You don't get it, probably never will. What one person see's as normal, another may not.
Simple question, if you don't think something is normal, are you bashing it? At what percentage rate would you consider particularly behavior normal?
I just get a kick out of you holier than people who proclaim their wisdom but I can't help but wonder if you practice what you preach.
Doc has the balls to admit what he thinks, and he takes the time to respond, even though you may not agree with it. But you and others are better than that, I know.
Likewise, I don't think being a homosexual is "normal" for human beings in nature, and yet you and Tim say I'm bashing gay people, yet you have NO clue some of the social relationships I CHOOSE to have with people and why.
It's not "normal" for humans to be in a monogamous relationship.
It's not "normal" for humans to get married to one person for the rest of their life.
Both of these things are relatively recent in human behavior. Hell, monogamy has only been "the norm" for the past 60 years.
Yet you choose to follow those paths because of tradition and religious practices.
I'm sick of hearing you labeling what you believe is "normal" and what isn't.
Just because you are born with a penis does not mean that you WILL be attracted to females.
I am straight because I am attracted to females, I am NOT straight because of any sex act. I KNEW I was straight long before I ever had my first kiss.
You have this view that you don't know your sexual orientation until your first sex act when that doesn't even matter. There are same sex partners that do not have sex with each other but there is no doubt in their mind that they are homosexual.
Now onto your whining about me calling you a bigot...
Over numerous posts and different threads, Doc has shown himself as a fag hater. His views are twisted and very bigoted. Yet you understand his views and have defended him post after post. It is this repeated pattern of you defending his views that puts you right in the middle of his camp.
If I continually spouted off on how I hate black people (using the derogatory term) and compared them to monkeys, said how they are more like animals and Retro constantly defended my right to hate a race of people, it would be correct to label Retro a racist as well.
Only 1-2% of the human population have red hair, yet 5-7% are homosexual. So until I hear you rail against the red heads as not being "normal" and suggest that they all dye their hair, shut up.