Um.......... ok. Springer must be on holidays or something so if you wanna continue you best do it now cuz when he's back this thread will be closed tighter than a camels asshole in a sandstorm.
Apparently someone mentioned something in this thread about people fucking other peoples spouses. I made mention that there's a thread on this board about that very subject . I can't recall exactly what I said so I mentioned Tims name cuz he's so fucking good about remembering threads and ramming age old shit down everyones throat. My post has been removed so I can't check that anymore. Now it sees that thread must have been in VIP, the backstabbing section, and for that I was reported. It seems not only can you not speak about things in VIP... which I understand... you can't even mention one little fucking thing that goes on in that back stabbing section. Unfortunately all my priviledges have been suspended for ONE YEAR according to some shit posted in my " User CP " so I can't even go hunting for the thread I was thinking about to help your buddy Tim out.
Regarding your comment about Tim....
Tim is an entirely different person since he gave up his powers here. That said he's probably a very good friend of some of the elite so he can get away with whatever the fuck he wants to. If he's broken any rules directly against you then you can report him. It's unlikely he'd be infracted but it's your trigger to pull if you want.