All Else Failed
Well-Known Member
No see you're missing the point that the government probably won't fix those things. We don't need to throw out the baby with the bath water and have an entirely new system just because there are problems with this one that can be fixed.Ok, so you are happy with your health insurance and don't see any problems with the current system or with skyrocketing costs, and you never plan on getting sick. You're set.And instead of the government fixing it, corporations will voluntarily kill their golden goose for the good of the people. Sure they will.
Want half the problems to go away? Drop the state restrictions on where Insurance companies can operate and have them compete on a national scale.
There is NO competition with a single payer system. The government decides everything, and you really have no say in it. That includes what treatments you can get and when you can get them, or if they have cost problems they can start rationing out health services. No thanks.