White Pride

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Glorified Maniac
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there are also some negatives to the association of The Black Panthers to Black Pride as well.
I think everyone should have a since of pride in their own race as well as a since of well being to other races
unfortunately all the race pride typically is evidence of being racially descrimating towards other races
and should be avoided
however it is not and never will be so everyone should respect people having a since of pride of their own race
although I'm white I'm not just and an American Whitey
I am American by citizenship and have the appearence of white skin do to the fact that
I am a decendant of three different nationalities
one being Irish decendant
one being German decendant
one being Cherokee Indian 1/16th
My father was German 100%
My mother was Cherokee Indian 1/8th
My mother was Irish the rest
My mothers father was 100% Irish
My mothers mother was 1/4 Cherokee Indian from her mothers side and 3/4 Irish
So actually im Irish/German/Cherokee Indian
So does that make me "white"?

I do have pride towards my decent but I dont claim an American Holiday or a historical month for each of my decents

I wouldnt want to single out any Americans

However when I'm ridiculed to having to work while others get a holiday in the US
It does piss me off.

I dont take it out on anyone or ridicule anyone over it even when it is pushed down my throat

But there are stipulatons for instance

I cant have "WET channel" I dont get a holiday for when my decendants where no longer slaves in American (yes the Irish at one time where slave in America)
The Indians where kill and or banned.
The Germans were enemies untill they were allowed to come into the US through imagration process.
at one time in the US all imagrants were to be slaves unless you were of British or England decent and or born in the US of a legal Citizen

Right now one of my biggest concerns are illegal immagrants. Personall I want anyone that want to come to the US to be here
Although I do not want to pay for it out of my own money

We are unable to inforce the illegal immagrants to become tax paying citizens

The only way I see it happening is to get rid of Federal and State or any tax taken from our paychecks

We should pay taxes on what we purchace then everone would have to pay somehow

As of right now the legal citizens of the US have for years put money towards things like Social Security, taxes to pay for roads and Federal and State wages and on and on
I dont think an illegal imagrant should be allowed the privilage to use these items if they never put shit into them

I think the taxing of products is the only way to go

and I also think everyone human being is equal no matter what the race decent skin color or anything else

I will be buying less if they do the higher taxes on products but I can keep what I earn and not be forced to give it away to people who dont deserve it


In Memoriam - RIP
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I think one should have pride in oneself no matter the color of your skin, black, yellow, brown, white, tan, purple, green. Like Morgan Freeman said we need to stop calling each other by the color of our skin and just call each other by our names. Be proud of who you are but don't be proud of what you are.


In Memoriam - RIP
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This topic has been discussed before many moons ago on here. I also think the debate is bias as the active member roster is predominantly or all Caucasian.

The Doc

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White pride? Who wants to be proud of the fact they are melanin deficiant and more succeptible to skin cancer? Unless its because you guys as a race conquered the world, enslaved most of the people who didnt look like you, then lost the world. I am at odds as to why anyone would be proud to be white. Except maybe irish people and italians..


Miss Piggy
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White pride? Who wants to be proud of the fact they are melanin deficiant and more succeptible to skin cancer? Unless its because you guys as a race conquered the world, enslaved most of the people who didnt look like you, then lost the world. I am at odds as to why anyone would be proud to be white. Except maybe irish people and italians..

Our very first racist post. Great work! :umno


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I never understood the idea of racial pride ... People are individuals and regardless of what color their skin are or what culture they are from they will always have their own unique mind and conscience. I think Martin Luther King Jr. put it best in his "I have a Dream" speech. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin BUT BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER."

The Doc

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No, i have plenty of white friends. Everything i posted was true wasnt it? Did the Europeans(White people) not colonize most of the world? Did they not take other races as slaves? Did they not all mostly lose their colonies? The reason why you cant run around saying white pride or white power is because white supremicists say that. I garuntee you if you walked around with a white pride or white power shirt on... you will get denied service at alot of buisnesses, and get some dirty looks and people might even try and fight you. If a mexican guy wears a brown pride shirt, or a asian wears a yellow pride shirt, or a black person wears a black pride shirt etc... Its affirmative action. If a women runs around about womens rights its acceptable etc...

The Doc

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I never understood the idea of racial pride ... People are individuals and regardless of what color their skin are or what culture they are from they will always have their own unique mind and conscience. I think Martin Luther King Jr. put it best in his "I have a Dream" speech. "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin BUT BY THE CONTENT OF THEIR CHARACTER."

The europeans are the ones who divided human beings into race and decided they were superior to everyone else. After spitting down on other races for hundreds of years and trying their best to make us ashamed of the fact we were born brown or black, and we were savage barbarians for not trying to be like them... and they were doing us a "favor" by occupying our lands, stealing from us, killing us, and raping our women....

Black pride, brown pride etc... its about saying "As much trials, tribulations and hardships they have given us we still continue to stand and we are not ASHAMED of our race and cultures which is what the europeans tried todo to us. We are PROUD."

In no way, shape or form do I hate white people. I am fully aware that most white people arent racists and dont agree with racism, and the white slove owners and invaders are no longer alive today. But we recognize the hardships that our ancestors went through. When I hear about the things the british did to indian freedom fighters back in the days of the british crown.. it makes me absolutely fucking sick. In the movie theatres indians sat in the same section where the white men kept their dogs... I am proud to be alive today, that my ancestors survived the hardships and inhumane treatment the white people gave.


Well-Known Member
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God, I don't know about the rest of my white brethren but I haven't done any pillaging in ages.

Saturday night, anyone up for it? :ninja


Active Member
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I agree that the white European oppression that spread across the globe was a disgusting display of the negative side of humanity.

All people, regardless of race, is capable of doing horrendous things and as such no race shall ever be superior to any other.


Active Member
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Saturday night, anyone up for it? :ninja

Can't ... I have a KKK meeting @ 12:00. Then a Black Panther meeting @ 2:00. Then I have a sermon to conduct at the Westboro Baptist Church @ 4:00. Then a study group with the Jihadists @ 6:00.


V.I.P User
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I wouldn't mind pillaging some male frat houses, don't care about their skin color, just well toned please......


In Memoriam - RIP
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God, I don't know about the rest of my white brethren but I haven't done any pillaging in ages.

Saturday night, anyone up for it? :ninja
If it's at a pub I'm down but I have reschedule for next Saturday... I have plans for tomorrow night. :p