What is religion?

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On one hand you say that yes God is all powerful and then you precede to put restricts on God. Either he is all powerful or he isn't. A supreme being can be a tree if that is what he wants to be. God can be in all places at all times. Our finite minds can not fully comprehend all that an infinite God is capable of.


DT3's Twinkie
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I think the problem with this type of subject is semantics, we argue over definition, the beliefs of others.

I guess my question would be this:

What do you personally believe?

Does that in any shape form or fashion have anything to do with me?

If you are so dead set on your beliefs, why insist that I concur?

Basically, I have my own beliefs, I don't really care one iota if anyone gets on board with me, to me it's personal and internal. I think the problem with society as a whole is this utter failure to march to their own drum, to be individuals and just accept that everyone else is.

Here is what I believe in a nutshell:

Yes, I do think there is something more powerful and larger than me, and the only reason I like this concept is it scares me to think that I am it, the alpha and omega, all powerful, and the only thing that scares me worse....Is that one of you is.


Between darkness and wonder
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On one hand you say that yes God is all powerful and then you precede to put restricts on God. Either he is all powerful or he isn't. A supreme being can be a tree if that is what he wants to be. God can be in all places at all times. Our finite minds can not fully comprehend all that an infinite God is capable of.

It's not like God can't be human, it's just that it's impossible for God to be human, not because he can't do it or something, but because it can't be. For example, can I say that this computer is here and that this computer is not here? No, because it just can't be both, it has to be either here or not here. I agree with you that God can be in all places at all times and that we can't comorehend what God is capable of, but God can't be human because he's supreme, there's nothing like him. So since there isn't anything like God, how can God be human? If he was then we would be like him. If God only takes a human form but does not become a human being, He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all the ‘God-men’, have human qualities and failings. They have all the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc. The worship of God in human form is therefore a logical fallacy and should be abhorred in all its forms and manifestations.
That is the reason why the Qur’an speaks against all forms of anthropomorphism. The Glorious Qur’an says in the following verse:
"There is nothing whatever like unto Him." [Al-Qur’an 42:11]"

The most concise definition of God in Islam is given in the four verses of Surah Ikhlas which is Chapter 112 of the Qur’an:
"Say: He is Allah,
The One and Only.
"Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
"He begets not, nor is He begotten.
And there is none like unto Him."
[Al-Qur’an 112:1-4]

Another verse is:
"No vision can grasp Him
But His grasp is over
All vision: He is
Above all comprehension,
Yet is acquainted with all things."
[Al-Qur’an 6:103]


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I believe that the Bible was passed on orally from generation to generation before it was written. It might have changed a little because people couldn't remember it word for word- so, the Bible isn't accurate. In Islam, we (yes, I'm Muslim) believe that the Bible is also a word of God, who commanded that the Christains must follow the Prophet Muhammed after the Prophet Jesus but Christains loved the Prophet Jesus so much that they wanted to make him God. Since the Bible was passed down by word of mouth, Christains did not pass on the part where God said that they must follow the Prophet Muhammed after the Prophet Jesus so then they changed words in the Bible to make it seem as if the Prophet Jesus is God (No offence intended, please correct me if I'm wrong). The Quran, however, was passed down by text, thus it remained unchanged.
I want to make sure I understand: you believe Jesus Christ was a prophet and Muhammed followed Him about 700 years later. You believe that God commanded followers of Jesus Christ (called Christians) to follow the teachings of Muhammed (sort of a succession thing), but since followers of Christ loved Jesus as much as they did, they refused to do that. Since these Christians had not in the 700 years after Jesus Christ's death and supposed resurrection and preceding Muhammed's arrival did not record anything in writing, they chose not to pass down orally the part about Muhammed, so when Christians finally got around to writing the Bible down, they left out the part about Muhammed.
In addition, the numberous passages portending to Jesus Christ being the Messiah found throughout the Old Testament were either:
a) misinterpreted
b) misrepresented
c) purposely altered or
d) all of the above

Is that about right?


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Another quick question:

How did Muhammed know that the oral records passed down for thousands of years were purposely altered?


Well-Known Member
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Another quick question:

How did Muhammed know that the oral records passed down for thousands of years were purposely altered?
Ah, but you see that is just it GP. The NT was not passed down just orally. It was recorded. Christ was written about by secular authors as well. The NT, thousand of years, no. The OT, yes.

Peter Parka

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I guess what Temperamental is saying, if I am reading this right, is a form of that old chestnut - Can God create a rock which is impossible for him to move? Whatever the answer is to that, it shows there is something impossible for God to do.

All Else Failed

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Jesus was not a prophet. So yes, you would be wrong. Jesus fulfilled so many prophesies (can't even count them all) from the Old Testament that were already in writing. He was and is the Messiah. The New Testament was written by people that knew Christ, or were eyewitnesses, and first generation disciples and apostles. There was no one that was to come other than Christ after Christ.
Jesus prophesied A TON.

Yeah he is and he can. He's supreme...so I don't think a supreme being can be human...
Then he/she is not supreme. Again, if they are, then they can be human if they want to be.


Between darkness and wonder
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Jesus prophesied A TON.

Then he/she is not supreme. Again, if they are, then they can be human if they want to be.

Yes He can become a human if he wanted to. But, like I said, if God only takes a human form but does not become a human being, He should not possess any human qualities. We know that all the ‘God-men’, have human qualities and failings. They have all the human needs such as the need to eat, sleep, etc. The worship of God in human form is therefore a logical fallacy and should be abhorred in all its forms and manifestations.

Peter Parka

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That reminds me of that tribe on some Island of the Pacific who believe that Prince Philip is God. I wonder what the're going to do when he finally dies, he can't have long to go now?


Between darkness and wonder
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That reminds me of that tribe on some Island of the Pacific who believe that Prince Philip is God. I wonder what the're going to do when he finally dies, he can't have long to go now?

He's 86...
I think that tribe isn't really educated so like maybe that's why they think he's God? I dunno.