You guys did alot of arguing while i was working today. So i have alot of replying todo.
Actually you have to defend citizens from the federal government as well if their actions were unconstitutional. The gay concentration camps would be incredibly constitutional. That is why soldiers can disobey orders in certain situations.
"Enemies foreign and domestic...."
Congress/Commander and chief determine the enemy. No one else.
maybe you should reread what you swore:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
if the federal government is at odds with the constitution, you can refuse orders based on the fact that they are defying it and therefore defying the law of the land
If the military ordered you to round gays up and force them into camps the most patriotic thing you could do is refuse and lay down arms
I have complete confidence now you know nothing of the military now. If soldiers were rounding up homosexuals, we wouldent be told that. We would be told we are capturing a target in a location. We are also told on short notice. We are not told who the target is. Taliban leader, Taliban Supplier, Al-Queda etc... you are not told personal information on a target or why, therefore you would not know he is a homosexual or not...that way if it is getting covered up we wont know about it so we cant tell you. We are not told WHY we do things we are told HOW. That is the Army.
Lets face it, muscly men in uniform doing everything the're told to by another shouty muscly man with a cropped haircut is pretty homo-erotic.
Because everyone in the army is male and has muscles. Great logic bud. I bet you think we all drive humvees and dont have regular vehicles. Lol you probly think we dont own regular clothes and walk around in uniforms everywhere.
Why would I want to enlist into a military fighting useless wars right now?
I'll be willing to enlist when there is an actual threat to the US.
But anyways, you're avoiding the subject. Rounding up gays and corralling them into camps is a breach of the oath you swore.
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Doc feels empathy to those in his group but not to those outside it. This is a natural tendency but it is also the cause of much suffering. It is why Christians and Muslims kill each other. It is the cause of war. It promotes hatred and oppression. We as a species must try to rise above this natural tendency. War is becoming too destructive. If we do not learn to feel empathy for outsiders then our species may not survive. Fortunately there is hope. Many have expanded their empathy horizon.
Useless war huh? The terrorists involved in 9-11 were alqueda operatives trained in taliban run afghanistan. The taliban let al-queda run terrorist camps in their country. overthrowing and establishing a democratic government is a preventive measure to keep a terrorist event like 9-11 from re-occuring.
I echo AEF, he is correct. What, you think military is some little boy's club where underachievers go to hit each other with soap??? :24:
It's a fucking disgrace to people who serve with integrity.
Well, then dont visit any sort of basic training locations because it happens alot. Especially with younger soldiers.
The last time the US military truly defended America was WW2.
Read what i wrote above about 9/11 and the terroists involved.
I think you'd have plenty of time to think about "Okay guys, lets round up these faggots and send them to camps!"
Like I said above, you know nothing of the military. We would not be told we were rounding up homosexuals if we were. We would be told we were getting a target, and how we would be doing it i.e kicking down door's, clearing rooms, pulling security etc... you are told WHY your doing the mission your told HOW.
And here are two fine examples of people that do not deserve respect.
Too many people believe that if you served in the military you automatically deserve respect and your thanks. Fuck that, just the fact that you wore a uniform once means nothing. You need to serve honorably and not be an asshole... And it wouldn't hurt to be smart enough to understand the oath you took when you joined.
I guess it's true that some people aren't smart enough to join the air force...
I dont care if you dont respect. I will continue to sleep/eat/ and get paid. Your like a jehovas witness, you will bitch at me in the airport telling me to go to hell. I will laugh at you, then call my buddies and we will laugh at you.
I guess its true some people arent brave enough to join the army