Will Bain be the Bane of Mitt?

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Minor Axis

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Will the real Romney please step forward?
Romney 1988- Argues for Universal Health care. Instead of free Emergency Rooms- people should buy insurance or pay their own way. Is argument for Romney Care, amazing similar to Obama Care.
Romney 2007- Free Emergency Room Care= socialism.
Romney 2012- States the U.S. has health care for poor people- Free Emergency Room care.

Romneys 2010 Tax Return: Romney invested in Cnooc a giant Chinese oil company who brags that it is a strategic weapon for China, does business with Iran, and is trying to buy a Canadian Oil Company that drills in the Gulf. (profiled on Rachel Maddow 24 Sept.)

Romney on Blind Trusts- As a defense of his Cnooc investments, claimed he had no control over decisions by a blind trust, but in a recorded interview, he previously said blind trusts can be controlled by the owner of the trust...

And Romney's side kick: Paul Ryan: The Cayman Islands is where you stash your money…Who do we know who does that? Oh, and Social Security is a collectivist (communist) system.


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You really shouldn't plagiarize. :p

and SS is a collectivist system, designed to redistribute wealth. It's a Ponzi scheme in the classic tradition. But talking about it is nothing but a distraction. No republocrat would ever really consider killing such a cash cow, just as President Obama would never really consider rolling back any of the Bush expansion in presidential power. Nope, it's always push forward. Move America forward. Progress progress progress!

I really wish you would pick your head up to look at what we're moving forward toward.

Minor Axis

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You have a magic laugh that changes the truth to lie? You must've laughed at our president, then.

First of all you need to brush up on the definition of a ponzi scheme, course I've said this before. The problem with SS right now is the bulge of baby boomers running through the system and of course the government Dem and GOP alike feeling it is ok to rob it. Working Americans pay into it and are paid back from it. Nothing ponzi about it and it can be fixed.

I like this perspective: Social Security is Not an Entitlement Program.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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SS has all the makings of a Ponzi Scheme. The only difference is you are forced to give them money. Unless one is deft enough to learn how to opt out which is not common knowledge.

It is unsustainable as it is currently funded and that will not change without some radical adjustments. Such as much higher tax rates and having to wait more years to be able to draw money from it.

Fat chance of that happening because the congress and presidents are scared shitless of the retired folks. And that group just keeps increasing year after year and will continue to do so. You think the NRA is a powerful lobby they are nothing compared to retirees or those nearing it.


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First of all you need to brush up on the definition of a ponzi scheme, course I've said this before.
Yes, and you were wrong then, too ... despite your magic laugh.

The problem with SS right now is the bulge of baby boomers running through the system and of course the government Dem and GOP alike feeling it is ok to rob it.
True, and irrellevant to the definition of Ponzi scheme.

Working Americans pay into it and are paid back from it. Nothing ponzi about it and it can be fixed.
It's the very definition of Ponzi scheme. The people who pay in are paid back with funds provided by new people paying into the system. If new people are not brought in, the whole system collapses. Classic Ponzi.


Having way too much fun
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Yes, and you were wrong then, too ... despite your magic laugh.

True, and irrellevant to the definition of Ponzi scheme.

It's the very definition of Ponzi scheme. The people who pay in are paid back with funds provided by new people paying into the system. If new people are not brought in, the whole system collapses. Classic Ponzi.

Does that mean insurance policies are ponzi schemes in your eyes?
What about pensions, they ponzi schemes as well?

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Does that mean insurance policies are ponzi schemes in your eyes?
What about pensions, they ponzi schemes as well?

not if they are funded properly

for example my homeowners reflects what happens in real life. after 9/11 and then the hurricanes my insurance probably doubled. they had to raise rates to be able to continue to insure.

where as the idiots in DC twiddle their thumbs when it comes to the funding of SS. and every day that passes makes it that much more difficult to make it solvent.

and I hope one of you liberals does not want to continue with the robbing from it mantra. the ratio of workers to retirees is so changed from years ago that no matter what was done the bottom is going to fall out. Robbing it just made it sooner than later. The math does not lie. Nothing has been done to address the fact people are living a lot longer than they used to and that has made the formula go upside down


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I vote that we just invest more in chinese companies...it's working so well for us now....invest the whole of SS in china and chinese corporations and let them do it for us...trust me, Mitt would agree.... :winking:

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Now this here was just too damn funny considering the source :D

Tell me just how will SS get its funding to cover the future costs?

First it would make me happy if you acknowledge that robbing this fund from the start has undermined it. I've never insisted it was managed properly. In fact I am furious at how this fund was robbed by politicians of all colors. Because of that future funding will require serious adjustment and most likely tax subsidies if it is to remain.

So, is a social safety net like SS a good idea, is there a better idea, or should we just let seniors sink or swim on their own? This goes deep into the philosophy of why do we band together as a society in the first place. Is it "we" or "me" and what should it be?

On a separate note, as the current crop of Republicans imply, are all poor people the result of personal irresponsibility? Now lets look at all the college grads who are home, living with their parents. How about them?


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So, is a social safety net like SS a good idea, is there a better idea, or should we just let seniors sink or swim on their own?
I haven't figured out why we need separate social nets when one will do. In other words, why isn't welfare and medicaid enough? Why have redundant systems?

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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I haven't figured out why we need separate social nets when one will do. In other words, why isn't welfare and medicaid enough? Why have redundant systems?

You pay into SS and medicare, not others, I don't believe.

It was mentioned on the radio tonight that Romney's proposed cut of PBS as part of his solution, finances the DOD for about 6 hrs. Oh, and he is proposing huge increases in Defense spending, a 5 trillion tax cut for the rich, and offered nothing specific on how he's going to balance our budget. You know his team likes to think of themselves as the "math" guys... actually I think they failed math.

Let's *not* trust Romney Ryan. frown.gif