Why Are Many Americans Scared Of Socialism?

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Like I said rankings will differ.
Here is another one which is ranked by an australian

Since there was a topic in here called most dangerous cities in the world i thought i'd start a topic post called worlds safest cities.

Anyways which do you think are the safest cities in the world. These are the cities i would rank most safest in terms of low crime rates.

1. Singapore city ( it's impossible to get away with a crime over there because every where you go you are constantly being watched by security surveilance cameras and police and also Singapore the country and Singapore city which are both the same thing statistically have the lowest crime rate in the world. )
2. Dublin ( very safe city has low levels of crime and violence and has a good well staffed well resourced police force and it's also very safe to go out at night time there even on your own. )
3. Tokyo ( despite being the most populated city in the world Tokyo is surprisingly very safe and has been ranked as being the city with the second lowest crime rate in the world. )
4. Zurich
5. Christchurch
6. Geneva
7. Stockholm
8. Vienna
9. Osaka
10. Kobe
Source: safest cities in the world on the AardvarkTravel.net Travel Forum


That's just an opinion, he doesn't provide any empirical evidence to back up his claim. The first link you provided is a more reliable indicator of what the safest cities in the world are, even though it should be probably taken with a grain of salt.

Comparing crime statistics from other cities and countries around the world doesn't go a long way to prove a point. Considering:

1. Different cultural standards.
2. Different laws/offence categorization.
3. Different reporting and statistical crime data collection methods.
4. Different reporting rates.

And you know, the other cities on that list don't exactly have an offence called 'A crime against modesty'. So yeah, enjoy being the"eighth" safest city in the world.
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Peter Parka

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:D So you're saying I'm right about you, but you just don't want me associating you with the French? :D

While the British labour party is traditionally left wing, the're more and more right wing since Blair won the election 12 years ago, I doubt you would get a truly left wing government supporting your war against Iraq. The Conservatives are easily on course to win the next election, anyway so I would hardly call the UK socialist.


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I'm more worried about the Corporatocracy (sp) that surrounds us. Fascism is here. But let's get distracted by the thought's of 'socialism' over affordable health care for all...

Ya know, many other western nations have higher taxes than us yet they don't really complain. Why? Perhaps cuz those monies paid give them free health care, free college, free day care, etc.............. While ours get us squat. Just more debt from bailing out those corporations that have so much pull w/out politicans.

But hey, pay no attention to the sold-out politicians on both sides of our corrupted aisle...


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While the British labour party is traditionally left wing, the're more and more right wing since Blair won the election 12 years ago, I doubt you would get a truly left wing government supporting your war against Iraq. The Conservatives are easily on course to win the next election, anyway so I would hardly call the UK socialist.
Again, I'm not talking about your government; I'm talking about you.


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I'm more worried about the Corporatocracy (sp) that surrounds us. Fascism is here. But let's get distracted by the thought's of 'socialism' over affordable health care for all...

Ya know, many other western nations have higher taxes than us yet they don't really complain. Why? Perhaps cuz those monies paid give them free health care, free college, free day care, etc.............. While ours get us squat. Just more debt from bailing out those corporations that have so much pull w/out politicans.

But hey, pay no attention to the sold-out politicians on both sides of our corrupted aisle...
I agree we've devolved into our own type of oligarchy. All this free shit is just the new opiate of the masses. Pay no attention to the CEOs behind the curtain.

I'm damned if I can see any way to chuck all this and steer the boat back in the right (correct) direction short of full mutiny at this point.


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This is the land of individual liberty ... or at least it was. That's the ideal it was founded upon; that's the way I'd like it to be.


Most Americans don't mind using our self determination to provide certain minimal standards of living for those who can't provide for themselves. Our problem pops up when the overall intent is not to help just those who need it, but to force everyone else into it, which seems to be more and more the intent these days.

Like my biggest beef with Social Security. Its billed as a "retirement" system of sorts that everyone is forced to pay into. If its a "retirement" plan is the crappiest one ever implemented and I have a problem being forced to pay into a crappy retirement system.

Ultimately its not a "retirement" system, its a welfare system. If it was billed as such and funded through general funds and you only got it if you needed it, I wouldn't have any problem with it at all.

As the old saying goes "I don't mind public housing, just don't force me to live there."


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Wtf does my political stance have to do with your pananoid fantasy that the whole of Europe is a big socialist superstate trying to put down the USA?:confused
That fantasy was created entirely in your head. It's yours, not mine. The thread was started and titled by you. Because I and many like me do not want to live in an environment you find palatable, you think we're afraid. That is your first and only thought, rather than simply considering that different people are different, and preferences contrary to yours are valid.

Minor Axis

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I agree we've devolved into our own type of oligarchy. All this free shit is just the new opiate of the masses. Pay no attention to the CEOs behind the curtain.

I'm damned if I can see any way to chuck all this and steer the boat back in the right (correct) direction short of full mutiny at this point.

Possibly the type of freedom you desire is not possible in a maturing country trying to look out for society as a whole. A few tycoons lording over the masses, (with a large number of other favorable circumstances), might have pushed this country to greatness, but today I don't think that will be acceptable. Pay people nothing, and someone will get rich. Pay people a reasonable livable wage, keep them healthy, keep the environment clean, and the leaders of corporations may not become fabulously rich, but they will still be at the top of wage earners, and overall you'll end up with a healthier, more equitable society. Is that a form of socialism? Possibly. It is certainly not unregulated Capitalism.
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Possibly the type of freedom you desire is not possible in a maturing country trying to look out for society as a whole. A few tycoons lording over the masses, (with a large number of other favorable circumstances), might have pushed this country to greatness, but today I don't think that will be acceptable. Pay people nothing, and someone will get rich. Pay people a reasonable livable wage, keep them healthy, keep the environment clean, and the leaders of corporations may not become fabulously rich, but they will still be at the top of wage earners, and overall you'll end up with a healthier, more equitable society. Is that a form of socialism? Possibly. It is certainly not unregulated Capitalism.
The type of freedom I desire does not involve a few tycoons lording over anything. It seems like the only reason you're not in Europe now enjoying life-paid-by-others is because no one has proposed government-funded emigration yet.

Minor Axis

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It seems like the only reason you're not in Europe now enjoying life-paid-by-others is because no one has proposed government-funded emigration yet.

That comment is beneath you.

Not scared, not paranoid, just not that willing to let the government take control of something that doesn't need to be taken over.

Ok, so you are happy with your health insurance and don't see any problems with the current system or with skyrocketing costs, and you never plan on getting sick. You're set. ;) And instead of the government fixing it, corporations will voluntarily kill their golden goose for the good of the people. Sure they will.
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Why should Americans who can (or make enough money to) afford to pay their own way have the federal government pick up the tab?


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Why should Americans who can (or make enough money to) afford to pay their own way have the federal government pick up the tab?
Why not? Uber-Rich people get free stuff all the time. Maybe it's time for the middle class to get a few breaks.
( just trying to stir the post so don't answer :D )