White Pride

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Slightly Acidic
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less entitled to what ? their own pride? there is nothing in what i have said ( i hope) that suggests that white folk are not entitled to pride, rather i dont think they need to show pride in the same way that blacks and gays do, which is because of previous prejudice

Less entitled to celebrate pride in their race the way others do, according to your post. That's exclusionary and by any measure, unfair.

I fail to see how a "previous prejudice" gives a group of people any need for special advantage or recognition. Especially when this "previous prejudice" you speak of is something that I, nor anyone in my generation ever participated in. And no one in my generation was a victim of either. I don't believe there are any people still living who were ever slaves or ever owned slaves, so why is anything to do with an institution that no living person was party to even discussed?
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this, along with gay pride, black pride has nothing to do with superiority but everything to do with equality, blacks and gays dont think they are better than anyone, they think they are cool being who they are, and for the longest time even privately acknowledging such would get them into a lot of trouble That inmo is the essence of pride, so i ask what do whites have to be proud about in that context

I agree. If by black pride a group means they are equal to other groups then there is nothing wrong with that. If by white pride a group means they are equal to other groups then no shit Sherlock.

And do you believe the black kid that lives in the drug infested housing project has the exact same opportunities and odds for success as the kid from a middle class suburb?

Good point. Slavery in America is over but its effect is not.


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ya know...im not a racist,..but this will probably make me sound like one..but i dont give a shit.
I'm Creek Indian and i have never once gone up to someone and said "your long dead relatives fucked over my long dead relatives..you owe me"

why is it that any group except for whites can throw the race card?
why is it that you never hear about that Africans that sold their own people into slavery?
why is it that people still bitch about slavery in the U.S., when there isnt any..nor were they ever slaves.
why would it be considered racist if someone started a United White College Fund..but there is a U.N.C.F?
why is that people who dont put forth the effort to try..are supposed to get shit handed to them because of the color of there skin or because of what happened when they weren't even alive?

i have black friends who cant stand this shit. they agree that slavery happened and it was a terrible ordeal for those who experienced it, they are proud of who they are but they dont blame anyone for their situations ..they busted their ass's and earned what they have..they didnt demand it.
My buddy Dave is a nuclear engineer, he grew up in a bad part of town, amongst gangs and drugs..and he didnt want to live like that so he busted his ass to get out of it.
everyone has opportunities throughout their entire lives, the only thing that separates people is what they choose to do with them

but im not black and i wasnt a slave so i have no idea of what African Americans have to go through today...i wonder how Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson are going to end racism ...when it seems that they are the ones promoting it

should whites be able to celebrate "white Pride"...fuck yes,..givem a fucking white history month as well..gotta keep it equal right?
so now is your chance to call me a Cod-Damned Racist..knock yourselves out.
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Banned, by user's request!
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ya know...im not a racist,..but this will probably make me sound like one..but i dont give a shit.
I'm Creek Indian and i have never once gone up to someone and said "your long dead relatives fucked over my long dead relatives..you owe me"

why is it that any group except for whites can throw the race card?
why is it that you never hear about that Africans that sold their own people into slavery?
why is it that people still bitch about slavery in the U.S., when there isnt any..nor were they ever slaves.
why would it be considered racist if someone started a United White College Fund..but there is a U.N.C.F?
why is that people who dont put forth the effort to try..are supposed to get shit handed to them because of the color of there skin or because of what happened when they weren't even alive?

i have black friends who cant stand this shit. they agree that slavery happened and it was a terrible ordeal for those who experienced it, they are proud of who they are but they dont blame anyone for their situations ..they busted their ass's and earned what they have..they didnt demand it.
My buddy Dave is a nuclear engineer, he grew up in a bad part of town, amongst gangs and drugs..and he didnt want to live like that so he busted his ass to get out of it.
everyone has opportunities throughout their entire lives, the only thing that separates people is what they choose to do with them

but im not black and i wasnt a slave so i have no idea of what African Americans have to go through today...i wonder how Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson are going to end racism ...when it seems that they are the ones promoting it

should whites be able to celebrate "white Pride"...fuck yes,..givem a fucking white history month as well..gotta keep it equal right?
so now is your chance to call me a Cod-Damned Racist..knock yourselves out.

Totally agree thumbsup.pngoops thats a big smiley..


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White pride? Who wants to be proud of the fact they are melanin deficiant and more succeptible to skin cancer? Unless its because you guys as a race conquered the world, enslaved most of the people who didnt look like you, then lost the world. I am at odds as to why anyone would be proud to be white. Except maybe irish people and italians..

italians are in essence romans,ring any bells?....they had one of the largest empires ever.

No, i have plenty of white friends. Everything i posted was true wasnt it? Did the Europeans(White people) not colonize most of the world? Did they not take other races as slaves? Did they not all mostly lose their colonies? The reason why you cant run around saying white pride or white power is because white supremicists say that. I garuntee you if you walked around with a white pride or white power shirt on... you will get denied service at alot of buisnesses, and get some dirty looks and people might even try and fight you. If a mexican guy wears a brown pride shirt, or a asian wears a yellow pride shirt, or a black person wears a black pride shirt etc... Its affirmative action. If a women runs around about womens rights its acceptable etc...

do you really think india is innocent of slavery and racism today,in britain its known for young girls to be locked away and forced into marraige to keep the bloodlines indian and of a suitable caste,and yes.the caste system..modern day slavery,you're born into a caste and theres no way out of it,the lowest caste are called 'the untouchables',you're born into jobs like cleaning sewers with your bare hands,thats your life and the life of your children after you,its slavery...what would you call a 9 year old child working 14 hours a day in a delhi sweatshop for nothing more than a bowl of rice?.slavery?

the real slavers were africans themselves,the most powerful tribes set up slave cities on the coast(which the british destroyed)..they dealt and traded in people,other africans..and dont be so naive in thinking that only europeans kept slaves,its been going on for thousands of years globally,and still is happening.yes there were slaves in the americas,but they were also in the middle east and asia...not many races are innocent of the slavery culture

The europeans are the ones who divided human beings into race and decided they were superior to everyone else. After spitting down on other races for hundreds of years and trying their best to make us ashamed of the fact we were born brown or black, and we were savage barbarians for not trying to be like them... and they were doing us a "favor" by occupying our lands, stealing from us, killing us, and raping our women....

Black pride, brown pride etc... its about saying "As much trials, tribulations and hardships they have given us we still continue to stand and we are not ASHAMED of our race and cultures which is what the europeans tried todo to us. We are PROUD."

In no way, shape or form do I hate white people. I am fully aware that most white people arent racists and dont agree with racism, and the white slove owners and invaders are no longer alive today. But we recognize the hardships that our ancestors went through. When I hear about the things the british did to indian freedom fighters back in the days of the british crown.. it makes me absolutely fucking sick. In the movie theatres indians sat in the same section where the white men kept their dogs... I am proud to be alive today, that my ancestors survived the hardships and inhumane treatment the white people gave.

you've let your misplaced hatred for the british surface once again,hit the history books and you'll realise that spanish and portuguese actions in india were far worse than british actions,and as far as slavery was concerned they were worse too

and as for that hatred of the british,we've moved forward,progressed...anyone of any culture or religion can come here and lead their lives and worship as they please without harrasement..as long as they do it legally..you cant say that about many none european countries,in some european countries even there are strict rules

and by hating the british you hate me,yet we've never met and i've never done anything to harm you or your family

i could say i hate the germans for ww11,or the italians for roman actions,or the scandinavians because of the vikings,but i dont,thats how people have behaved throughout history


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God, I don't know about the rest of my white brethren but I haven't done any pillaging in ages.

Saturday night, anyone up for it? :ninja

Yes alright. How are we going to pick where to pillage?

I vote for getting the Scandinavians back for the Vikings. It was a very very long time ago but I am still quite annoyed by them.


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ya know...im not a racist,..but this will probably make me sound like one..but i dont give a shit.
I'm Creek Indian and i have never once gone up to someone and said "your long dead relatives fucked over my long dead relatives..you owe me"

why is it that any group except for whites can throw the race card?
why is it that you never hear about that Africans that sold their own people into slavery?
why is it that people still bitch about slavery in the U.S., when there isnt any..nor were they ever slaves.
why would it be considered racist if someone started a United White College Fund..but there is a U.N.C.F?
why is that people who dont put forth the effort to try..are supposed to get shit handed to them because of the color of there skin or because of what happened when they weren't even alive?

i have black friends who cant stand this shit. they agree that slavery happened and it was a terrible ordeal for those who experienced it, they are proud of who they are but they dont blame anyone for their situations ..they busted their ass's and earned what they have..they didnt demand it.
My buddy Dave is a nuclear engineer, he grew up in a bad part of town, amongst gangs and drugs..and he didnt want to live like that so he busted his ass to get out of it.
everyone has opportunities throughout their entire lives, the only thing that separates people is what they choose to do with them

but im not black and i wasnt a slave so i have no idea of what African Americans have to go through today...i wonder how Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson are going to end racism ...when it seems that they are the ones promoting it

should whites be able to celebrate "white Pride"...fuck yes,..givem a fucking white history month as well..gotta keep it equal right?
so now is your chance to call me a Cod-Damned Racist..knock yourselves out.

You racist bastard....

The Lone Ranger and Tonto were at the bar drinking, when in walks a cowboy who yells, "Who's white horse it that outside?"
The Lone Ranger finishes off his whiskey, slams down the glass, turns around and says, "It's my horse. Why do you want to know?"
The cowboy looks at him and says, "Well, your horse is standing out there in the sun and he don't look too good."
The Lone Ranger and Tonto run outside and they see that Silver is in bad shape, suffering from heat exhaustion. The Loan Ranger moves his horse into the shade and gets a bucket of water. He then pours some of the water over the horse and gives the rest to Silver to drink.It is then he notices that there isn't a breeze so he asks Tonto if he would start running around Silver to get some air flowing and perhaps cool him down.
Being a faithful friend, Tonto starts running around Silver. The Lone Ranger stands there for a bit then realizes there is not much more he can do, so he goes back into the bar and orders another whiskey.
After a bit a cowboy walks in and says, "Who's white horse is that outside?"
Slowly the Lone Ranger turns around and says, "That is my horse, what is wrong with him now?"
"Nothing," replies the cowboy, "I just wanted to let you know that you left your Injun running."


Well-Known Member
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You racist bastard....

The Lone Ranger and Tonto were at the bar drinking, when in walks a cowboy who yells, "Who's white horse it that outside?"
The Lone Ranger finishes off his whiskey, slams down the glass, turns around and says, "It's my horse. Why do you want to know?"
The cowboy looks at him and says, "Well, your horse is standing out there in the sun and he don't look too good."
The Lone Ranger and Tonto run outside and they see that Silver is in bad shape, suffering from heat exhaustion. The Loan Ranger moves his horse into the shade and gets a bucket of water. He then pours some of the water over the horse and gives the rest to Silver to drink.It is then he notices that there isn't a breeze so he asks Tonto if he would start running around Silver to get some air flowing and perhaps cool him down.
Being a faithful friend, Tonto starts running around Silver. The Lone Ranger stands there for a bit then realizes there is not much more he can do, so he goes back into the bar and orders another whiskey.
After a bit a cowboy walks in and says, "Who's white horse is that outside?"
Slowly the Lone Ranger turns around and says, "That is my horse, what is wrong with him now?"
"Nothing," replies the cowboy, "I just wanted to let you know that you left your Injun running."

......now that's fucking funny:24:

The Doc

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italians are in essence romans,ring any bells?....they had one of the largest empires ever.

do you really think india is innocent of slavery and racism today,in britain its known for young girls to be locked away and forced into marraige to keep the bloodlines indian and of a suitable caste,and yes.the caste system..modern day slavery,you're born into a caste and theres no way out of it,the lowest caste are called 'the untouchables',you're born into jobs like cleaning sewers with your bare hands,thats your life and the life of your children after you,its slavery...what would you call a 9 year old child working 14 hours a day in a delhi sweatshop for nothing more than a bowl of rice?.slavery?

the real slavers were africans themselves,the most powerful tribes set up slave cities on the coast(which the british destroyed)..they dealt and traded in people,other africans..and dont be so naive in thinking that only europeans kept slaves,its been going on for thousands of years globally,and still is happening.yes there were slaves in the americas,but they were also in the middle east and asia...not many races are innocent of the slavery culture

you've let your misplaced hatred for the british surface once again,hit the history books and you'll realise that spanish and portuguese actions in india were far worse than british actions,and as far as slavery was concerned they were worse too

and as for that hatred of the british,we've moved forward,progressed...anyone of any culture or religion can come here and lead their lives and worship as they please without harrasement..as long as they do it legally..you cant say that about many none european countries,in some european countries even there are strict rules

and by hating the british you hate me,yet we've never met and i've never done anything to harm you or your family

i could say i hate the germans for ww11,or the italians for roman actions,or the scandinavians because of the vikings,but i dont,thats how people have behaved throughout history

Yeah.... if you know anything about modern indian culture at all, and i mean anything India legally abolished the cast system a long time ago. There is plenty of inter-marrying within other castes. I am happy girls are locked up and arranged to marriage others, its much better then my sisters breeding with your vile race. You guys arent human beings. You came, you pillaged, you stole from us, you raped our women, you made us slaves in our own homeland. But you see, we are a proud race of people and we never falter. With what little we had we still kicked your asses out.Its because of brave men like Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Shaheed E Amaz(Martyr Of Freedom) one of my heroes, was Martyred by your race for being a freedom fighter and he lives through every young indian man today. I wish i was alive back then, I would have fought with him side by side and died next to him. Your right, i hate your country. I deeply hate your country from the very bottom of my heart. I am happy alot of my people live in your country today, taking all your jobs, eating your food, and fucking your women.

Yes, almost all cultures had slaves. Yes, some of the africans did sell themselvs out. At the end of the day though, you guys stole children and carried them on boats. You chained them so close together they couldent move.


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At the end of the day though, you guys stole children and carried them on boats. You chained them so close together they couldent move.

That was a wild weekend. Oh wait - that wasn't me! Or Sky. Or um... any of us, actually.

Try to learn to differentiate between people who did terrible things in the past, and people who are alive today. It's a small thing, but ever so helpful when it comes to not being a racist cunt.

The Doc

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THERE IS no crime that Britain has not committed in India. Deliberate misrule has reduced us to paupers, has ‘bled us white’. As a race and a people we stand dishonoured and outraged. Do people still expect us to forget and to forgive? We shall have our revenge - a people’s righteous revenge on the tyrant. Let cowards fall back and cringe for compromise and peace. We ask not for mercy and we give no quarter. Ours is a war to the end - to Victory or Death."

There it is


Active Member
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That was a wild weekend. Oh wait - that wasn't me! Or Sky. Or um... any of us, actually.

Try to learn to differentiate between people who did terrible things in the past, and people who are alive today. It's a small thing, but ever so helpful when it comes to not being a racist cunt.

I think it's important to remember and respect the past but also to accept that it is the past and move on from it, hopefully having learned something.


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Yeah.... if you know anything about modern indian culture at all, and i mean anything India legally abolished the cast system a long time ago. There is plenty of inter-marrying within other castes. I am happy girls are locked up and arranged to marriage others, its much better then my sisters breeding with your vile race. You guys arent human beings. You came, you pillaged, you stole from us, you raped our women, you made us slaves in our own homeland. But you see, we are a proud race of people and we never falter. With what little we had we still kicked your asses out.Its because of brave men like Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Shaheed E Amaz(Martyr Of Freedom) one of my heroes, was Martyred by your race for being a freedom fighter and he lives through every young indian man today. I wish i was alive back then, I would have fought with him side by side and died next to him. Your right, i hate your country. I deeply hate your country from the very bottom of my heart. I am happy alot of my people live in your country today, taking all your jobs, eating your food, and fucking your women.

Yes, almost all cultures had slaves. Yes, some of the africans did sell themselvs out. At the end of the day though, you guys stole children and carried them on boats. You chained them so close together they couldent move.

the caste system may well have been abolished,but believe me its still there..and like it or not i've had indian women in the past,when i had the energy,i say that because when they get going theres no stopping them,they go wild
my neice married an indian recently,a rich man with alot of money,so now she owns half of what he has....oh well,old habits die hard i suppose
and indians are welcomed in britain as long as they contribute,in that as long as they pay their way,but that counts for everyone here
and you say 'you' guys stole children,which means it was me...get a grip on reality ok

and lets get to the bottom of your insane hatred,is it because india was conquered or is it because one of the worlds largest countries was conquered by one of the worlds smallest?....this is the problem i have,your hatred comes across as indescriminate,yet in those days the majority of british had absolutely nothing,many were beggers.i could understand it if it was aimed at the royal family or past governments but its everyone.even people who had no choice in what happened

now tell us all of the impalements in the days of the raj,and the black hole of calcutta

All Else Failed

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I see latino, black and whatever pride encouraged all over the place. It is only bad when you're proud of being European when you get into PC trouble.

and race is far more than skin color lets get real here

But what if these pride movements and groups stopped....would the next generation just look at everyone as equals or would the prejudice return?

no because a preference for your own ethnicity and race, along with a suspicion of other cultures is basically ingrained in humans as a survival mechanism.

The Doc

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the caste system may well have been abolished,but believe me its still there..and like it or not i've had indian women in the past,when i had the energy,i say that because when they get going theres no stopping them,they go wild
my neice married an indian recently,a rich man with alot of money,so now she owns half of what he has....oh well,old habits die hard i suppose
and indians are welcomed in britain as long as they contribute,in that as long as they pay their way,but that counts for everyone here
and you say 'you' guys stole children,which means it was me...get a grip on reality ok

and lets get to the bottom of your insane hatred,is it because india was conquered or is it because one of the worlds largest countries was conquered by one of the worlds smallest?....this is the problem i have,your hatred comes across as indescriminate,yet in those days the majority of british had absolutely nothing,many were beggers.i could understand it if it was aimed at the royal family or past governments but its everyone.even people who had no choice in what happened

now tell us all of the impalements in the days of the raj,and the black hole of calcutta

The caste system in a way exists in the very rural areas... just as in the rural southern united states they are still rascist in some areas. Otherwise in most places untouchables, or dalits as they are called are undetectable from other brothers due to the fact they get free education in private schools and entitled to education oppertunities. Many untouchables have become lawyers and doctors, one even became the president of India. The only time the caste system means anything at all is some families do care about marriage and want to marry within their own caste. Your last name will usually reveal your caste.

I have a cousin who lives in england, its his home and he loves it. Dont know how or why he could be in the royal army knowing what they did to us but is w/e. As much as he loves england he even told me that british white men and women dont like us there. Alot of them are pissed about losing their jobs to indians. I heard you people dont like eastern europeans either from what he said.

Thats sad to hear a rich Indian man is ruining his genes reproducing with a brit but hey what can I do. Hope hese having fun.

Also, you didnt conquer India because India didnt exist. It was smaller kingdoms, in which the british used the classic divide and conquer techniques. Very deceitful bastards said they were coming to trade with us and ended up trying to take over. If it wasnt for Mir Jafar (Known in India as the biggest traitor of all time, similiar to Benedict Arnold for us Americans) defecting to Robert Clive I doubt you all would have been able to take us. Its all cool though, you guys gave up and left and the door slapped your ass on the way out. If it werent for brave indian men like "Shaheed E Azam"(Bhagat Singh) Shaheed Rajguru and Shaheed Sukhdev who stood up and fought the British who knows we might still have scum in our country. Yes, we are a poor nation partially because you people stole from us but its whatever. Though 1/3 of our country is in poverty we will not accept 'aid' given by england. I mean its probly the money you made from all the diamonds you stole anyways.

Impalements? Yes thats capital punishment it happens in Many countries. You guys also used the catherine wheel, burning etc.. also.
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I am happy girls are locked up and arranged to marriage others, its much better then my sisters breeding with your vile race. You guys arent human beings.

This is interesting to me that in this thread and the one I posted elsewhere, the only racists posting werent white :ninja So much for moving on and forgiving aye, lets lay down in the vomit of yesterday and be nothing but a low life racist cunt, Amusing to me actually that a white person would have prolly been banned for it as well
popcorn (2).gif


Banned, by user's request!
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well For a so called christian it smells like hypocrisy, Last I heard god wasnt a racist and doesnt god forgive ? or were europeans/brits excluded from his death on the cross :D
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