Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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The Doc

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I'm not saying you should act as policeman. I'm saying you should at the very least care.

Im sorry I know better then to get emotionally attatched to people who i dont know and have nothing todo with me. I have seen many people die. Thats how you deal with it. You detatch. Death is a re-occuring theme withing the medical field. If you feel bad for everyone, you will end up suffering yourseld. Theres a suicide every 40 seconds and murder every 60 seconds according to the world health orginization. Im not worried about it, and i know your not either. Does that neccessarily make you a bad person. No. Your living your life. Theres nothing you can do about most of those people. If your in a position to help someone dying in front of you, by all means DO IT.But in most cases you cant do anything.

In 40 seconds a guy across the world is going to pull the trigger to take his wife and son then himself. Hate to break it to you but you cant do anything about it. 60 seconds from now a demented killer is going to stalk his victim then murder them, or a gang member is going to shoot a rival and maybe miss and hit a little kid on a bike. Yes, its fucking sad.... but thats life. Shit happens that you cant control. Dont get your undies in a bundle over it. People decide to fight in wars, get involved in crime, and commit suicide. They have to accept the risks of their decisions. Dont get me wrong, innocent people die too for no apparent reason at all.

One of my very dear friends died during my tour in Afghanistan. I loved him like my own brother. Not a day goes by, that I dont miss my friend. Every fucking day I wake up wishing it was me instead. But at the end of the day, what is done is done. There is nothing I can do to bring him back to life. I can be sad and waste my life moping around and throwing a pitty party for myself or I can move on. I choose the latter. I dont cry about it or talk about it very much. Not because it doesnt affect me but becausei have learned to understand death will come to us all. Me and you.

Sorry, back on topic though. If they were rounding up homosexuals, i hope they would be smart enough to move out of san francisco and start dressing and acting straight, they can always move away and live to take dick another day. If they started rounding up everyone with brown eyes and killing them, shit i would buy some color changing contacts until i drove across the border.
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All Else Failed

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Sorry, back on topic though. If they were rounding up homosexuals, i hope they would be smart enough to move out of san francisco and start dressing and acting straight, they can always move away and live to take dick another day. If they started rounding up everyone with brown eyes and killing them, shit i would buy some color changing contacts until i drove across the border.

yeah see this stuff makes you sound ridiculous ^^^

I seriously don't see where your hatred for gays comes from.

The Doc

Active Member
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yeah see this stuff makes you sound ridiculous ^^^

I seriously don't see where your hatred for gays comes from.

Hate is a strong word. I have recently re-thought my oppinion and i will settle for very strong dislike.

Live to take dick another day. That was purely for laughs. i thought it was funny. Guess you dont think so. Homosexuality goes against the Gender Roles, Cultural and religeous values I grew up with. You might have been raised being taught that was OK. I wasnt.

In Afghanistan an Older man of status will keep 2 or 3 younger boys with him for sexual gratification purposes. Yes thats disghusting and gay. Especially since the older man is like 45 and the boys are between 9 - 15... but over there thats normal. Its accepted. Its been like that culturally over there for hundreds of years. Pasthun men do that in afghanistan.

You see, You (hopefully) and I see this as wrong because we were raised being taught it was disghusting and immoral. Over there its widely accepted.

Thought you might accept homosexuality, I dont. Whats wrong to me might not be wrong to you. Whats wrong to you might be wrong to me.

Peter Parka

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You really need to learn the difference between a homosexual and a paedophile. This crap you keep spewing out is incorrect and offensive.

The Doc

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You really need to learn the difference between a homosexual and a paedophile. This crap you keep spewing out is incorrect and offensive.

Your not smart enough to realize the logic are you. Something taboo to us like pedophilia is fully acceptable in that country. We think its wrong and nasty, to them its A OK. Its part of southern pashtun culture. They are raised believeing there is nothing wrong having sex with little boys. Most of us in america disagree and think its wrong.

Homosexuality maybe OK to you, but its wrong to me. You might have grown up around it being accepted. I didnt


Active Member
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Your not smart enough to realize the logic are you. Something taboo to us like pedophilia is fully acceptable in that country. We think its wrong and nasty, to them its A OK. Its part of southern pashtun culture. They are raised believeing there is nothing wrong having sex with little boys. Most of us in america disagree and think its wrong.

Homosexuality maybe OK to you, but its wrong to me. You might have grown up around it being accepted. I didnt

The difference is homosexuality is something that's done between consenting adults, paedophilia is not.


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Adulthood is nothing more than a cultural concept in itself. That is part of what Doc is saying.

To a point, but there's a physical difference between prepubescent people and people who have gone through puberty. The former are not physically ready for sex and therefore can definitely be considered children.


Well-Known Member
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Adulthood is nothing more than a cultural concept in itself. That is part of what Doc is saying.

While I understand where you're driving at, puberty/adulthood does have neurological and physical onsets. I suppose the issue is consent and one's ability to consent.

For instance, I don't hate people who engage in incest. :dunno why should I?
My worry/issue with pedophilia is assault, rape, trauma to the child (which happens more often than not), not so much a consenting (I don't think a child can consent, but that is just me) mutual relationship that is just taboo.


The cake is a metaphor
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The example the doc used where of boys up to the age of 15.

But this is completely besides the point; The Doc is getting incredible flak for his honest and forthright views. He's explained it's the culture he's from, and that he doesn't go out an act on any of this. Yet this thread seem intent on twisting all he says, and dragging him into a debate of hypothetical questions... If we're all as open-minded as we claim to be, let's live and let live. You're not going to convert anyone over the internet anyway.

For the record, I also don't agree with Doc's views, but they don't affect me, and nor do they affect any of you, and they certainly don't affect the gay friends I have. So let's just move on. Nobody is a paedo, nobody is a nazi.


Well-Known Member
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But this is completely besides the point; The Doc is getting incredible flak for his honest and forthright views. He's explained it's the culture he's from, and that he doesn't go out an act on any of this. Yet this thread seem intent on twisting all he says, and dragging him into a debate of hypothetical questions... If we're all as open-minded as we claim to be, let's live and let live. You're not going to convert anyone over the internet anyway.

For the record, I also don't agree with Doc's views, but they don't affect me, and nor do they affect any of you, and they certainly don't affect the gay friends I have. So let's just move on. Nobody is a paedo, nobody is a nazi.

People rip Dana a new asshole on the regular for saying any little thing on this forum (mind you some of it is incredibly insensitive, yes) but it's wrong to criticize someone like this? Not twist words, but given what he has specifically said, only.

I disengaged from him specifically a while ago, as there isn't any point. He's just an asshole, there are millions of them, in every flavor. I give AEF credit for attempting to raise consciousness.

I think the thread itself has raised interesting points, though.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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Your not smart enough to realize the logic are you. Something taboo to us like pedophilia is fully acceptable in that country. We think its wrong and nasty, to them its A OK. Its part of southern pashtun culture. They are raised believeing there is nothing wrong having sex with little boys. Most of us in america disagree and think its wrong.

Homosexuality maybe OK to you, but its wrong to me. You might have grown up around it being accepted. I didnt

There's really no point in discussing this with you. You are so close minded and illogical. You spout off complete crap and then have the cheek to to say others arn't smart enough.
And this from a guy who admits that the reason he dosen't like gays is because he's a blind sheep who just follows a religion soley because it was what he was brought up with. Hopefully one day you will learn to think for yourself.

Joe the meek

Active Member
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There's really no point in discussing this with you. You are so close minded and illogical. You spout off complete crap and then have the cheek to to say others arn't smart enough.
And this from a guy who admits that the reason he dosen't like gays is because he's a blind sheep who just follows a religion soley because it was what he was brought up with. Hopefully one day you will learn to think for yourself.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

I'm certain every one of your 42,000 or so posts were full of enlightenment and truth:24: