Will Bain be the Bane of Mitt?

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Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I am surprised they have not found a way to make Romneys comments about Obamas incompetence being racist :D

Romney should have kept his mouth shut but that does not mean some of his remarks were wrong.

I don't find it very comforting how Obama has handled this.

Including a veiled threat at the person who made the video by the AG. If they go after that person then it is a huge double standard which Christians should question. Along with taking a huge shit on the Constitution. If this is an actionable offense then I can't wait to see how the AG would defend his going after this guy when in the past the govt basically sponsored equally vile crap done by Robert Maplethorp about Christianity.

There was nothing for us to apologize for. Other countries have every right to control their masses as they see fit. In our country there was nothing illegal about that movie. So tough shit if it upset some people with zero tolerance. Let them ban it in their country. Maybe it is time though we start showing some intolerance. Such as leaving those countries that have these zealots and cutting off all funding to them.
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Having way too much fun
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I've been thinking about this quite a bit the last few days... the whole freedom of speech angle that is.

We enjoy freedom of speech and it's rightly a protected freedom, but there are some limitations to that freedom. You know the old saying that you can't yell fire in a crowded movie theater...

We also know that freedom of speech can be abridged if it directly leads to the harm of someone else.

So where does this movie fall into this arena? Can it be shown that it is directly leading to the deaths of others and if so, can it be censored because of that? Does it matter if the reaction is warranted or not?

I'm torn. I fully respect the freedom of speech but on the other hand I believe there are times when that freedom may need to be abridged if it's causing the deaths of others.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Apples and Oranges

In the case of a fire one is telling a lie with an expected response.

In the case of the movie you would have to prove the intent was to instill riots.

Which if you take that leap then you are not favoring free speech

If you destroy the right to free speech because one group of nuts is offended then you might as well censor everything and shit on the constitution


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There are a lot of different places where you can get this timeline, but this one is laid out nice and clean.

please go and check it out. You can follow this article up with youtube videos of each of their statements, so you can hear it in their own voices in full context. I did and it was rather enlightening.

When you are done with that, come back and we can have an honest conversation about the actions of the president over the last few days.
Regrettably, we can't. I'll gladly check the link, but I'm buried with work, even more than the usual beginning of the schoolyear load (special ed has a tremendous amount of paperwork thanks to Bush's LNCB

I am actually surprised that you heard something on the radio, didn't bother to fact check it and assume that the president was embarrassingly incompetent these last couple of days.
I'll accept that as a compliment. As I said, it was during my commute & I haven't had time to really check.


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So where does this movie fall into this arena? Can it be shown that it is directly leading to the deaths of others and if so, can it be censored because of that? Does it matter if the reaction is warranted or not?
Well, let's see if it applies in other situations. Can it be shown that the civil rights march in Birmingham directly led to dog attacks & other attacks and death? If so, should the protestors have been censored from further action because of that? Does it matter if Bull Connor's reaction was warranted or not?



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There are a lot of different places where you can get this timeline, but this one is laid out nice and clean.

please go and check it out. You can follow this article up with youtube videos of each of their statements, so you can hear it in their own voices in full context. I did and it was rather enlightening.
Yup, you're right. The "stories" I'd heard were too far off the reservation to be called spin.

Still, the reaction was weak and aloof, imo. Beef up security, return to the campaign trail, and not a word about finding the killers. We need to support the civilians who are going out there to be our voice of peace or not send them out there. If we are going to have a worldwide empire we have to expect that any weakness will be exploited. We can't wage war and expect others to play nice.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if this happens again somewhere and soon.

Minor Axis

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learn to read.

So you're not going to thank me for taking the time to educate you? At least you could comment on Romney vs Obama's handling of the situation. :)

irrelevant to the context of the conversation IMO

Regarding the Consulate incident this last week, you said/implied that some of the things Romney said about it were correct. I asked you what were they? If you don't want to answer, I understand.
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So you're not going to thank me for taking the time to educate you? At least you could comment on Romney vs Obama's handling of the situation. :)
1. You didn't educate anyone. You simply applied your spin as if it mattered.
2. You didn't "comment on Romney vs Obama's handling of the situation" so why why do you insist that I do? I'm not voting for Romney and neither are you, so it's not relevant.
3. You really should show your president more respect by using his title, especially since you figuratively suck his dick at every opportunity. I've noticed that supporters and detractors both do this, while it was rare for, say, President Clinton to receive such disrespect, yet it's more common than not with President Obama. Probably some deep-seated racism on your part.

Minor Axis

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1. You didn't educate anyone. You simply applied your spin as if it mattered.
2. You didn't "comment on Romney vs Obama's handling of the situation" so why why do you insist that I do? I'm not voting for Romney and neither are you, so it's not relevant.
3. You really should show your president more respect by using his title, especially since you figuratively suck his dick at every opportunity. I've noticed that supporters and detractors both do this, while it was rare for, say, President Clinton to receive such disrespect, yet it's more common than not with President Obama. Probably some deep-seated racism on your part.

I explained to you exactly what happened and in what order it happened- no spin required. I'm sorry you don't like it. Romney and Obama, one of these guys is destined to be President for the next 4 years. I think comparisons are important. But you are more focused on bad mouthing the Obama Administration. For the rest I'll ignore your crass and disingenuous remarks.
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Romney and Obama, one of these guys is destined to be President for the next 4 years. I think comparisons are important.
Not between us. It's kinda dumb. It's like continuing to compare hamburgers to pizza when you've already decided on pizza and I'm going for Chinese food.

For the rest I'll ignore your crass and disingenuous remarks.
Not disingenuous at all. Check it for yourself. I did a search on your use of the word "president" and couldn't find one instance where you called our current president "President Obama" ... not once in the over a dozen that I checked. I did, however notice that you used the title when referring to President Eisenhower, a white man. ijs, it looks suspiciously racist.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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I don't think it has to do with racism Acc

I don't think some can lower the standard from being The Anointed One

Such high esteem to be The Anointed One makes a President look like a serf :D

Minor Axis

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Not between us. It's kinda dumb. It's like continuing to compare hamburgers to pizza when you've already decided on pizza and I'm going for Chinese food.

Not disingenuous at all. Check it for yourself. I did a search on your use of the word "president" and couldn't find one instance where you called our current president "President Obama" ... not once in the over a dozen that I checked. I did, however notice that you used the title when referring to President Eisenhower, a white man. ijs, it looks suspiciously racist.


Minor Axis

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Huffington Post: Romney: Vote For Me, You Losers: Seven And A Half Things To Know

Candidate Romney:
"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them.... And they will vote for this president no matter what…. These are people who pay no income tax."

Romney then doubled down on these comments in a press conference late last night, admitting only that his case was "not elegantly stated," but not backing down from the central premise.

Minor Axis

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You know what's really ironic about my previous post? You've got lower class white folk who qualify under Romney's idea of the slackers who will still be voting for him. You know the ones who need their guns, don't like uppity black folk, uppity women, uppity feriners like our Commander in Chief, and demand their freedom free of government interference, except the tea partyers who want to keep govt out of their medicare, lol. ;)

Minor Axis

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There you go dragging out race again, right out of the blue.
It's an obsession with you, isn't it?

Are you trying to be a comedian? First you accuse me of being a racist by the my use of Obama's last name. Now what are you accusing me of?

But your right, race plays no factor in anything. :smiley24: It's not my obsession, just an observation. It's not intended as a blanket indictment, but I know of specific cases where people who I would classify as white lower class somehow feel they are entitled by virtue of the color of their skin as compared to looking down on other people of color in similar economic conditions. My impression is that it's not that uncommon. I'm sorry if you don't like it. People who have issues with color tend to align themselves with the GOP, regardless if they are really in the club or not.
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