What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

What is your attitude to gays and lesbians?

  • I don't care.

    Votes: 37 58.7%
  • I don't care only if they don't show up their feelings in the public places.

    Votes: 5 7.9%
  • I don't like them.

    Votes: 3 4.8%
  • I don't like only gays

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't like only lesbians

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I think it is normal. Why not?

    Votes: 14 22.2%
  • If they tolerate to other people when i don't mind

    Votes: 2 3.2%
  • I am a gay (a lesbian)

    Votes: 2 3.2%

  • Total voters

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As asked previously, what if a woman let's herself be "taken" by a dog humping her? Although verbal communication may be lacking, wouldn't it be considered consent on the dogs part?

Letting a dog hump you isn't necessarily sex with an animal, I think manipulating the animal physically to do sex acts is what constitutes that. I really don't care if a woman allows her leg or arm to be humped, but I'd wonder how she got it to hump her vagina. Heh

In fact, isn't zoophilia legal in some parts of the world? (like the USA for example)

Not sure, actually. I would argue that not every legal thing is moral and not every moral thing is legal, yanno?

I agree. However, isn't it usually the majority who decides what is acceptable as far as being good and bad?

Yes, and that majority is usually directed by someone or something with power. I don't think majority opinion is necessarily always the best way to determine what is bad and good.
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Joe the meek

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Letting a dog hump you isn't necessarily sex with an animal, I think manipulating the animal physically to do sex acts is what constitutes that. I really don't care if a woman allows her leg or arm to be humped, but I'd wonder how she got it to hump her vagina. Heh.

Heck, there were some drunken nights (when I drank) when I even needed, well, lets say guidance:24: My point is that one could consider it consent by the dog.

Not sure, actually. I would argue that not every legal thing is moral and not every moral thing is legal, yanno?

Agreed. But who determines morals? What is moral for one person may be immoral for another. Heck, why not let that person marry that rock? I do realize it's a slippery slope.

Yes, and that majority is usually directed by someone or something with power. I don't think majority opinion is necessarily always the best way to determine what is bad and good.

I think you hit the nail on the head about someone or something with power.

OK, how do you do that multiple quote thing again?:tooth


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Heck, there were some drunken nights (when I drank) when I even needed, well, lets say guidance:24: My point is that one could consider it consent by the dog.

One could consider drunk to a lack of functioning-sex a lack of consent, as well, and they sometimes do, in court. Just sayin'.

Agreed. But who determines morals? What is moral for one person may be immoral for another. Heck, why not let that person marry that rock? I do realize it's a slippery slope.

The individual, as part of a vast cluster fuck of recycled ideas, imposed beliefs, and pressure to conform.
It appears rocks aren't living/once living object and don't mind much for being fucked, so I don't mind if someone marries a rock, a vibrator, a saxophone (so long as it's not electric, those are ugly). I'd sure hate to have my relationship and goals for marriage compared to someone marrying a rock, but...ya. I lucked out and got borned straight :tooth


Having way too much fun
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I wonder just how much you love your dog Joe... :dunno

You seem very passionate on the subject

Joe the meek

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I wonder just how much you love your dog Joe... :dunno

You seem very passionate on the subject

I've come to the conclusion doing animal rescue work that there is a correlation between the way people treat their pets and how they treat their own family.

"If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. This is the principal difference between a dog and man" Mark Twain

"Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate" Sigmund Freud.

"I'll take an good dog over an average man anytime of the day" Joe the meek

Not that it matters, I consider you average and I have a bunch of good dogs.


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Take your dog and and your wife and lock them in the trunk of your car. Open the trunk up the next day and see which one is glad to see you:D

Three things of a man you don't mess with. His wife, his dog, and his money. In no particular order LOL

You've got an arsenal of dog quotes, for sure


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You don't get it, probably never will. What one person see's as normal, another may not.

Simple question, if you don't think something is normal, are you bashing it? At what percentage rate would you consider particularly behavior normal?

I just get a kick out of you holier than people who proclaim their wisdom but I can't help but wonder if you practice what you preach.

Doc has the balls to admit what he thinks, and he takes the time to respond, even though you may not agree with it. But you and others are better than that, I know.

Likewise, I don't think being a homosexual is "normal" for human beings in nature, and yet you and Tim say I'm bashing gay people, yet you have NO clue some of the social relationships I CHOOSE to have with people and why.

Your premise is flawed though... you're equating inter-species sexual relations with same species but same sex sexual relations and/or attraction.

As far as The Doc goes, you obviously haven't been around long enough if you're praising him for speaking his mind... I'm the king of that around here, and let's just say that I've probably upset more people than Dana, just for different reasons. I'm also curious as to who exactly is, "holier than thou". It seems to me that the only one preaching their agenda and talking about their hatred for people is the Doc. I've also responded to damn near everything that's been directed towards me... just because it doesn't fit in your timeline doesn't mean that it doesn't happen. You seem to think that your questions and comments deserve special attention... and hell, nothing says that anyone even has to dignify your statements with a response if we don't feel like it.

I also never stated that you were bashing gay people, so perhaps you need to pay better attention to what is actually said. I'll even post it again for you, and highlight a very important word, just in case you can't quite understand what I actually said.

Those statements could very easily be taken as you bashing homosexuals... despite your claims and attempts to justify your comments by saying there's nothing wrong with being homosexual.

See, I stated that your comments could have been taken in a way that made it seem like you were bashing homosexuals. I did not state that you were bashing homosexuals. While the two statements and concepts are similar, they are also distinctly different...

You've claimed that homosexuality is abnormal, while implying that heterosexuality is the only thing that can be considered normal. Your claim seems to be predicated upon the fact that homosexuals account for a distinct minority among the entire population of the world. In which case, Tim's illustration about redheaded people is completely valid. Let's say that 5% of the population of the world have red hair, while 35% have black hair, 30% have brown hair and 30% have blonde hair; based on your own logic, people with red hair are abnormal. The problem is that you've dismissed that argument, while clinging to the one that states homosexuality is abnormal simply because of percentages. Additionally, you only dismissed that argument because it wasn't directly related to the discussion of homosexuals, despite the very obvious parallels between the two. I can only surmise that this is because you didn't want to admit that your logic is patently flawed. You can't pick and choose here, if you're going to come to a conclusion based on a specific set of parameters for one equation, then you need to use the same parameters to reach a conclusion for another equation.

Additionally, why is it okay for use the argument of zoophilia to prove your point, while it isn't acceptable to use the example of red headed people?

Joe the meek

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See, I stated that your comments could have been taken in a way that made it seem like you were bashing homosexuals. I did not state that you were bashing homosexuals. While the two statements and concepts are similar, they are also distinctly different...

For that, I owe you an apology.

You've claimed that homosexuality is abnormal, while implying that heterosexuality is the only thing that can be considered normal. Your claim seems to be predicated upon the fact that homosexuals account for a distinct minority among the entire population of the world.

That and the fact that if the majority of people were homosexuals, our species wouldn't survive, particularly centuries ago (technology/medical science has come a long way).

Tim's illustration about redheaded people is completely valid. Let's say that 5% of the population of the world have red hair, while 35% have black hair, 30% have brown hair and 30% have blonde hair; based on your own logic, people with red hair are abnormal. The problem is that you've dismissed that argument, while clinging to the one that states homosexuality is abnormal simply because of percentages.

I've might of missed it, but I did mention that people with red hair are abnormal due to their percentages in the population (post #494 I said "AKA not the norm" which would mean abnormal (If I didn't convey that well enough, sorry).

Where did I ever say being abnormal is a bad thing?

Fact is our country has become WAY to politically correct IMO.


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Maybe you should look up some of these words. To be intolerant is completely different than to, as you put it, share some dislike. :24:

Way to wordsmith to twist the conversation.

You have my permission to go fuck yourself. That said... was I being intolerant towards your post or did I just dislike it a bit? You have all the fucking answers so share it with the class Mr. King of Trolls.


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If I continually spouted off on how I hate black people (using the derogatory term) and compared them to monkeys, said how they are more like animals and Retro constantly defended my right to hate a race of people, it would be correct to label Retro a racist as well.

Good point. It's guilt by association.

Joe the meek

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Good point. It's guilt by association.

No, for better or worse, that is the right you have living in the United States.

Personally, I think someone is a complete pussy and jackass if they want to burn the American Flag to make a political point in the United States, but that is their right to do so, AND if I decided to make a point to someone for burning the flag, I can be arrested for doing so. A question was asked, and a answer was given, and because in everyone's eyes the person giving the response is wrong, he get's hell for it.


Having way too much fun
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You have my permission to go fuck yourself. That said... was I being intolerant towards your post or did I just dislike it a bit? You have all the fucking answers so share it with the class Mr. King of Trolls.

Don't get pissy with me because you aren't man enough to admit your true feelings towards homosexuals. You've danced around the topic enough that everyone gets your drift, yet you haven't maned up and come right out with it.

Oh yeah, that's right, I have a standing invitation to fly up there so we can talk man to man :24:


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Don't get pissy with me because you aren't man enough to admit your true feelings towards homosexuals. You've danced around the topic enough that everyone gets your drift, yet you haven't maned up and come right out with it.

I have made myself perfectly clear on more than one occasion but you missed it. If you really want an answer you should take the topic up with Peter. I directly answered one of his posts to me on this subject and he hasn't bothered me since. Obviously he got the message.

Oh yeah, that's right, I have a standing invitation to fly up there so we can talk man to man :24:

Yes you do Tim but it would end up being a man ( me ) to almost man ( you ) talk.

You're still a fucking troll Tim and you make me sick.