White Pride

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Well speaking for myself, I'm not proud of being white, nor am I proud of being mostly German, or of being a woman.

I'm proud of being a good stepmother and a loving wife, those I choose to be.

I am proud to be an American, though I was born to that also, I feel strong stirring emotions when I think of being American. I don't when I think of being white......, I don't feel shame, just nothing in particular.
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im going to be blunt here consider that I am neither white nor black or as my daughters would say Milk nor Chocolate LOL

I believe there is a huge difference in the terms associated with White Pride and Black Pride

White Pride is usually associated with hatred, and while it may be society generalizing the term, it is (i believe) well founded. partly due to the actions and people usually associated with white pride (white supremacist groups).

Black Pride is usually associated with a cry for equality, meaning subjects advocating the black pride seem to feel as though society owes them something for the X amount of years they were "oppressed" and while the term can be generalized as much as the previous one, it is also well founded due to slavery.

This is why i believe there is some difference between white pride or black pride.

- Black Pride: Are you so bitter with the actions of times past that you cannot overcome the fact that slavery was nothing more than a chapter in American history? Its been almost 150 years and you mean to tell me you have not overcome the trepidations that the white man brought on your race? At this point if that is the case, it isn't necessarily the white man keeping you down but your obvious inability to move on, let go of the past and work with to improve the state of today's society.

- White Pride: Throughout history ethnic cleansing attempts have been tried many a times; Yet not a single one of those attempts have worked. How is this part of society's attempt going to be any better? I mean we are talking about huge and widely popular movements like the nazi's attempt at ethnic cleansing failing, how is a band composed of a small percentage of the population is going to manage to pull this off successfully? thinking this is possible is nothing more than a delusion of reality.

I for one could care less, Ive known people that advocate both sides, some with an educated approach and some violently but the core agendas of being oppressed or supremacy are still there.

Now let me be "me " for a second here.

Listen up folks! getting rid of one another will do nothing more than end some of the best things ever in this world.

White people: If you get rid of black people, who will you have to fear as you walk down the street? Where will we get Fried Chicken? who will tend for us at McDonalds? Who will we have to blame or call the police on? but most importantly how will the male part of society deal with the lack of voluptuous bootays to gander at?

Black people: Lets see, who will support you? who will pay for your retirement? Who will educate your chil'lins? who will employ YOU???! I mean do you single handedly want to be blamed as the reason for the extinction of white wimminz?

Then again as a Mexican living in the US, I'd say fuck 'em let them worry about each other, in the mean time well keep taking your jobs, the delicious black booties and your fine white wimminz :tooth


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im going to be blunt here consider that I am neither white nor black or as my daughters would say Milk nor Chocolate LOL
do you have a sense of Mexican pride? I gather there is/has been an anti mexcian/latino backlash (thinking of Arizona's controversial law) does this make you think that Mexicans, sensing the predjudice might feel it necessary to celebrate who they are, as a way of fighting back against prejudice and seeking equality


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look into Spanish history,chances are you're both black and white;)
As a matter of fact my family is of polish background but it is way too far back to factor in in my book. In essense i am one or the other lol but for all intents and purposes i don't consider my myself neither white nor black.

Do i have a sense of mexican pride?

Yes, i am proud of the beautiful Mexican culture, i am proud of the rich history my family was brought up in. i do not feel oppressed nor do i feel the need to clean my "race" as i am sure i have little if any genetic ties to the original inhabitants of Mexico.

I am not oppressed in that i am in a foreign country where i have had the opportunity of making a future for me and my family through hard work. I am (if anything) ashamed of the asshat Hispanic/Latin who feel that success in the US is reserved for those who are born with a silver spoon or shoved opportunities into their face simply because they were born here.

If i managed to make it i, see no reason why those Hispanics that seem to have the same feelings as other minorities cannot succeed? Success is what you make of your opportunities and if these opportunities are available to a foreigner like me, they sure are available to those who were born here.


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As a matter of fact my family is of polish background but it is way too far back to factor in in my book. In essense i am one or the other lol but for all intents and purposes i don't consider my myself neither white nor black.

Had to Google Polish Mexicans. The first hit:


If i managed to make it i, see no reason why those Hispanics that seem to have the same feelings as other minorities cannot succeed? Success is what you make of your opportunities and if these opportunities are available to a foreigner like me, they sure are available to those who were born here.

Do you feel like the lower class Mexican immigrant who swam the Río Bravo del Norte with all his worldly posessions has the exact same opportunities and odds for success as an immigrant who came from a more middle class background?

And do you believe the black kid that lives in the drug infested housing project has the exact same opportunities and odds for success as the kid from a middle class suburb?

And what of those who work hard all their lives, yet success eludes them? What is the explanation for that?


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Had to Google Polish Mexicans. The first hit:


Do you feel like the lower class Mexican immigrant who swam the Río Bravo del Norte with all his worldly posessions has the exact same opportunities and odds for success as an immigrant who came from a more middle class background?

And do you believe the black kid that lives in the drug infested housing project has the exact same opportunities and odds for success as the kid from a middle class suburb?

And what of those who work hard all their lives, yet success eludes them? What is the explanation for that?

IF i could vote Obama would not be my choice lol he wouldnt have been in 2008 nor would it be in 2012

I guess i should have mentioned i was referring to those Hispanic/Latin Americans born here that feel only those non-immigrants have it easier. Most of the immigrants that cross the border illegally are thankful of being here, even if it is illegally and most often these people don't come over to the US to complain or whine, most of the time they are here to work and nothing else. contrary to popular belief th fear of deportation usually keeps these folks from pursuing any soft of government, medical and even public service assistance most of the time.

Does the black kid have the same opportunities? yes, the same resources? not always. School is free, libraries are free and most importantly the freedom to decide whether he will make something of himself or take the easy route and become nothing more burden on society is there.

If you're thinking successful means financially successful then: If you work hard and manage to stay ahead of the curve i consider this successful! if you're busting your ass and you are still in deep financial shit you probably did not make the best financial choices, at that point your opportunities and resources were there you just didn't take advantage of them properly.


Sarcasm is me :)
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Can't even say Human Pride.. Humans are the worse of the animal kingdom.. Pretty sad..

The few that make us proud would not want the recognition..


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contrary to popular belief th fear of deportation usually keeps these folks from pursuing any soft of government, medical and even public service assistance most of the time.

Excellent point. To hear some tell it, illegals are banrupting Social Security and Medicare. That cannot possibly be true given the risk of deportation.

Does the black kid have the same opportunities? yes, the same resources? not always. School is free, libraries are free and most importantly the freedom to decide whether he will make something of himself or take the easy route and become nothing more burden on society is there.

Coming from a lower class background myself, I used to say what you just said. But looking back, many more factors go into someones life that can help or hinder success. I had the love of my parents and a stable if low income home. That went a long way toward helping me get into the midle class. Many of the other kids in my neighborhood were not so lucky and lacked the parental guidance to take advantage of those "free" opportunities.

If you're thinking successful means financially successful then: If you work hard and manage to stay ahead of the curve i consider this successful! if you're busting your ass and you are still in deep financial shit you probably did not make the best financial choices, at that point your opportunities and resources were there you just didn't take advantage of them properly.

It's certainly true that too many people work hard yet put themselves in financial bondage with consumer credit and mortgages. But there are others who do it all right but wind up screwed. The #1 cause of bankruptcy in the United States is because of massive medical bills. And what surprised me even more is that the majority of those filing medical bankruptcy have health insurance.

Life can be pretty complicated. Everyone does not fit neatly into any one compartment.


Maulds' Angel
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this, along with gay pride, black pride has nothing to do with superiority but everything to do with equality, blacks and gays dont think they are better than anyone, they think they are cool being who they are, and for the longest time even privately acknowledging such would get them into a lot of trouble That inmo is the essence of pride, so i ask what do whites have to be proud about in that context

The gay pride I get. They aren't equal legally speaking. To me, gay pride is a movement to bring focus to the equality issue there. Not literal pride so much, although I'm sure it's there.

The color pride groups though.. eh. I think it's dangerous- especially for children. This is how racism is born. When you're taught to recognize and separate by color.


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Don't kid yourself, if a cow had the chance, he'd kill you and everyone you loved! :D

But does a cow premeditate a murder like humans do like the worst serial killers have ? do they take land off millions of animals so they lose a habitat and then their lives ? Didnt think so...