What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

  • I don't care.

    Votes: 37 58.7%
  • I don't care only if they don't show up their feelings in the public places.

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • I don't like them.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • I don't like only gays

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like only lesbians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think it is normal. Why not?

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • If they tolerate to other people when i don't mind

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • I am a gay (a lesbian)

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters

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Having way too much fun
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Alright, so you still cant prove to me that homosexual is genetic, therefore their behavior can chnge.

Now most of you will start to get desperate because you will be losing your arguments, and resort to juvinile tactitcs like name calling. Call me a bigot all you want. it doesnt bother me. You still lose, i still win.

Why should they change? Give me one good reason why they should look to change their sexual preference.
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Joe the meek

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Why should they change? Give me one good reason why they should look to change their sexual preference.

Don't ask him a question until you answer mine.

If I'm calling you out on a statement you made about me, what right should you have to expect an answer from Doc?


Sarcasm is me :)
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4. How can I prove that gays werent born gay, easy one. The fact you cant genetically find a gay gene. Same as you cant find a heterosexual gene. Any person can go left or right depending on their upbringing. People identify homosexual, then get cured and become heterosexual, and vice vera. If you want this evidence just ask.

Alright, so you still cant prove to me that homosexual is genetic, therefore their behavior can chnge.

OK I don't have time to answer the rest tonight as I do work and this week i am really busy but here is your answer.. The rest will need to wait..

In the study, researchers analyzed the genetic makeup of 456 men from 146 families with two or more gay brothers.

The genetic scans showed a clustering of the same genetic pattern among the gay men on three chromosomes -- chromosomes 7, 8, and 10. These common genetic patterns were shared by 60% of the gay men in the study. This is slightly more than the 50% expected by chance alone.

The regions on chromosome 7 and 8 were associated with male sexual orientation regardless of whether the man got them from his mother or father. The regions on chromosome 10 were only associated with male sexual orientation if they were inherited from the mother.

Mustanski compares the study's approach to a search for doctors in a town of 40,000 people, a number that roughly corresponds to the number of human genes.

Rather than guessing that doctors live in a particular type of house and going to only the houses that meet that criteria, researchers in this scenario would knock on every door to ask the residents if a doctor lives on their street. Using a similar approach, researchers were able to locate a few potential genetic neighborhoods that likely contribute to male sexual orientation.

Researchers say the next step is to verify these results in a different group of men to see if the same genetic regions are associated with sexual orientation. If the findings hold up, then Mustanski says they could start to look for the individual genes within these regions linked to sexual orientation.



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Alright, so you still cant prove to me that homosexual is genetic, therefore their behavior can chnge.

Now most of you will start to get desperate because you will be losing your arguments, and resort to juvinile tactitcs like name calling. Call me a bigot all you want. it doesnt bother me. You still lose, i still win.

It's not name calling if it's true, you're expressing bigoted views against a group of people because of their sexual orientation.

Again, whether or not homosexuality is a choice or not is completely irrelevant. You hate a group of people because of their sexual orientation, which is the definition of bigotry. If you think that's "winning", I truly feel sorry for you... you have an incredibly limited world view tainted by your apparent need to be a "manly" man and tough because you're in the Army, your religion, and God only knows what else. Hate or even loathing or something similar shouldn't be expressed towards a group of people... what have homosexuals ever done to you except to exist? Were you raped by a group of gay men? I'm willing to be that the answer is a resounding no. So honestly, what did homosexuals ever do to you that makes them deserving of your hatred? I'd really love to hear it. Is it just because they don't match up with what you believe a man or a woman should be? Because they don't fit in your little box of how the world should work? Hell, Jesus didn't even ever say a damn word about homosexuality; Paul did, but there isn't a single reference to homosexuality in any of the words of Jesus. Don't go throwing the Old Testament in there either, because that was the Old Covenant that was fulfilled and made obsolete with the sacrifice of Jesus. Yeah, guess what... I probably know a whole helluva lot more about your religion than you do.

In John 13:34, Jesus called people to love each other as He loves us. In Matthew 25:31-46 He tells believers that whatever we do to the lowliest of men, we do to Him. So by hating homosexuals, in the words of Jesus Himself, you are choosing to hate your Savior. Jesus hung out with the people that were despised in His day... the tax collectors, the prostitutes, the Samaritans... the Jews hated the Samaritans, despite their shared lineage and similar beliefs... not all that unlike your hatred of homosexuals. Yet Jesus ministered to these people and treated them as He treated anyone else.

So I submit that not only are you a disgrace to the uniform that you wear, but you're also a disgrace to the religion that you follow. But being a disgrace to Christianity or Catholicism is a fairly normal thing anyway. Everyone pays attention to the little rules and such that have been created over the last 2,000 years... yet they seem to ignore what Jesus actually taught. You're a shining example of that. :thumbup


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And you still haven't answered my question on where in ANY of my posts I've bashed gays.

I've asked you twice now with no response. If you made a mistake be a man and admit it, or answer my question. I know a lot of people like you in the real world.


Bottom line, if homosexuality were normal within a species, chances are the species wouldn't survive given time.

If homosexuality were "normal" I'd guess we wouldn't have the population we now have.

Those statements could very easily be taken as you bashing homosexuals... despite your claims and attempts to justify your comments by saying there's nothing wrong with being homosexual.

Joe the meek

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Those statements could very easily be taken as you bashing homosexuals... despite your claims and attempts to justify your comments by saying there's nothing wrong with being homosexual.

Do you hold Tim's dick when he takes a leak as well?

Someone mentioned a rate of 5% per gay men. Do some research on zoophilia, what percentage will you find? At what percentage rate do you define abnormal and normal? Would you consider having sex with an animal normal? Heck, why couldn't it be? People seem to think having sex with an animal is disgusting and offensive, where as I do not (although I can honestly say I don't understand it nor do I think it's normal, nor have I EVER considered having sex with an animal). However, you can find more than a couple of otherwise "normal" loving people "regular" people who are "into" zoophilia for their own reasons.

So...if you say something isn't normal you're bashing it? I've also quoted myself as saying I've never really considered myself normal, although I'm not gay, I'm just not normal in a different way.
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Joe the meek

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"Findings"? lol, this is exactly what I mean. One cannot rely on one or even five "studies" to proclaim they know anything about homosexuality, or anything else. I have to laugh when people run off on these forums like they know anything about the subject because they found something online that says this or that. That's not how it works.

Human sexuality is a vastly complicated and intricate thing, my exposure to the topic comes from the upwards of 7 years of education, which, in this field counts for nothing. I am but a mere spectator of the humanities, with only a small understanding of the scope of human sexuality. There are thousands of studies and statistics; they conflict, they coordinate, they are redone and re-interpreted. Most of them are completely fucking useless and incredibly biased, but there are certain assumptions given a consensus.

Social science (which is shaky anyway) compiles decades worth of knowledge into a set of assumptions that are even too long to go into here. It's been classically difficult to get unbiased data and information about sexuality, because humans are still so influenced by dogma which skews the perception of sexuality one way or another. And you want "findings" :p

IMO by far the best, well written post on this thread.

The Doc

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Do you hold Tim's dick when he takes a leak as well?

Someone mentioned a rate of 5% per gay men. Do some research on zoophilia, what percentage will you find? At what percentage rate do you define abnormal and normal? Would you consider having sex with an animal normal? Heck, why couldn't it be? People seem to think having sex with an animal is disgusting and offensive, where as I do not (although I can honestly say I don't understand it nor do I think it's normal, nor have I EVER considered having sex with an animal). However, you can find more than a couple of otherwise "normal" loving people "regular" people who are "into" zoophilia for their own reasons.

So...if you say something isn't normal you're bashing it? I've also quoted myself as saying I've never really considered myself normal, although I'm not gay, I'm just not normal in a different way.

I just got tired of you whining that Tim hadn't responded to you.

So wait, now you're equating homosexuality with zoophilia? I'm impressed. :rolleyes:

Joe the meek

Active Member
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So wait, now you're equating homosexuality with zoophilia? I'm impressed. :rolleyes:

I will make it very simple for you. Normality, like beauty, can be in the eye of the beholder.

Can you comprehend the fact that just because you don't think something is normal, you are not bashing it?
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Not to be rude, but I though any kind of racism or Homophobic comments is not acceptable.? I'm directly pointing the finger at "The Doc".

Guys if I'm wrong correct me?


Banned per User's Request
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Not to be rude, but I though any kind of racism or Homophobic comments is not acceptable.? I'm directly pointing the finger at "The Doc".

Guys if I'm wrong correct me?

This is the philosophy and debate forum. This place is "enter at your own risk" and lightly moderated compared to the rest of the forum.

I hope this helps.


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Now I feel like a massive retard :L.

Since when was you Admin? :O, I thought you was just a donator yesterday? :S

Nice lol.


Banned per User's Request
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Now I feel like a massive retard :L.

Since when was you Admin? :O, I thought you was just a donator yesterday? :S

Nice lol.

I was an Admin yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and some days before that. :p
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