Anti-Gay Concentration Camps

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I also joined this forum also to arrange airport meetings with other men. :24:

I was mightily disappointed to discover people actually joined the forum to talk over said forum. :sarcasm
People meet often after they join a forum. Zirc and thorny are two very recent examples and from what I can tel neither is gay. ;) If they are... wrgaf. ( that's a new word I just invented... it's pronounced " wrgaf " )
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Joe the meek

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Words fail description.......

I don't know why. I thought I had explained why physical violence didn't cross my mind.

I am curious though, being a misguided child of uncle sam yourself, what do you think what would happen if an openly gay recruit showed up at Paris Island?
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Joe the meek

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Why does this song keep coming to mind?

No clue.

I'm curious, was it directed towards me?

Personally, being a Springsteen fan, IMO his music took a dive during the 80's:p

You had mentioned in this thread to Doc "Come on Doc. Live and let live Bro. I guarantee you there are more gay soldiers than you know and they would and do willingly risk their lives for any of their their Brothers-in-Arms." Now, the question is, when you were in your late teens and early 20's and you were in, what would you think of a gay person in the military? Do you think you would be as understanding as you are now?


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I am curious though, being a misguided child of uncle sam yourself, what do you think what would happen if an openly gay recruit showed up at Paris Island?

Nothing would happen. Marine Corps boot camp is 3 months long and the boots are kept so busy from dawn to dusk there's no time for petty bullshit of any kind. We were bused onto the island in the wee night hours, and I didn't even know where the front gate was until graduation day.

You had mentioned in this thread to Doc "Come on Doc. Live and let live Bro. I guarantee you there are more gay soldiers than you know and they would and do willingly risk their lives for any of their their Brothers-in-Arms." Now, the question is, when you were in your late teens and early 20's and you were in, what would you think of a gay person in the military? Do you think you would be as understanding as you are now?

I had a gay roomate at Aberdeen Proving Grounds while in my MOS training. Everyone knew it too. Nothing was done or said other than people acknowledging this Marines gayness. He was probably the most physically fit Marine in the platoon and could easily kick the ass of any of the anti-gay knuckle-dragging neanderthals.

The military is permeated with gay troops. I honestly think that people that hate gays either have latent homesexual feelings, or fear they might. Homosexuals have been around as long as there have been homo sapiens on the planet.

I even had a gay boss in high school - a plumbing contractor. Lots of jokes were "cracked" about him, lol. Imagine that, in the bible belt southern United States.

I can honestly say I never felt any violent animosity toward gay people. Hate is a learned emotion.

Joe the meek

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I had a gay roomate at Aberdeen Proving Grounds while in my MOS training. Everyone knew it too. Nothing was done or said other than people acknowledging this Marines gayness. He was probably the most physically fit Marine in the platoon and could easily kick the ass of any of the anti-gay knuckle-dragging neanderthals.

And you think that perhaps if it were not for the fact that this gay Marine couldn't kick the ass out of any "anti gay knuckle-dragging neanderthals" didn't help him not get his butt kicked?

Have to admit, I was wrong. I never new a bunch of 20 year old Marines were so understanding. They never struck me that way when I came across them at Sill and at some other places.


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I might of missed it, but exactly what question was ducked and by whom?

I wasn't referring to you. You haven't ducked anything. I was referring to the following exchange.

I'd be willing to bet there's a shitload of people on this site that don't accept their behavior but don't have the guts to say so.

Define "accept" in this context.

I made the offer to Tim and I'll make the same one to you.....We can discuss it face to face if you want.


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And you think that perhaps if it were not for the fact that this gay Marine couldn't kick the ass out of any "anti gay knuckle-dragging neanderthals" didn't help him not get his butt kicked?

That's just a bullshit macho image. I never saw anything happen to a gay guy the whole time I was in. That of course is no evidence that some latently homesexually challenged Marines didn't attack another gay Marine somewhere around the planet.

I read an article in Rolling Stone some time back about a gay bar near Camp LeJune that was loaded with Marines on the weekend. Same outside Camp Pendleton. And probaly the same outside most military bases.

I've heard it said the only difference between a gay serviceman and a straight serviceman is a bottle of liquor and the right circumstances.

Have to admit, I was wrong. I never new a bunch of 20 year old Marines were so understanding. They never struck me that way when I came across them at Sill and at some other places.

Marines considered regular army a bunch of undisciplined shitbirds back when you and I were in. Four months on APG and I couldn't argue otherwise. ;)


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Um....... really! I guess you forgot all about the last thread on this topic where I was thrown to the lions.
"The last thread"? No, I tend not to even pay much attention to these type of threads and have no idea how many of these threads there are. Did I even contribute?

Peter didn't knock anything out of the ballpark. He stated his opinion without asking if I agree with what he said. I take that as well as your comment on the statement to mean that you assume I may or may not agree with his statement either. As far as me considering it to be a trap... you're fucking right I do.
My ball. My park. He knocked it out. Put me on ignore if you think my every simple question is a trap. Life's too short. And yes, I assume you may or may not agree with his statement. Show me where I'm wrong. :D
I'm not posturing at all. I'm fucking serious when I asked what time I could expect to pick you up at the airport. In case you missed it.... WHAT FUCKING TIME CAN I EXPECT TO PICK YOU UP AT THE AIRPORT? "

Put your dick back in your pants. I'm not having a pissing contest with you.

The Doc

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Why should we not accept homosexuality
We? Who is talking about we? I defend my own right for my own oppinion. I dont give a shit about what other people think. Accept homosexuality if you want. I dont care what you do or you think. I dont accept it because i dont agree with it.

I think that's a bit of a streatch. I'd be willing to bet there's a shitload of people on this site that don't accept their behavior but don't have the guts to say so.

There probably are, but too cowardly to share their oppinion because of douchebags who will attack it, and the fear of being called stupid, ignorant, small minded etc...

Fundamentalists are the main homophobic group. I don't think most fundamentalists come to sites like this. We just get a few rogue fundamentalists. (Rogue that is from a fundamentalist perspective.)

The fact homosexuals are denied the same rights as heterosexuals indicates the majority of people in the USA have at least a little homophobia. But that's changing. I think gays will be allowed to marry in all states within another decade.

Im sure a decade after that pedophilia will be allowed and the same people defending homosexuality would defend that?

I'd bet your wrong on that point. I don't think there are as many small minded people here that you think there are.

It's funny that you used the word 'accept' what exactly are you accepting? The fact that people are allowed to live their life as they see fit?

And you have made it perfectly clear where you stand on homosexuality. I just find it funny that you feel that it concerns you at all.

So if a person doesnt support homosexuality they are small minded? Sounds like prejiduce to me...

I would find it incredible that this site could beat the odds;)

I've come to the conclusion that actions speak louder than words (although words can be used to motivate people to accomplish an action). Internet forums are full of words.

As I've mentioned before, Doc just said what he thought, and he got crucified for it. By the same token, Doc being a soldier, also mentioned he would follow his orders even if he didn't agree with them, which is another reason he got crucified. Although I'm at my point in my life where I may not agree with Doc's views on homosexuals (although ultimately when I run the scenarios in my mind, I don't think open gays should serve) I can completely understand his view point and see where he is coming from.

They arent in the military they dont understand that sort of thing. I dont expect them to.

Peter Parka

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There probably are, but too cowardly to share their oppinion because of douchebags who will attack it, and the fear of being called stupid, ignorant, small minded etc...

Im sure a decade after that pedophilia will be allowed and the same people defending homosexuality would defend that?

Lol! Talk about contradiction. You call people douchebags because they dont respect your opinion but then compare someone to a paedophile because there is something about them that they cant even help, unlike you and your opinions.
Apaedophile is hurting children so is wrong and I would never defend their behaviour. A homosexual hurts no one.


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lol It's not called conviction. It's called ducking the question. Usually people with conviction don't duck.
Bullshit! Sometimes it just gets to a point on-line where talking about an issue more than it has been beat to death already is pointless. In real life people tend to actually listen to everything that's been said and not cherry pick.


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I wasn't referring to you. You haven't ducked anything. I was referring to the following exchange.
I guess your no different than a lot of the others. You cherry picked as well by leaving out my replies that came afterwords.. Follow the bouncing ball BR.... follow the bouncing ball.


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There probably are, but too cowardly to share their oppinion because of douchebags who will attack it, and the fear of being called stupid, ignorant, small minded etc...

You're correct on the cowardly part. On the other hand they are probably the wise ones. I took a stand in one of the other threads and I heard no end of insults. They didn't cause any fear in me like you mentioned but they did tell me a lot about some people and because of it there's a lot of respect on my part that's gone down the drain. I suppose that's also to my benefit because I removed them from my " invite to my BBQ list " which in turn saves me money.:thumbup