Religion is tough, it has potential, but my experience indicates the potential is far from being achieved. It's highly susceptible to corruption, by the hands of the manipulators, seeking wealth and control, by the hypocrites who go to church every Sunday as if it was a free pass for the rest of the week's transgressions, and by the hedge-your-bets believers who stake their salvation on ancient scripts written by primitive superstitious men.
Searching for spiritual truth is an outstanding goal in life. How far can one get? Unknown. Until crossing the threshold, I don't see a way to reach any conclusions, only suspicions, desires, philosophical beliefs based on how to improve one's self, and maintaining hope that life indeed has a meaning outside the scope of a human life span.
PS: For participants of OTG, I just activated my ignore list. Tired of wasting energy on the unsalvageable. Do you know how nice it is not to see long lists of idiotic posts.![]()
I agree religion has potential.. The problem is mankind by nature has the animal instinct to do what every is necessary to defend or attack to survive and control.. This is a basic instinct that carries over sub-consistently and is found in business ( go in for the kill ) sports and or any other life endeavours we have.
Corruption is root of power and those who seek it..
I will have to leave it at this for now.. Business calls..![]()
I could never understand religions that would condone stonings and witch hunt burnings instead of trying to understand and help.
I think this is because religion is not the same as peace and humanism, by a mile. Some faiths lead people into wonderful acts of humanitarianism. Some lead people into a crazy world of hatred and violence; the same way a mental illness might.
Whether it's admitted or not, it seems god is whatever the people want it to be. It hates whatever we are afraid of, and it loves whatever we love. When an industry like religion is involved, these condemnations and approvals can be dangerous. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but that's why I think people are best off going on a spiritual journey without religion. Just my opinion on it.
But since religion will usually wrap themselves in the cloak of humanism, it's hard for some to separate the two.
Just look at some of these mega churches of today. They will pray on the old for contributions and keep hammering on them week after week for more money. There are quite a few that fall for it and give much more than they are capable of, leaving them with sufficient means to care for themselves.
hahaha! lots and lots of generalizations made here with nothing to back them up.
My statement was made tongue in cheek. You asked for an example. You didn't qualify anything beyond that. For some reason, that is the first thing that popped in my head. Yes, you are right. The church has propagated much worse things since then. And since I am repeating your words, I don't expect a rejoinder from you asking me to specify.
I reckon that any blanket statement of condemnation or support of something as polarizing as religion or politics will bring out the zealotry in those that are predisposed. I'm not saying anyone here is a religious zealot but if teh shoe fits. I don't really care what your belief system is about. I don't personally support organized religions, but that is my business. I don't attempt to dissuade those that do, and tend not to listen to those that would try to sway me to drink their koolaid. I've read the Bible, perused the Quoran, dabbled in Buddhism and Judiasm. I won't provide a litany of transgressions committed by the church over the centuries, they are out there for all to find.
I'm just killing time on a forum. But you do seem to be a dick.
I'm just killing time on a forum. But you do seem to be a dick.
hahaha! I just asked you a question and now you throw your hands up...nice side stepping. There have been some terrible things done by mankind, religion or not. It doesn't seem to make much difference. Galileo was a loooonnnggg time ago.
People don't like answering questions when they don't agree with the answer.
In more cases than not, religion is not about live and let live and just improving one's self. It's about murdering those who don't conform or it's forcing your views down everyone's throat though legislation,
People don't like answering questions when they don't agree with the answer.
I think this is because religion is not the same as peace and humanism, by a mile. Some faiths lead people into wonderful acts of humanitarianism. Some lead people into a crazy world of hatred and violence; the same way a mental illness might.
Whether it's admitted or not, it seems god is whatever the people want it to be. It hates whatever we are afraid of, and it loves whatever we love. When an industry like religion is involved, these condemnations and approvals can be dangerous. Doesn't mean it doesn't exist, but that's why I think people are best off going on a spiritual journey without religion. Just my opinion on it.
Yeah, that's when religion becomes bad.
Most people here will answer questions that relate to the OP and some outside within reason. They will not if it includes a personal attacks. I have yet to have anyone not answer a question that was here to debate.
Is it the Religion or the people that that do wonderful acts in the name of religion for religion?
Its not that i believe that religion is bad in itself but as it was written by and for mankind, one can only wonder looking at the different regions and religions, if its not a method of human control. It uses fear while telling you of riches if you behave when you reach the end ( heaven ).
Does that mean one cannot believe in a God. I don't think the two have to be one to be believed in. Of course organized religion will use fear to keep any belief of a God in their realm, otherwise they become irrelevant.
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