Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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Back Again... but reformed...
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A long time ago I happen to drink some bad water. Ended up getting a bacterial infection in my intestinal tract. When I finally went to the hospital to get myself checked out, I ended up taking a doctors arm, for what seemed like up to his elbow, up my ass. Up to that point in time in my life, I had never taken anything up my ass, and from that point on forward, I KNEW I didn't want anything up my ass.

Now, is taking things up your ass a learned behavior?

That said, live and let live, and if you want to take things up your ass and you aren't hurting anyone, who does it really hurt?

Ever so eloquent you are Joe! :homo:
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Joe the meek

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Ever so eloquent you are Joe! :homo:

Why thank you:D

My buddy always got a kick out of it when we'd be on a great river kayaking by ourselves, and some people would come paddling up behind us. I would act like I didn't seem them coming up behind us and I'd scream out to my buddy "MAN, DID YOU SEE THE COCK ON THAT GUY LAST NIGHT!". You should of seen the way those guys behind us always took off paddling like a bat out of hell and pass us:24: (perhaps it was the fact we were usually in West Virginia LOL)

The things my wife missed out on not knowing me.
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Back Again... but reformed...
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Why thank you:D

My buddy always got a kick out of it when we'd be on a great river kayaking by ourselves, and some people would come paddling up behind us. I would act like I didn't seem them coming up behind us and I'd scream out to my buddy "MAN, DID YOU SEE THE COCK ON THAT GUY LAST NIGHT!". You should of seen the way those guys behind us always took off paddling like a bat out of hell and pass us:24: (perhaps it was the fact we were usually in West Virginia LOL)

LMAO why does that not surprise me any....:24:


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Right. Some/most would fall far enough one one side or the other that a preference would be clear, and those that fall more in the middle would probably be influenced by societal norms in choosing which way to swing - behavior-wise rather than actually adjusting preference - or to choose to be bisexual.

This seems a plausible theory to me. It would explain why some people are certain homosexuality is a choice but others are certain it isn't. I'm a heterosexual. I have never had sex with a man nor have I ever wanted to. But I could see myself switching under the right circumstances such as prison. This would indicate I am more toward the middle than say Peter.

Anyway, I think homophobia causes men to dislike gays because gays remind them that it is possible to be gay. For some men, the thought they might be gay is terrifying. It would be like someone who was scared of dying from cancer avoiding people who have cancer because they can't deal with it. This is not to imply homosexuality and cancer are similar. They aren't. But I think some men are more scared of homosexuality than cancer.

So homophobia is an appropriate description of the phenomenon. But one should realize homophobics are not scared of homosexuals. They are scared of homosexuality.


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I think though, fundamentally the word choice is a little hefty here. How much choice do humans really have in what genitalia they are attracted to?


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I think though, fundamentally the word choice is a little hefty here. How much choice do humans really have in what genitalia they are attracted to?
It would explain those people who tried heterosexual relationships and, for whatever reason, "turned" gay.


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I think though, fundamentally the word choice is a little hefty here. How much choice do humans really have in what genitalia they are attracted to?

I have no doubt there are many men who could not choose to be attracted to men to save their life. But perhaps some men can. Similar to food tastes. I could not choose to like lima beans to save my life. I could eat them to save my life but I don't think I would ever like them. But I could perhaps choose to like coffee because I don't dislike it very much now. A friend of mine said she chose to like coffee because it is a social drink. At first she didn't care for it but she learned to like it. However, I think it's safe to say no homosexuals in the USA choose to be gay. Why would they considering all the social stigma attached to it.

I do not know all the psychological studies regarding homosexuality and have no training in the field. So if you (Panacea) tell me I'm all wet here I'll believe you. But, in the mean time, I think the idea of a homosexuality scale is intriguing.


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Now, is taking things up your ass a learned behavior?

The Doc

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I have no doubt there are many men who could not choose to be attracted to men to save their life. But perhaps some men can. Similar to food tastes. I could not choose to like lima beans to save my life. I could eat them to save my life but I don't think I would ever like them. But I could perhaps choose to like coffee because I don't dislike it very much now. A friend of mine said she chose to like coffee because it is a social drink. At first she didn't care for it but she learned to like it. However, I think it's safe to say no homosexuals in the USA choose to be gay. Why would they considering all the social stigma attached to it.

I do not know all the psychological studies regarding homosexuality and have no training in the field. So if you (Panacea) tell me I'm all wet here I'll believe you. But, in the mean time, I think the idea of a homosexuality scale is intriguing.

In alot of high school/college type environments its the cool new thing for girls to be bisexual/lesbian. The whole buying "yay im Bi" t-shirts down to writing it all over your school books. When i was in high school if a girl turned bisexual she was instantly 'popular', sort of the same concept with being a lesbian. Ofcourse alot of theese girls are growing up and realising now that is isnt 'cool' Just like dressing up like a gangster might be cool in high school but afterwards you just look like a retard. Girls in my age group want attention from guys. What better way todo it then kiss another girl?

Also, thr social stigma in the US cant be that bad. Look at this board, everyone in this thread (except myself ofcourse) accepts their behavior.


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I have no doubt there are many men who could not choose to be attracted to men to save their life. But perhaps some men can. Similar to food tastes. I could not choose to like lima beans to save my life. I could eat them to save my life but I don't think I would ever like them. But I could perhaps choose to like coffee because I don't dislike it very much now. A friend of mine said she chose to like coffee because it is a social drink. At first she didn't care for it but she learned to like it. However, I think it's safe to say no homosexuals in the USA choose to be gay. Why would they considering all the social stigma attached to it.

I do not know all the psychological studies regarding homosexuality and have no training in the field. So if you (Panacea) tell me I'm all wet here I'll believe you. But, in the mean time, I think the idea of a homosexuality scale is intriguing.

Nah you're totally on the right track, I understand what you mean. Accountable too.

The thing that is so hard for a lot of people to grasp (not meaning or anyone here specifically) is the idea that gender identity and human sexuality can take a lot more forms than just "man", "woman", "straight, "gay". That's why I hear a lot of people going "bisexuality, wtf??" and "wtf is with trannies, are they gay or what??". This culture is so black and white, most of us fit so cleanly into little categories but I don't think that's reality. People hide things and force themselves into lifestyles they may not feel 100% right about.

There is absolutely a continuum for both gender and sexuality. I suspect gender identity is more environmentally influenced (if I'm gay, HOW gay should I be? lol) , while sexuality is more biologically influenced.

I think any combination is possible, theoretically, and closeted gay men who marry women, sleep with them, and later realize straight relationships are not what they prefer are not, in my opinion "choosing to be gay". This is merely semantics, it's not as if I am disagreeing with Accountable at all, but in my opinion they are bisexual individuals, and were born so. It's not so much a choice to go from straight to gay (because they were never straight, they probably fantasized about men all along), but a choice to go with their most dominant preference.

Just one anecdote of course, but when my friend came out, the first thing I asked was "When did you realize? Did you decide?" and he said he just never felt "right". He didn't know exactly what he was feeling, just that he didn't like girls the way other guys did. He dated them, never slept with them (I believe he is truly truly gay; he'd probably vomit violently if he saw a vagina lol) but didn't come out until he was 21.

Joe the meek

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Also, thr social stigma in the US cant be that bad. Look at this board, everyone in this thread (except myself ofcourse) accepts their behavior.

Doc, I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you're in your early 20's.

My point is that for some people, their views can change over time, I know mine have pertaining to "gay" people for numerous reasons. In many ways, I'm far from the person I was 25 years ago.

The Doc

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Doc, I could be wrong, but I'm guessing you're in your early 20's.

My point is that for some people, their views can change over time, I know mine have pertaining to "gay" people for numerous reasons. In many ways, I'm far from the person I was 25 years ago.

Good guess. Im freshly 21. Who knows it might

All Else Failed

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In alot of high school/college type environments its the cool new thing for girls to be bisexual/lesbian. The whole buying "yay im Bi" t-shirts down to writing it all over your school books. When i was in high school if a girl turned bisexual she was instantly 'popular', sort of the same concept with being a lesbian. Ofcourse alot of theese girls are growing up and realising now that is isnt 'cool' Just like dressing up like a gangster might be cool in high school but afterwards you just look like a retard. Girls in my age group want attention from guys. What better way todo it then kiss another girl?

Also, thr social stigma in the US cant be that bad. Look at this board, everyone in this thread (except myself ofcourse) accepts their behavior.
Why should we not accept homosexuality


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Also, thr social stigma in the US cant be that bad. Look at this board, everyone in this thread (except myself ofcourse) accepts their behavior.

I think that's a bit of a streatch. I'd be willing to bet there's a shitload of people on this site that don't accept their behavior but don't have the guts to say so.


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I think that's a bit of a streatch. I'd be willing to bet there's a shitload of people on this site that don't accept their behavior but don't have the guts to say so.

Fundamentalists are the main homophobic group. I don't think most fundamentalists come to sites like this. We just get a few rogue fundamentalists. (Rogue that is from a fundamentalist perspective.)

The fact homosexuals are denied the same rights as heterosexuals indicates the majority of people in the USA have at least a little homophobia. But that's changing. I think gays will be allowed to marry in all states within another decade.


Having way too much fun
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I think that's a bit of a streatch. I'd be willing to bet there's a shitload of people on this site that don't accept their behavior but don't have the guts to say so.

I'd bet your wrong on that point. I don't think there are as many small minded people here that you think there are.

It's funny that you used the word 'accept' what exactly are you accepting? The fact that people are allowed to live their life as they see fit?

And you have made it perfectly clear where you stand on homosexuality. I just find it funny that you feel that it concerns you at all.