Really?? Wow. So you approve of his actions (or lack of) since the murder of our ambassador and the burning of our consulate?
For being Mr. Neutral you really do seem to be lapping up the Republican approach to foreign policy, starting with getting all your facts wrong. What basis do I have to say this? You saying that Obama has been incompetent in the last couple of days. You are going to have to explain this, what has he done wrong? What should he have done that he has not, invaded, hmm?
What is really appalling about the GOP is that they used to be known as the statesmen. I'm sure there are some hovering in the shadows, but who they have promoted as their top dogs, Dubya and Mittens are jokes when it comes to International relations.
Well good, maybe you can set me straight, because what I've heard on the radio during my commute is that his first response was an apology [which he later adjusted) then he went right back onto the campaign trail. Has he returned to Washington to do his job? (his job as President, that is, not partisan corporate lackey)
Bingo! Your clueless. I suggest you come up with better news sources. Stop listening to whatever knuckle draggers you prefer...

This is part of the reason our electoral process is so screwed up. Blatant lies fly around the airways, but it's ok, if you are conservative and believe the end justifies the means.
Allow me to assist: Mittens, his Campaign, (or maybe his Campaign first) followed by Ryan decided to criticize a statement put out by U.S. Embassy personnel trying to distance official U.S. policy and views from a crackpot inflammatory anti-muslim movie that was causing widespread unrest and public protests in the entire region. Except Romney described it as an apology for "American Values". Yeah we promote free speech, but is this movie what we want to promote as our values??? LOL.
Stike 1.
His timeline was wrong.
Strike 2. The Embassy statement was released before the U.S. Consulate was attacked by an organized, opportunistic militia/possibly terrorist group. He implied that after the Consulate was attacked and 4 Americans killed (I also heard, along with 9 Libyan guards protecting the Consolate), that the Obama Administration through our Embassy apologized for our "American Values"!! This would be too funny if not so tragic. The two events are not connected other than (apparently) the protests set up a situation where it was convenient to attack the Consulate. Romney's initial criticism, followed by reinforcing his view in front or reporters the following day, displayed an appalling lack of restraint, good judgement, and basic understanding of the facts.
Strike 3. A little too fast out the gate and he STILL has not apologized for fucking this up so badly.
Strike 4- A candidate for U.S. Presidency, not privy to sensitive/classified information elects to inject himself into the middle of U.S. foreign policy during a crisis questioning our leadership in front of the world. I think he hopes it will blow over, just like his tax returns... I imagine him in a future confrontation with the Russians and pushing the button. Oops. :smiley24: