Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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I find it rather tragic when civilians have this attitude toward members of our military who volunteered to protect this freedom of running your mouths you so crave and think you earned. You didn't earn shit. You were lucky enough to be born into a country where men and women have spilled blood to protect your rights and freedom.

Fuck you Tim, you sir, are an asshole. You spout so much BS here its not even funny anymore. I pity you, actually. I'd buy tickets to see you face to face with any member of the service (past or present) and see how that goes for you.


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Everybody deserves respect - at least respect enough to not name-call. I disagree with Doc too. I don't think his positions are rational but why name call?

Oh come on now, what?! ;) You name call back and forth with AA, Retro, and Accountable all the time. You've called them things I wouldn't call anyone lol.

Peter Parka

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I find it rather tragic when civilians have this attitude toward members of our military who volunteered to protect this freedom of running your mouths you so crave and think you earned. You didn't earn shit. You were lucky enough to be born into a country where men and women have spilled blood to protect your rights and freedom.

Fuck you Tim, you sir, are an asshole. You spout so much BS here its not even funny anymore. I pity you, actually. I'd buy tickets to see you face to face with any member of the service (past or present) and see how that goes for you.

Kind of stupid and pointless when people are in the army if they are fighting against things they agree with.


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I don't think there's anything wrong with saying, sometimes bad people who don't deserve respect end up in uniform. Just in general. Shouldn't take away from the good ones and the respect they deserve.

Joe the meek

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I find it rather tragic when civilians have this attitude toward members of our military who volunteered to protect this freedom of running your mouths you so crave and think you earned. You didn't earn shit. You were lucky enough to be born into a country where men and women have spilled blood to protect your rights and freedom.



The cake is a metaphor
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Two cardinal taboo's have been committed in this thread: admitting a discomfort towards homosexuality, and saying that not all active or retired service people are automatically deserving of respect.

I'm sure that's fine though either way.


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Two cardinal taboo's have been committed in this thread: admitting a discomfort towards homosexuality, and saying that not all active or retired service people are automatically deserving of respect.

I'm sure that's fine though either way.

I do wonder...if I posted a thread about a guy who cheated on his pregnant wife, left her homeless in an unfamiliar state with two small children until she could find a way to get home to her parents, didn't attend the birth of their third baby, and refuses to visit them children who are begging for him, let alone pay child support, I think a lot of people on this forum would be flipping the fuck out calling him all sorts of things.

If I later added he is in the military, would those people feel horrible for what they said? Probably not...I think that's all Tim was getting at.



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Not true. Hitler and Stalin were jack asses. You going to defend them too?

lol, does that mean all of you guys respect the fort hood shooter?

You're reaching and you know it. Are you seriously attempting to compare Doc to those criminals? Yeah, I'd pay to watch both of you talk that shit to Doc or any vets face.

Oh come on now, what?! ;) You name call back and forth with AA, Retro, and Accountable all the time. You've called them things I wouldn't call anyone lol.

Hmmmm...Do I actually name-call them personally, or describe their posting behavior and political views in such a manner that makes them act bat shit crazy? ;)

Look guys - Doc's a working class guy like all of us. You guys think you can verbally beat Doc into enlightenment or what? For all we know, Doc might be yanking our chains and laughing his ass off at how fucking silly this whole thread is getting. :)

The Doc

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Here are just a few things you have said in this thread.

It makes me smile knowing that in less than 60 days gays will be allowed to openly serve in the military. You are young so I'm sure you still have several years to go before you're out of the military. Good luck with that.

Thats fine that they can openly serve in the Navy, Airforce etc.. I highly doubt i will ever meet an openly homosexual Cavalry Scout, Artillary Men, Infantry Men, Tanker, etc... The culture of a line unit is something that your not comprehending. We are different then the 'Paper Pusher' army of Communications, Intelligence, Admin etc.. who work in offices with their crisp clean uniforms who have coffee breaks and an equal oppertunity NCO to complain to when they dont get their way.

it is hilarious because it is doc's duty to care about what happens to the citizenry and the state of the constitution

that is why this entire thing is absurd

Even if i thought something was wrong, or the government was neglecting a certain group of people I cant go break into the squadron arms room and wreak vigilante justice with my M-4. lol. Congress determines when wrongdoing is being done and when to mobilize us. We do protect the constitutuion and the citizens as our oath says, when CONGRESS has recognized a threat to it and mobilizes us.

Maybe, unlike the rest of us, you cannot see the irony here.

One of the reasons doc hates the fags is because of his deep religious views. He'd rather die than be gay because he thinks it pleases god, yet he is willing to beat the gay out of the homos or stand by and watch them get rounded up and exterminated, exactly what Jesus would do... right?

I never once said i would personally beat the gay out of someone. Ever. Quote me if im wrong. As for watching homos get rounded up and exterminated... i also never said i would watch it happen and do nothing. I just said if i heard about it I wouldent care.

Kind of stupid and pointless when people are in the army if they are fighting against things they agree with.

No its not pointless, its following orders. Wheather you agree with it or Not, it doesnt matter. You execute an order, as long as it is a lawful one. Politicians will figure out wheather it was right or wrong the next day on CNN.

I do wonder...if I posted a thread about a guy who cheated on his pregnant wife, left her homeless in an unfamiliar state with two small children until she could find a way to get home to her parents, didn't attend the birth of their third baby, and refuses to visit them children who are begging for him, let alone pay child support, I think a lot of people on this forum would be flipping the fuck out calling him all sorts of things.

If I later added he is in the military, would those people feel horrible for what they said? Probably not...I think that's all Tim was getting at.


yes, we have people like that in the Army. This might be shocking, but there are criminals in the Army.
There are alot of jelous people obviously who dont think soldiers deserve respect and wonder why they get it etc.. etc... Generally, we are taking a low paying job, being put in harms way, and get treated pretty badly compared to a regular employer. Anyone who tells you they joined the army for the money, is a retard. There is no money in the Army. Atleast for us Enlisted Personell. Therefore people in the Army are selflessly serving for their Family, friends etc... because there are ALOT better employment oppertunities out there for us. That is why the general population gives us respect.

You're reaching and you know it. Are you seriously attempting to compare Doc to those criminals? Yeah, I'd pay to watch both of you talk that shit to Doc or any vets face.

Hmmmm...Do I actually name-call them personally, or describe their posting behavior and political views in such a manner that makes them act bat shit crazy? ;)

Look guys - Doc's a working class guy like all of us. You guys think you can verbally beat Doc into enlightenment or what? For all we know, Doc might be yanking our chains and laughing his ass off at how fucking silly this whole thread is getting. :)

Basic lesson i was taught when i joined the Army. Cover and Concealment. Cover can physically protect you from harm, while concealment hides you from enemy observation. People like Tim use their keyboard as Concealment from harm. They can say whatever and not suffer consequences. I would like to imagine Tim is a smart guy, and will keep his words on the computer screen.. and if he is around myself or any other soldier.. to keep quiet.

Its funny because at the Airport Jehovas Witnesses will tell me I am going to hell, God hates me, etc... and i dont really ever have to say anything back for myself because other people in the Airport will jump on the Jehovas Witnesses as i walk away. Im sure if he tried to disrespect a veteran in public, another civilian would jump on him before the soldier.. Simply because we know better. We dont go out drinking, or getting into fist fights or arguments in uniform.

Anything I do in a uniform reflects the United States Army, The United States Government, My Division, My Brigade, My Squadroon, My Troop, My Platoon and MEDCOM (US ARMY MEDICAL COMMAND) because all of those things have an identifier on my uniform. If i wished to argue with or fight a Jehovas Witness or Tim, i would have to go change in civies todo so.


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Hmmmm...Do I actually name-call them personally, or describe their posting behavior and political views in such a manner that makes them act bat shit crazy? ;)

Look guys - Doc's a working class guy like all of us. You guys think you can verbally beat Doc into enlightenment or what? For all we know, Doc might be yanking our chains and laughing his ass off at how fucking silly this whole thread is getting. :)

I think it's name calling, but hey :p

Eh don't lump me in with him lol. All I can do is look a at person's behavior, and form an opinion based on that. If he's yanking our chains, Accountable calling him a jackass isn't something to be offended by....he'd be a jackass on purpose. I respect people the best I can automatically, then when they show me they don't deserve it, I yank it. I won't offer respect to anyone with hateful opinions of an inherited trait that doesn't hurt anyone. It doesn't matter anyway.

As for everyone getting butthurt about admitting a dick is a dick, even if they serve, I don't think they deserve more nor less respect than anyone else. You're a decent person? You get all of my respect and admiration for taking such a risk. You're a bad person in general, no matter who you are, you don't. Seems simple :dunno


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You're reaching and you know it. Are you seriously attempting to compare Doc to those criminals?

I don't differentiate much between those who follow immoral orders and those who give them as far as character goes. If Doc would follow orders to round up and execute people for being gay then he's not any better than those who rounded up and executed Jews imo.

But my point wasn't to compare Doc to anyone. You said everyone deserves respect. That is not true. I was just trying to get you to rethink that statement by giving you some examples I hope you agree with.


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I think it's name calling, but hey :p

Eh don't lump me in with him lol. All I can do is look a at person's behavior, and form an opinion based on that. If he's yanking our chains, Accountable calling him a jackass isn't something to be offended by....he'd be a jackass on purpose. I respect people the best I can automatically, then when they show me they don't deserve it, I yank it. I won't offer respect to anyone with hateful opinions of an inherited trait that doesn't hurt anyone. It doesn't matter anyway.

As for everyone getting butthurt about admitting a dick is a dick, even if they serve, I don't think they deserve more nor less respect than anyone else. You're a decent person? You get all of my respect and admiration for taking such a risk. You're a bad person in general, no matter who you are, you don't. Seems simple :dunno

Exactly, a persons job doesn't make them a better person then anyone else or more deserving of respect either. The same can be said for Policemen, firemen, Doctors etc. all heroic professions but that doesn't mean that they're all honourable people.

The Doc

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I don't differentiate much between those who follow immoral orders and those who give them as far as character goes. If Doc would follow orders to round up and execute people for being gay then he's not any better than those who rounded up and executed Jews imo.

But my point wasn't to compare Doc to anyone. You said everyone deserves respect. That is not true. I was just trying to get you to rethink that statement by giving you some examples I hope you agree with.

Like i said, I personally wouldent be rounding up anyone or executing anyone. If they were storming buildings or villages for targets (Yes i said targets. You all are failing to understand that we are never told WHY we are doing what we are doing. When we apprehend a target, they look like any random afghan joe to me. Terrorist leader, Terrorist, Al-queda, Taliban... We dont know who they are or what they did.) We wouldent know we were rounding up homosexuals even if we are. We are also not ever allowed to execute anyone. We shoot when shot at. Also, as a medic i dont do any apprehending. I stand outside the door while they do that sort of shit. The platoon has to keep me safe because if I go down no one is there to take care of them. No i never said i would Volintarily participate in Genocide. God will judge homosexuals when they die, just like he will murderes and rapists. That is not my job.

If any group of people in any other country was being rounded up and killed, I would not care. It is not my problem. If I my unit is ordered to save that group of people, i will follow my orders and liberate the oppressed to the very best of my ability. Not because I personally care, but because those are my orders. If homosexuals were being massacred in China, I would not care. Thats in China, I am in America. If I am ordered to go there and liberate them from their concentration camp, then i will do it to the very best of my ability. Not because I personally care, but because those are my orders.

In Afghanistan, I did not go there with the goal of bringing democracy to that shitty country, but I went there to make sure my platoon all returned in one peice. I helped many little afghani kids and afghani adults along the way, not because i cared about any of them but because it is the LAW. I provide medical care to all. Its the GENEVA LAW. If a homosexual was shot i would treat them because its my job. Not because i care about them, likewise if a soldier with the AMERICAN FLAG on their Right Shoulder was hurt i would Personally Care and provide the same medical aid. Not just the American Flag but any soldier rocking the ISAF on their left arm.

Unlike many other poeple, I have too much going on in my life to be personally concerned with people who have no relevance to me.