Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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Joe the meek

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Oh I'm sorry, I gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you used better logic than that. My fault.

PLEASE explain to me how to use better logic than to assume the person isn't lying.

PLEASE explain to me how to determine without a shadow of a doubt who is good at what their job is over an internet forum.

Now, that said, I've got to ask, what do you do for a living and how do you do it?
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PLEASE explain to me how to use better logic than to assume the person isn't lying.

By referring to the fact a soldier outwardly says he doesn't care about what happens to people he doesn't know. Isn't one of the main purposes of fighting for the country to fight for the safety of the millions of citizens? If you look back, I had to take him on his word that he hates gay people, so it's not about lying or truthtelling.

PLEASE explain to me how to determine without a shadow of a doubt who is good at what their job is over an internet forum.

I will have to ask you to explain that, since you did it. You were the one who said he was a damn good soldier and determined he was good at his job over the internet lol, I said we can't know for certain either way. :D

Now, that said, I've got to ask, what do you do for a living and how do you do it?

Drug court professional; well.


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The example the doc used where of boys up to the age of 15.

But this is completely besides the point; The Doc is getting incredible flak for his honest and forthright views. He's explained it's the culture he's from, and that he doesn't go out an act on any of this. Yet this thread seem intent on twisting all he says, and dragging him into a debate of hypothetical questions... If we're all as open-minded as we claim to be, let's live and let live. You're not going to convert anyone over the internet anyway.

For the record, I also don't agree with Doc's views, but they don't affect me, and nor do they affect any of you, and they certainly don't affect the gay friends I have. So let's just move on. Nobody is a paedo, nobody is a nazi.

Finally a post other than one of Docs :clap that's worthy of :clap.

The only reason this thread hasn't been closed by the powers to be is because they think Doc is getting a new asshole ripped. Unfortunately for them he isn't.


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For the record, I also don't agree with Doc's views,


but they don't affect me, and nor do they affect any of you, and they certainly don't affect the gay friends I have.
I disagree. Homophobes have and will continue to hurt homosexuals if good people allow it. Gay teenagers are bullied, homosexuals are denied the right to be legally married, etc. I admit the situation has improved much in recent years. But it's because of the many people in society who are joining with homosexuals and proclaiming homophobia is wrong.


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I disagree. Homophobes have and will continue to hurt homosexuals if good people allow it. Gay teenagers are bullied, homosexuals are denied the right to be legally married, etc. I admit the situation has improved much in recent years. But it's because of the many people in society who are joining with homosexuals and proclaiming homophobia is wrong.

I think this is true. Maybe when civil rights are given to homosexuals, we can adopt the live and let live principle, but until then, silence is just turning a blind eye to discrimination.

Peter Parka

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The difference between Doc and Guyser as I see it - Guyser- - old fashioned homophobe (yes I know he hates that term) Been brought up the old fashioned way, see's gays as bad, as long as they dont interfere with his life, no problem with them. :thumbup

Doc - representing the army, would be happy to see gays in concentration camps - evil cunt.

Joe the meek

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I will have to ask you to explain that, since you did it. You were the one who said he was a damn good soldier and determined he was good at his job over the internet lol, I said we can't know for certain either way. :D

A couple of reasons.

He went to the sand box no matter what his views are because he was told to do so, and he also mentioned that even if he didn't agree with his orders, he would follow them. Don't know what else you could expect out of a soldier.

I know, BUT... what if he's ordered to round up gays? LOL As Doc mentioned, if those orders were to come down, all the t-s would be crossed and i's dotted beforehand. The kicker is, everyone is crucifying him for a hypothetical situation.

Drug court professional; well.

How do you know you do it well? Just because you aren't terminated from your job? What does your job duties include in detail? I'm curious because I'd like to throw a hypothetical situation out at you and see what you would do LOL
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Joe the meek

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obviously you dont know that peters bi-sexual

I have to assume you're joking for the fact that Peter is married. However, it brings up an interesting point. IF Peter were bi-sexual, does that mean he's currently cheating on his wife with men? If so, personally, I have no use that kind of person and wouldn't want to associated with them in my everyday life. Is that discrimination? By the same token, I also have no time for people who cheat on their spouses and despise them for not having the gonads to tell their spouse beforehand. Hey, what about swingers? They're all consenting adults and have the right to do what they want to do, correct? Perhaps I am closed minded, but for myself, when someone takes the time to get married, particularly in a church, for myself, it tells me what kind of people they are, and I'd prefer to have nothing to do with them.


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The difference between Doc and Guyser as I see it - Guyser- - old fashioned homophobe (yes I know he hates that term) Been brought up the old fashioned way, see's gays as bad, as long as they dont interfere with his life, no problem with them. :thumbup

Actually Peter you're wrong. I don't see them as being bad at all. I simply don't understand how a male can be become excited by another male. Yes I've heard all the reasons but that doesn't nor will it ever change my opinion. A womans body and her giving it to a male is the greatest fucking gift a man could ever get.................... period................... end of discussion.


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The kicker is, everyone is crucifying him for a hypothetical situation.

That's due to one thing. These people haven't paid attention to what he's really been saying. They can't get past any word with " homo " in it and when someone speaks against their views hey get their back up against the wall. If they slowed themselves down they just might have a chance at understanding him.


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I don't see them as being bad at all.
Do you think they should have the right to be legally married?

I simply don't understand how a male can be become excited by another male.
That just means you're straight. So you might try saying "I'm not a homosexual" instead of "I disagree with homosexuality". People understand the first statement. They're left scratching their heads wondering wtf you're talking about with the second statement.

The Doc

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There's really no point in discussing this with you. You are so close minded and illogical. You spout off complete crap and then have the cheek to to say others arn't smart enough.
And this from a guy who admits that the reason he dosen't like gays is because he's a blind sheep who just follows a religion soley because it was what he was brought up with. Hopefully one day you will learn to think for yourself.

Well, following religeon is thinking for yourself. Its pretty big decision to become a part of a religeon. I wasnt born into christianity. I am sure you dont care though. You have gotten desperate and cant defend the points you make anymore so you try to attack my credibility. its pretty sad. What you are doing is similiar to children crying when they dont get their way.
I anm proud of jumping on a homophobe and calling them out. :thumbup Thankyou. :)

If something like that makes you proud then you really havent gotten much done in your life.

he took a hill single handed,armed only with a pistol and one grenade,the machine gun bunker slowed him down though

Yeah, sure... Why not. This is such a stupid post i really dont know how to respond to it.

Finally a post other than one of Docs :clap that's worthy of :clap.

The only reason this thread hasn't been closed by the powers to be is because they think Doc is getting a new asshole ripped. Unfortunately for them he isn't.

Lol if anyone thinks im getting my ass hole ripped they must be stupid. This isnt a debate anymore its Peter Parka trying to hurt my feelings (not doing a very good job at it either) and random people like Pancea trying to ride his testicles as he does so.

The difference between Doc and Guyser as I see it - Guyser- - old fashioned homophobe (yes I know he hates that term) Been brought up the old fashioned way, see's gays as bad, as long as they dont interfere with his life, no problem with them. :thumbup

Doc - representing the army, would be happy to see gays in concentration camps - evil cunt.

My personal oppinions do not represent those of the United States Army or the United States Government. It is completely personal. Also, i would not be happy to see homosexuals in concentration camps. I never said that. Ever. There you go making up random fairytales again.


Having way too much fun
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The kicker is, everyone is crucifying him for a hypothetical situation

Crucifying him for a hypothetical situation? No, this is why I think he is an idiot, it has nothing to do with a bogus hypothetical.

I wouldent really be against beating the gay out of them

Actually Peter you're wrong. I don't see them as being bad at all. I simply don't understand how a male can be become excited by another male. Yes I've heard all the reasons but that doesn't nor will it ever change my opinion. A womans body and her giving it to a male is the greatest fucking gift a man could ever get.................... period................... end of discussion.

So because you can't understand it, it's got to be wrong, right?

That's due to one thing. These people haven't paid attention to what he's really been saying. They can't get past any word with " homo " in it and when someone speaks against their views hey get their back up against the wall. If they slowed themselves down they just might have a chance at understanding him.

See his above quote and justify that. Hell, try to explain it.
Yes, I have been paying attention to what he's saying. Apparently you haven't.

Joe the meek

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Crucifying him for a hypothetical situation? No, this is why I think he is an idiot, it has nothing to do with a bogus hypothetical.

You did pick the perfect avatar didn't you:24:

This whole thread got hijacked when it was posed to Doc if he would round up gays if he was ordered to.
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The Doc

Active Member
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You did pick the perfect avatar didn't you:24:

This whole thread got hijacked when it was posed to Doc if he would round up gays if he was ordered to.

This thread alone is why I have been re-logging onto this site for the past couple of weeks. I dont post or check any other sections of this board. I dont start arguments, but i do finish them. So unless this thread gets locked, or everyone against me stops posting i will continue to keep checking.
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Having way too much fun
Valued Contributor
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You did pick the perfect avatar didn't you:24:

This whole thread got hijacked when it was posed to Doc if he would round up gays if he was ordered to.

So what's the thread on swingers? You a swinger yourself?

No shit Sherlock. The hypothetical had absolutely no bearing on how I feel about him.

There is nothing more relevant to this entire thread than his statement about how he would like to beat the gay out of them. That one statement alone speaks volumes into his view on homosexuality.
You can continue to beat that hypothetical into the ground, but you won't get anywhere with it. This is why I haven't addressed it in the last dozen pages or so.


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The kicker is, everyone is crucifying him for a hypothetical situation.

His hateful comments about gay people are what set off the "crucifying". I doubt he's surprised/offended by the reaction he's gotten, so you and his other slappies shouldn't be offended either.

How do you know you do it well? Just because you aren't terminated from your job? What does your job duties include in detail? I'm curious because I'd like to throw a hypothetical situation out at you and see what you would do LOL

I have a circuit court judge, a court administrator and a rehab facility bending over backwards to cut through enough red tape to keep me employed and give me a raise. I shouldn't even be a dot on their radar, my position was supposed to end three years ago, but my reputation for good work keeps them interested.

I don't feel like typing my job duty list; it's two pages long. That's a lot of set up for a point I'd bet huge money is going to be weak :p just make it.