White Pride

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Joe the meek

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You guys have a great track record of fucking people over.

Just remember, those who have the power usually fuck those over who do not.

Sometimes as a nation, the U.S tends to forget what they did to the American Indian. Nothing short of murder and terror tactics.

For the most recent "start of a nation" in the use of murder and terror tactics, one only has to look at Israel.
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The Doc

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Just remember, those who have the power usually fuck those over who do not.

Sometimes as a nation, the U.S tends to forget what they did to the American Indian. Nothing short of murder and terror tactics.

For the most recent "start of a nation" in the use of murder and terror tactics, one only has to look at Israel.

Haha yeah we fucked them over pretty bad. You know I saw a native american family celebrating thanksgiving and I was shocked. Why would you celebrate the day you made the age old mistake of trusting the british puritans. In India we dont celelbrate the day the british east india company arrived. But to each his own. But yeah the native americans got fucked over pretty harshly in my oppinion. From eating turkey to sleeping in small pox blankets.

The Doc

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When Brits cant fight they abandon things. They have abandoned this thread, just like they had to India. I guess I am just too much for them, as India was too much for them too. Its funny how you multiple brits cant face one strong INDIAN MAN. Shaheed E Azam would be proud!


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Alrighty, your not a brit so I dont care. Stick to your normal drill, just negative rep me like you normally do. Ill eventually end up reading it and cracking a laugh.

You're, not your. I only neg rep when I feel someone said something sufficiently idiotic to deserve it. General idiocy doesn't usually warrant it, which is why your rep bars aren't red instead of green.


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Alrighty, your not a brit so I dont care. Stick to your normal drill, just negative rep me like you normally do. Ill eventually end up reading it and cracking a laugh.

I don't know Doc. I'm new here, and I thought you were cool. But, after being off of here for a few days and reading this stuff, you come across pretty fucking crazy.

I think you need to put some shit in perspective.

The Man

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White pride..black pride..gay pride..pride pride.
Its all fucked up.

Be proud of who you have become by your value system..not something you cant change like your skin color.
This would be akin as a midget saying they are proud to be short...Fucking geez.

You dont earn the color of your skin..isnt anything to be proud of.
On that same coin..there is nothing to be ashamed of.
How could someone be ashamed of something they have no control over?
So how could someone be proud of their skin color...unless its some hot chick with a nice tan...she earned it.

I am proud of my hairy legs...see how stupid it sounds.

But to go further..if someone says they are to be proud of their skin color or race...then how?.
You didnt earn it....and more importantly you had no choice.
So how the fuck can anyone be proud of anything they had no choice over?.
To further...stating a pride of such is showing of separation of superiority towards those that are not.

This shit will never die unless people just let it go.
Get over it.
Many countries had slaves back in the day.
But more importantly...It was America that put an end to much of the slavery....and provided a safe haven in Africa for any that lived in fear of becoming a slave.
We also patrolled the seas and intercepted slave ships.

Further..not everyone had a slave...it was the rich.
A slave was an investment...a machine...be mean to the machine it will run away..simple.
Yes there were exceptions just as there is with anything.

But the most important fact of all is...if you have slave blood in you be grateful.
If you didnt..you would be some little skinny shit dieing at an early age in africa.

Oh.....which brings me to this...where would you rather live back in the slave days?

Some rich white ass farmer..that has food and clean water..the best medical treatment ect.
Or off in some disease ridden country where there is little food..clothes and very short life spans.
Coming to America...even as slave was coming to paradise.
Many had no issue with it.......and had no problem being sold by their own people to board a ship and get the fuck out of that hell hole.

At the risk of sounding like a jerk I must say...I have never heard one black person say...fuck you white people I am going to Africa.

Most dont hate because of the slave days anyway...How can the small percentage that do hate me or my generation for something I had no control over?

Do you know if any of my family owned slaves?....or was in the group that was against owning slaves? or hid them......or even fucking Lincoln himself.

There were more people against slavery than there were those that were for slavery...And America was the leader in taking action globally.
Like the war on terror...it was the war on slavery.
I guess we should have just minded our own business on that one too????:eek
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The Doc

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You're, not your. I only neg rep when I feel someone said something sufficiently idiotic to deserve it. General idiocy doesn't usually warrant it, which is why your rep bars aren't red instead of green.

Sure. You keep telling yourself that.

I don't know Doc. I'm new here, and I thought you were cool. But, after being off of here for a few days and reading this stuff, you come across pretty fucking crazy.

I think you need to put some shit in perspective.

First off, I am sorry you dont agree with me but your entitled to your own oppinion. My people are still embarrassed and outraged from what happened all those years ago. We will not readily just 'forgive'.


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Well, my mom's side of the family is Jewish. I don't hold anything against the German's, Egyptians, Russians, or any of the others that persecuted, enslaved, or otherwise mistreated Jews.

I am an American. I don't hold grudge against the Japanese for Pearl Harbor.

I don't hate Muslims for the World Trade Center.

I do however, hate Sheryl Leach for inventing Barney.

The Doc

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Well, my mom's side of the family is Jewish. I don't hold anything against the German's, Egyptians, Russians, or any of the others that persecuted, enslaved, or otherwise mistreated Jews.

I am an American. I don't hold grudge against the Japanese for Pearl Harbor.

I don't hate Muslims for the World Trade Center.

I do however, hate Sheryl Leach for inventing Barney.

Thats good for you

The Man

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Its not about white people, its about brits. Never once did i say all white people. I am purely against the brits. Your right, God isnt a racist. Its funny because whenever i give my oppinions I am immideatly attacked for being a Christian. Is it hypocritical, yes absolutely but I never said I was perfect. I am sure within time my anger towards this issue will subside. As of rightnow, nope. The British are obviously a decietful group of people. History shows us they repeat their wrongs over and over and over. Atleast I am straight forward, I tell you who I am, My views and what I am doing at the get go. You let a brit in your home because they knock on the door and want to 'trade'. Next thing you know they are trying to harras and beat up everyone else who wants to affiliate with you. You make the mistake of letting them in, and they will take over your home, steal all your shit, occupy your home and make you live in the basement. Thats their M.O. I am sure other europeans did it also, but hey they didnt do it to me so i dont give 2 shits about them. This group of people defiled my whole race and tried to make us ashamed of ourselvs. I can only imagine how horrible that feels. I am also proud to be an American soldier, because my predecessors didnt even have uniforms, they were armed with rakes and low class arms and managed to kick you guys out.

Christianity tells us to forgive, and in time I will. I mean I am sure no one cares that some indian american Army soldier is sour at the british for their attrocities in India but its whatever. Its always good to forgive but NEVER forget.
You let a brit in your home because they knock on the door and want to 'trade'. Next thing you know they are trying to harras and beat up everyone else who wants to affiliate with you. You make the mistake of letting them in, and they will take over your home, steal all your shit, occupy your home and make you live in the basement. Thats their M.O.

I have met a few brits...cant say I ever had the problem you describe above.
They are alot of fun to be around in all actuality.
But I dont have a basement...so maybe i was lucky :24:
This group of people defiled my whole race and tried to make us ashamed of ourselvs.
Then why the fuck do they flock to England..if the brits are such asses ?;)

I am sure other europeans did it also, but hey they didnt do it to me so i dont give 2 shits about them.
No problem...but explain how the brits fucked you?....You...not your ancestors

The Doc

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I have met a few brits...cant say I ever had the problem you describe above.
They are alot of fun to be around in all actuality.
But I dont have a basement...so maybe i was lucky :24:

Then why the fuck do they flock to England..if the brits are such asses ?;)

No problem...but explain how the brits fucked you?....You...not your ancestors

Very easy. This is how the brits have fucked me. If the brits didnt come and steal allof indias resources it wouldent be a 3rd world country today. I bet my my parents would be living there and i would be born there. My father told me the reasons he decided to bring my mother to this country is because there was more oppertunity here. There would be lots of oppertunity if the the damn brits didnt steal all our natural resources.


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You let a brit in your home because they knock on the door and want to 'trade'. Next thing you know they are trying to harras and beat up everyone else who wants to affiliate with you. You make the mistake of letting them in, and they will take over your home, steal all your shit, occupy your home and make you live in the basement. Thats their M.O.

Let me get this straight here. You're blaming an entire nation of people for actions taken by British companies and their government dating back hundreds of years? India gained its independence from Britain 62 years ago, that's a good four decades before you were ever born.

You're hilarious dude... because people happen to share some of the same genetics as people from generations past, they're horrible people that steal, occupy, and otherwise act like horrible human beings? Give me a fucking break. You're a Catholic, and Catholicism is largely to blame for atrocities such as the Spanish Inquisition, the destruction of the Aztec and Inca Empires and other atrocities committed against the peoples of Central and North America. I think the destruction of an entire civilization even trumps the East India Company's occupation of India. So, by your own standards, your choice of religion makes you every bit as "bad" as the people that you revile... yet the crimes committed were at the very least of equal level. But here's an important difference... your religion is a choice, being British is genetic.

Taking your standards a little bit further, it is your choice to associate yourself with a religion that has committed atrocities against people in the past, while Brits are born with that connection. That's quite a conundrum, isn't it? I don't expect that you'll give any sort of credence to the logic that I've applied to this situation though, since you've proven time and time again that you're an immature young man, and as such you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions. But maybe, just maybe, you'll stop and take your blinders off long enough to think about something logically rather than react with emotion.

Before I finish, I'd like us to consider one other issue here --- the caste system in India. So far I have heard you do nothing but blame the British for every bad thing that's happened to your parents native country. but I haven't heard you discuss anything about the issues there that the government and people have had six decades to change. Just because the British caused a number of problems in India doesn't mean that they're responsible for every problem in that country. You're being incredibly shortsighted, and again, basing your opinions on nothing more but blind emotion. If you utilize some logic, you might be a happier person.

The Doc

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Let me get this straight here. You're blaming an entire nation of people for actions taken by British companies and their government dating back hundreds of years? India gained its independence from Britain 62 years ago, that's a good four decades before you were ever born.

You're hilarious dude... because people happen to share some of the same genetics as people from generations past, they're horrible people that steal, occupy, and otherwise act like horrible human beings? Give me a fucking break. You're a Catholic, and Catholicism is largely to blame for atrocities such as the Spanish Inquisition, the destruction of the Aztec and Inca Empires and other atrocities committed against the peoples of Central and North America. I think the destruction of an entire civilization even trumps the East India Company's occupation of India. So, by your own standards, your choice of religion makes you every bit as "bad" as the people that you revile... yet the crimes committed were at the very least of equal level. But here's an important difference... your religion is a choice, being British is genetic.

Taking your standards a little bit further, it is your choice to associate yourself with a religion that has committed atrocities against people in the past, while Brits are born with that connection. That's quite a conundrum, isn't it? I don't expect that you'll give any sort of credence to the logic that I've applied to this situation though, since you've proven time and time again that you're an immature young man, and as such you allow yourself to be ruled by your emotions. But maybe, just maybe, you'll stop and take your blinders off long enough to think about something logically rather than react with emotion.

Before I finish, I'd like us to consider one other issue here --- the caste system in India. So far I have heard you do nothing but blame the British for every bad thing that's happened to your parents native country. but I haven't heard you discuss anything about the issues there that the government and people have had six decades to change. Just because the British caused a number of problems in India doesn't mean that they're responsible for every problem in that country. You're being incredibly shortsighted, and again, basing your opinions on nothing more but blind emotion. If you utilize some logic, you might be a happier person.

Your being ambiguous. I dont care about emotional talk. What the spaniards did to the aztecs is of no concern to me. They arent my people. The caste system is there for a reason. It was created to keep others from getting sick. The untouchables in the caste system picked up feces with their hands. Their hands were dirty, if they touched you... you had to become clean which makes sense to me. Just as in the old days they did not have the resources to cook pork correctly so people got sick all the time. Therefore the simple solution was not to eat it, as is with people who touch shit. Today many lower castes have garunteed slots in schools and colleges. A dalit(uncouthable) has even been the president of India, as many have become doctors and lawyers.

The Man

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Very easy. This is how the brits have fucked me. If the brits didnt come and steal allof indias resources it wouldent be a 3rd world country today. I bet my my parents would be living there and i would be born there. My father told me the reasons he decided to bring my mother to this country is because there was more oppertunity here. There would be lots of oppertunity if the the damn brits didnt steal all our natural resources.

When did they come and steal all of Indias resources.
What resources?
And how would that effect the ideologies that produce most third world countries.

But anyway....You appear to have hard feelings over something in the past....which is questionable within itself.
Why dont you go to India as you have such passion for the place?

Let me guess...the brits will knock on the door beat up everyone and make em live in the basement


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at the end of the day,british occupation or not....india would still be a nation where the minority are living in splendour while the rest are in danger of starving to death,a nation where life is very cheap,where the poor are something to be trodden down then scraped of the bottom of your boot...you can occupy a country but not change its people

and the Kōh-i Nūr stays where it is


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When did they come and steal all of Indias resources.
What resources?
And how would that effect the ideologies that produce most third world countries.

But anyway....You appear to have hard feelings over something in the past....which is questionable within itself.
Why dont you go to India as you have such passion for the place?Let me guess...the brits will knock on the door beat up everyone and make em live in the basement

because the place stinks,especially delhi