area that you are NOT to mention stuff that was said in VIP. The starter of the thread that is in VIP reported his post! If that person wants to speak up they can. Otherwise, drop the subj. Those rules are what YALL wanted! The vip members want to feel safe about what they write in there. End of story.
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The OG
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Interesting people need to feel safe about what they write. Just an observation, nothing more.

A while back BEFORE vip, we had people come on here and steal our pictures and info and make fun of us in a very rude and bad way. After that, we made VIP, so people could feel safe about posting pictures and write personal stuff. If you dont understand that, then I dunno what to tell ya.

Joe the meek

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A while back BEFORE vip, we had people come on here and steal our pictures and info and make fun of us in a very rude and bad way. After that, we made VIP, so people could feel safe about posting pictures and write personal stuff. If you dont understand that, then I dunno what to tell ya.

I sincerely do understand. I've just realized that anytime you post anything on the internet, it's open to public domain. Don't do anything on the internet that you're afraid of the world knowing about.


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In an attempt to get this thread back on track, it was about teenagers being sent to these "re-education camps" by their parents. The parents signed over all rights of these minor children to the company that ran these camps. If these stories told by the teens that "graduated" from these camps is indeed true, we are talking some serious human rights abuses. Just because you have a child does not give a parent the right to do anything they please with that child, or to physically or psychologically abuse the child, or allow others to physically or psychologically abuse the child.

Apparently, the company that is accused of this abuse has been shut down, and is facing several law suits. The company has been operating sice 1987 I think.

If this is true, I am of the opinion that the parents should be criminally prosecuted along with the company and its employees and owners if the civil law suit finds proof of physical and psychological abuse of these minors.

Here is the Facebook page of a Cross Creek group of kids, both pro and con, so this place did exist:

Here are some links from the OP:

The Wikipedia page:

And here is one teenagers story of being abducted by this organization in the middle of the night:
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The OG
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I sincerely do understand. I've just realized that anytime you post anything on the internet, it's open to public domain. Don't do anything on the internet that you're afraid of the world knowing about.

Yea, but there is a line some people shouldnt cross. For instance, One of the thing they did was take a picture of my son and accuse me of my son having fetal alcohol syndrome and thats why he was autistic.. They were making fun of MY SON! Who is innocent! (and i did not drink when I was prego for the record). Its just mean hateful things like that..things that are generally innocent to post on the internet (as in your childs picture)... Everyone that was made fun of was victimized. So thats why we made a 'safe area' that only the trusted were let in.

ok, topic can continue.

Defiant Tuesday

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Yea, but there is a line some people shouldnt cross. For instance, One of the thing they did was take a picture of my son and accuse me of my son having fetal alcohol syndrome and thats why he was autistic.. They were making fun of MY SON! Who is innocent! (and i did not drink when I was prego for the record). Its just mean hateful things like that..things that are generally innocent to post on the internet (as in your childs picture)... Everyone that was made fun of was victimized. So thats why we made a 'safe area' that only the trusted were let in.

ok, topic can continue.

Awwww..... Sorry you had to go through that V. :(

Joe the meek

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Yea, but there is a line some people shouldnt cross. For instance, One of the thing they did was take a picture of my son and accuse me of my son having fetal alcohol syndrome and thats why he was autistic.. They were making fun of MY SON! Who is innocent! (and i did not drink when I was prego for the record). Its just mean hateful things like that..things that are generally innocent to post on the internet (as in your childs picture)... Everyone that was made fun of was victimized. So thats why we made a 'safe area' that only the trusted were let in.

Although I know I can be ruff around the edges to some, a thought like that would never of occurred to me.

As far as getting back on topic, this thread has been off the tracks for the last 25 pages or so:p

Joe the meek

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In an attempt to get this thread back on track, it was about teenagers being sent to these "re-education camps" by their parents. The parents signed over all rights of these minor children to the company that ran these camps. If these stories told by the teens that "graduated" from these camps is indeed true, we are talking some serious human rights abuses. Just because you have a child does not give a parent the right to do anything they please with that child, or to physically or psychologically abuse the child, or allow others to physically or psychologically abuse the child.

Apparently, the company that is accused of this abuse has been shut down, and is facing several law suits. The company has been operating sice 1987 I think.

If this is true, I am of the opinion that the parents should be criminally prosecuted along with the company and its employees and owners if the civil law suit finds proof of physical and psychological abuse of these minors.

Here is the Facebook page of a Cross Creek group of kids, both pro and con, so this place did exist:

Here are some links from the OP:

The Wikipedia page:

And here is one teenagers story of being abducted by this organization in the middle of the night:

Yet another reason why parents should have to obtain a license before having children:D

The Doc

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In an attempt to get this thread back on track, it was about teenagers being sent to these "re-education camps" by their parents. The parents signed over all rights of these minor children to the company that ran these camps. If these stories told by the teens that "graduated" from these camps is indeed true, we are talking some serious human rights abuses. Just because you have a child does not give a parent the right to do anything they please with that child, or to physically or psychologically abuse the child, or allow others to physically or psychologically abuse the child.

Apparently, the company that is accused of this abuse has been shut down, and is facing several law suits. The company has been operating sice 1987 I think.

If this is true, I am of the opinion that the parents should be criminally prosecuted along with the company and its employees and owners if the civil law suit finds proof of physical and psychological abuse of these minors.

Here is the Facebook page of a Cross Creek group of kids, both pro and con, so this place did exist:

Here are some links from the OP:

The Wikipedia page:

And here is one teenagers story of being abducted by this organization in the middle of the night:

First and foremost it is completely normal for juvinile programs to come abduct you at night. Its called an extraction. Drug and behavioral modification programs do that also. So do bootcamps. If your parents told you that you were going, you would run away.

Second, you can not put the parents in trouble. Every juvinile program I was at your letters were read and your phone conversations were on speaker so the correctional staff can monitor. You write something in a letter that says "I dont like it here", "The food tastes bad", "They abuse me" etc.. etc... your letter will get ripped up and you will re-send it. On your phone conversations they will only start giving you those when your trusted. You start spouting off how you dont like being there the caall is over, you lost call privelages and your going to get punished. There really is NO WAY what so ever for the child to inform the parent of abuse. DCF (Department of Children and Families) does inspections of the facilities and randomly interviews the inmates.


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First and foremost it is completely normal for juvinile programs to come abduct you at night. Its called an extraction. Drug and behavioral modification programs do that also. So do bootcamps. If your parents told you that you were going, you would run away.

Second, you can not put the parents in trouble. Every juvinile program I was at your letters were read and your phone conversations were on speaker so the correctional staff can monitor. You write something in a letter that says "I dont like it here", "The food tastes bad", "They abuse me" etc.. etc... your letter will get ripped up and you will re-send it. On your phone conversations they will only start giving you those when your trusted. You start spouting off how you dont like being there the caall is over, you lost call privelages and your going to get punished. There really is NO WAY what so ever for the child to inform the parent of abuse. DCF (Department of Children and Families) does inspections of the facilities and randomly interviews the inmates.

I have no problem with juvenile detention programs or boot camps for law breakers with government oversight. But these programs are private sector with no human rights oversight and are abusive.

Parental rights do not include the right to abuse minors. If kids are placed into a program by a judge, fine. But this program in the OP is abuse, plain and simple.

The Doc

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I have no problem with juvenile detention programs or boot camps for law breakers with government oversight. But these programs are private sector with no human rights oversight and are abusive.

Parental rights do not include the right to abuse minors. If kids are placed into a program by a judge, fine. But this program in the OP is abuse, plain and simple.

Just because a child has not been arrested does not mean they should not be able to get into programs. I have been to 3 programs. 1 state run i spent 6 months at, 1 bootcamp (originally 1 year but was pulled after 3 months for abuse) then another private program 1 year long. I have been to 3 juvinile programs in my life. 2 private one state run. The private ones are better then state run.

In private ones you will find 3 kinds of juviniles. Type 1 was me, who is court ordered by a judge for criminal charges. Type 2 is someone who needs to be there. Type 3 is someone who doesnt need to be there. Theese programs are filled with type 3 personell. They are usually juviniles whose parents caught them smoking weed and flipped out to send them there, or some kid who is disrespectful so his parents dished out 40,000 with a year to teach them a lesson. But you will find some Type 2 guys. Theese guys havent been arrested or sent there by the court per se. Their families paid to keep them there. But they need to be there. Alot of those guys were 15 and 16 years old addicted to cocaine and heroin. They came home once a week maybe to steal from their families or to change clothes. They often broke into their own homes at night to steal for drug money. They were so addicted to drugs they did not shower, brush their teeth or change their clothes. They are constantly fighting to rob people for money or fighting other addicts for drugs or money. Theese guys were sleeping under bridges and on park benches. I truly believe their parents did the correct thing in sending them there. Private programs are neccessary for some.

Peter Parka

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Well, following religeon is thinking for yourself. Its pretty big decision to become a part of a religeon. I wasnt born into christianity. I am sure you dont care though. You have gotten desperate and cant defend the points you make anymore so you try to attack my credibility. its pretty sad. What you are doing is similiar to children crying when they dont get their way.

If something like that makes you proud then you really havent gotten much done in your life.

Yeah, sure... Why not. This is such a stupid post i really dont know how to respond to it.

Lol if anyone thinks im getting my ass hole ripped they must be stupid. This isnt a debate anymore its Peter Parka trying to hurt my feelings (not doing a very good job at it either) and random people like Pancea trying to ride his testicles as he does so.

My personal oppinions do not represent those of the United States Army or the United States Government. It is completely personal. Also, i would not be happy to see homosexuals in concentration camps. I never said that. Ever. There you go making up random fairytales again.

Congratulations! You do a far greater job of proving that homophobes are stupid biggotted morons than anything I could say. :clap


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Just because a child has not been arrested does not mean they should not be able to get into programs. I have been to 3 programs. 1 state run i spent 6 months at, 1 bootcamp (originally 1 year but was pulled after 3 months for abuse) then another private program 1 year long. I have been to 3 juvinile programs in my life. 2 private one state run. The private ones are better then state run.

In private ones you will find 3 kinds of juviniles. Type 1 was me, who is court ordered by a judge for criminal charges. Type 2 is someone who needs to be there. Type 3 is someone who doesnt need to be there. Theese programs are filled with type 3 personell. They are usually juviniles whose parents caught them smoking weed and flipped out to send them there, or some kid who is disrespectful so his parents dished out 40,000 with a year to teach them a lesson. But you will find some Type 2 guys. Theese guys havent been arrested or sent there by the court per se. Their families paid to keep them there. But they need to be there. Alot of those guys were 15 and 16 years old addicted to cocaine and heroin. They came home once a week maybe to steal from their families or to change clothes. They often broke into their own homes at night to steal for drug money. They were so addicted to drugs they did not shower, brush their teeth or change their clothes. They are constantly fighting to rob people for money or fighting other addicts for drugs or money. Theese guys were sleeping under bridges and on park benches. I truly believe their parents did the correct thing in sending them there. Private programs are neccessary for some.

Was the private program that was pulled for abuse better than the government one? What kind of abuse?

You're supporting my position that government oversight is required or the private sector will abuse people. That's the whole reason our civilized society has laws - to keep one human from abusing the rights of another.

If some parent has more money than common sense and parenting skills and wants to give it to some private company to do what they clearly have failed to do, no problem - as long as there is government human rights oversight to prevent abuse.

The program in the OP was driven by religion and was done in such a fashion as to intentionally avoid government oversight. That is a violation of law in all 50 states and constitutes false arrest and false imprisonment.

The Doc

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Was the private program that was pulled for abuse better than the government one? What kind of abuse?

You're supporting my position that government oversight is required or the private sector will abuse people. That's the whole reason our civilized society has laws - to keep one human from abusing the rights of another.

If some parent has more money than common sense and parenting skills and wants to give it to some private company to do what they clearly have failed to do, no problem - as long as there is government human rights oversight to prevent abuse.

The program in the OP was driven by religion and was done in such a fashion as to intentionally avoid government oversight. That is a violation of law in all 50 states and constitutes false arrest and false imprisonment.

That bootcamp which you can look up, Victory Forge Military Acadamy was the name. they changed it to South Eastern Military Acadamy to get rid of some off the bad publicity. It was shut down for signs of physical abuse, use of restraints, not feeding us as punishment etc..

Again that is just one private one. The second private one i went to was a lot better. All programs, regardless of private or public is subject to inspection and overseen by DCF (Department of Children and Families). They interview the juviniles and everything... The program that i changed my life in was a religeous program. No because a program is religeous doesnt mean they force religeon on you or you get punished for not believing.

Private programs are better then state ones because the private ones actually want you to change your life and call them when your out of there to make sure your doing alright. Their money comes from your family. If you leave the program as bad or worse as before they wont get anymore juviniles. VS in a state run where they just dont give a shit about you. Your just a number. No one cares if you change or anything. Wheather you come or not they will still get funded.


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I have no problem with juvenile detention programs or boot camps for law breakers with government oversight. But these programs are private sector with no human rights oversight and are abusive.

Parental rights do not include the right to abuse minors. If kids are placed into a program by a judge, fine. But this program in the OP is abuse, plain and simple.

Again, having first hand knowledge of this, it's not ethical to "abduct" juveniles to place them in bootcamps. Half of our juvenile clients sent to bootcamps are warned ahead of time and voluntarily submit to detainment. The system acknowledges the militant prevention of absconders is dangerously close to human rights violations. You're correct in thinking this sort of thing is unethical.