What if God died?

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Between darkness and wonder
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The Bible is not changed. The Message remains the same.
Check the Dead Sea Scrolls out to see an example of the accuracy in which the Bible was written in. It is either of God's divine plans or it wasn't. So claim it or don't.

There is only one God. Muslims seem to think Christians believe in more than 1 God because they don't understand a multifaceted Lord that is spoken about all throughout scripture.

Example: God's Holy Spirit can dwell within me, in my heart, but I am not God.

In Revelations it says that we are not to add to or take away. The End.

I understand you believe differently. I respect your choice to chose.
Thank you Gracie. Muslims completely understnad that Christians believe in one God ( http://www.readingislam.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-AAbout_Islam/AskAboutIslamE/AskAboutIslamE&cid=1150542050302 I think this explains it). But as I said, I'm not really sure about it, I'll do more research and reply. :)
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Thank you Gracie. Muslims completely understnad that Christians believe in one God ( http://www.readingislam.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=IslamOnline-English-AAbout_Islam/AskAboutIslamE/AskAboutIslamE&cid=1150542050302 I think this explains it). But as I said, I'm not really sure about it, I'll do more research and reply. :)
That is in response to Roman Catholics, which I am not. They consider themselves Christians and I am not saying they aren't, but their beliefs are MUCH different than Protestants.


Between darkness and wonder
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That is in response to Roman Catholics, which I am not. They consider themselves Christians and I am not saying they aren't, but their beliefs are MUCH different than Protestants.
No, the bottom part is what you should read. Here:

Who Is Allah? Who Is God?
Allah is God. The name Allah is the Arabic word for God. More precisely, it is the One Eternal Creator, Lord of the whole universe. It is the same Arabic name for God that is used in the Arabic Bible.
It is pronounced almost the same in other Semitic languages: "Eloha" in Hebrew, and "Allaha" in Aramaic. According to Jesus (peace be upon him), God is One, with no partner whatsoever. I quote the following verses from the Bible:
Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and him only.'" (Matthew 4:10)
"Well said, teacher," the man replied. "You are right in saying that God is one and there is no other but him." (Mark 12:32)
"The most important one," answered Jesus, "is this: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.'" (Mark 12:29)
Who Is Jesus?
Jesus is one of a long string of prophets of Allah sent to all nations throughout history, starting from Adam, who received the first guidance from Allah, to the final one, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon them all).
According to the Bible, Jesus was sent particularly to the Israelites, to set them back on the proper track of Moses. The Gospels record these words of Jesus:
"I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 15:24)
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For verily I say unto you: 'Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.'" (Matthew 5:17-18)
The Qur'an, which Muslims consider the direct revelation says what means:
*{The Messiah (himself) said: O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Lo! whoso ascribeth partners unto Allah, for him Allah hath forbidden Paradise. His abode is the Fire. For evil-doers there will be no helpers.}* (Al-Ma'idah 5:72)
Jesus was a full human Prophet of God, as he emphatically declared:
"As it is, you are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God." (John 8:40)
"What things?" he asked. "About Jesus of Nazareth," they replied. "He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people." (Luke 24:19)
Again, the Qur'an also affirms Jesus's prophethood:
*{And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of Allah unto you, confirming that which was (revealed) before me in the Torah}* (As-Saff 61:6)
In all aspects, the Gospels portray him as a human who was born and circumcised (Luke 2:5-7, 21, 40, 52, 11:27); who suffered hunger and thirst (Matthew 4:2, 11:19, 21:18); who got tired and slept like any human being (Matthew 8:20, 24-25, Luke 8:23, Mark 4:38, John 4:6); who was subject to human feelings of fear, astonishment, and sadness (Matthew 26:37, Mark 14:33-34, John 11:33, 35, 38); and who prayed to his Creator like any human believer does (Mark 1:35, 14:35, Luke 5:16, 6:12).
Logically speaking, having no father does not mean he was the son of God. Adam had neither father nor mother, yet both Adam and Jesus are bondsmen of Allah created by His will and power, by His word "Be" — Adam from earthly dust, and Jesus in the womb of Virgin Mary.
This is precisely and unequivocally defined in the Qur'an as follows:
*{The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was.}* (Aal `Imran 3:59)
So neither Jesus nor Adam is a son of God. References to Jesus in the Bible as son of God should not be taken in the literal sense, rather in the metaphoric sense of affection and nearness to God.
Jesus himself affirms that we are all "sons" of God in this sense:
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God." (Matthew 5:9)
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)
Similar references to human beings as "sons of God" are also used in the Old Testament:
"You are the children of the Lord your God." (Deuteronomy 14:1)
Finally, in his own words, Jesus declared himself as the Son of Man:
Jesus replied, "Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head." (Matthew 8:20)
"Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up." (John 3:14)
Can We See God?
Our human capabilities are limited by the nature of our senses: vision in a certain wavelength range (4 to 7 X10-7 meters), hearing in a certain frequency range (2.500 to 4,000 cycles per second). Even the power of our instruments, however advanced, is limited in two ways:

  • [FONT=Verdana, Helvetica]scale: by the huge universal dimensions in light years[/FONT]
  • nature: to our detectable electromagnetic wave systems. So we cannot see or detect anything different from or beyond (in nature, time, or space) these systems: neither the angels nor any non-earthly being, nor God the Creator and Dominator of all His creation.
This is affirmed both in the Qur'an and in the Bible:
*{No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all vision: He is above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.}* (Al-An`am 6:103)
"Ye have neither heard his voice at any time, nor seen his shape." (John 5:37)
Are God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit the Same?
First: who is the Holy Spirit? A careful reading of the Gospels clarifies that the Holy Spirit is the Angel Gabriel.
Compare the two narrations of Matthew and Luke:
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. (Matthew 1:18)
And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. (Luke 1:26-27).
This accords with the Qur'an:
*{Then We sent her our angel [literally, spirit], and he appeared before her as a man in all respects. … He [the angel] said: "Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of a holy son."}* (Maryam 19:17,19)
So God the Lord, Jesus the human prophet, and the Holy Spirit Gabriel are each separate. The doctrine of the Trinity was never preached by Jesus, nor by his followers for three centuries. The word "trinity" is nowhere in the Bible. The whole concept was derived from the words of John, who never met Jesus.


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I read further the post you linked and disagree with much of what they wrote. Verse plucking and out of context.

If you are truly interested in digging further, I'd be happy to do so with you, but it would do no good if you believe that the Bible is not the divine plan of God and so therefore already false in your mind.


Between darkness and wonder
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I read further the post you linked and disagree with much of what they wrote. Verse plucking and out of context.

If you are truly interested in digging further, I'd be happy to do so with you, but it would do no good if you believe that the Bible is not the divine plan of God and so therefore already false in your mind.
Yes. I would love to. I don't believe that the Bible is false. I'm still struggling between religions, trying to find the right one. Thanks.


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I read further the post you linked and disagree with much of what they wrote. Verse plucking and out of context.

If you are truly interested in digging further, I'd be happy to do so with you, but it would do no good if you believe that the Bible is not the divine plan of God and so therefore already false in your mind.

I mean no disrespect, because I enjoy your contributions to the community; however, I just laughed at this.

I really do not mean any negativity towards you or anyone else; I read this as: "If you do not have faith in what I say, then I cannot justify your non-belief."


Between darkness and wonder
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I mean no disrespect, because I enjoy your contributions to the community; however, I just laughed at this.

I really do not mean any negativity towards you or anyone else; I read this as: "If you do not have faith in what I say, then I cannot justify your non-belief."
Really? I read it as:
If you don't believe that the Bible is the word of god, then digging further in wont work because you wont accept it.


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Hypothetically speaking, what if God actually died before It was finished creating everything?

Anybody ever think about it? We don't need to debate Its existence, just discuss that. I find it interesting, anyways, maybe no one else does.


we'd be none the wiser......if he did create it all whos to say he finished anyway


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Really? I read it as:
If you don't believe that the Bible is the word of god, then digging further in wont work because you wont accept it.

The point of digging in further is to learn how much truth is in it, way before you make the decision to believe it is true. But if you decide that even before you open up the front cover that it is true, then there is *no* point to even reading it, unless you are trying to confirm your convictions, when in that case you are not even sure about your faith in it!


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I mean no disrespect, because I enjoy your contributions to the community; however, I just laughed at this.

I really do not mean any negativity towards you or anyone else; I read this as: "If you do not have faith in what I say, then I cannot justify your non-belief."
I enjoy your contributions as well ssl and appreciate your disclaimer. And no, my words did not mean that at all.

Really? I read it as:
If you don't believe that the Bible is the word of god, then digging further in wont work because you wont accept it.
This is exactly what I meant.

The point of digging in further is to learn how much truth is in it, way before you make the decision to believe it is true. But if you decide that even before you open up the front cover that it is true, then there is *no* point to even reading it, unless you are trying to confirm your convictions, when in that case you are not even sure about your faith in it!
There is no point in digging further if the heart is not open to the Holy Spirit to reveal truth. Only Tempermental knows if her heart is open. There is also no point in reading the Word of God if it is only to prove one's own convictions. If the heart is not open to having God's convictions, will, and character revealed to them through the Holy Spirit, reading will be pointless.

Either the Book is God's divine plan or it isn't. What I am saying is that the possibility has to at least be there. The Holy Spirit makes Truth known to one's heart.

I am not here to cram The Bible down anyone's throat. Who you see is who I am. I love God and I make it known and I can't help but make it know because He has blessed my life in so many ways. And I have seen the miraculous changes He has made in the lifes of others. So I'm happy to discuss God's Word with anyone that is genuinely seeking.

Tempermental I'd be happy to discuss anything you want to discuss. Just pm me and we can yibber yabber. ;)


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If you are truly interested in digging further, I'd be happy to do so with you, but it would do no good if you believe that the Bible is not the divine plan of God and so therefore already false in your mind.

I mean no disrespect, because I enjoy your contributions to the community; however, I just laughed at this.

I really do not mean any negativity towards you or anyone else; I read this as: "If you do not have faith in what I say, then I cannot justify your non-belief."

Really? I read it as:
If you don't believe that the Bible is the word of god, then digging further in wont work because you wont accept it.

I concur this is what Grace was saying too.

The point of digging in further is to learn how much truth is in it, way before you make the decision to believe it is true. But if you decide that even before you open up the front cover that it is true, then there is *no* point to even reading it, unless you are trying to confirm your convictions, when in that case you are not even sure about your faith in it!

Ahhhhhhh, but you see ssl, there are some diggers whose names shall not be mentioned that dig with one thing in mind. And that is to discredit the other's belief at all costs and no amount of what is said by the other side will change their mind. They also bring up the subject repeatedly and jump in at at any chance. Stubborn and persistent are they. :nod:


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And that is to discredit the other's belief at all costs and no amount of what is said by the other side will change their mind. They also bring up the subject repeatedly and jump in at at any chance.

It's sad how some people are exactly like this. They spend all the time in the world arguing something as stupid as Gods existence, and it results in childish name calling or personal attacks. Yes we get it, you people think the other side is ignorant.

I don't know who this applies to. I guess it applies to anybody who is like this.


DT3's Twinkie
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Ugh.....Man I am cornfused here...

I was flying under the assumption for years that your "christian" was the follower of the ideal that Christ, commonly understood to be the son of the big man himself, already died for the purpose of cleansing the sins away from us.

IF that were the way it actually worked, then aren't we waiting for him to come back? and not go away......Seeing as how a little situation sent him packing to begin with....I mean do you really want to be friends with the Old Testament "God"? I mean no offense, but that guy was a prick to begin with....

That's why they created this kinder and more gentle guy named Jesus, so folks wouldn't be running from his father....

I mean it fills churches...right?

Far as I'm concerned with the whole thing, if the O/T guy is dead, good riddens....

Me I like the idea of a doobie brothers looking guy running my life:unsure:


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Ugh.....Man I am cornfused here...

I was flying under the assumption for years that your "christian" was the follower of the ideal that Christ, commonly understood to be the son of the big man himself, already died for the purpose of cleansing the sins away from us.

IF that were the way it actually worked, then aren't we waiting for him to come back? and not go away......Seeing as how a little situation sent him packing to begin with....I mean do you really want to be friends with the Old Testament "God"? I mean no offense, but that guy was a prick to begin with....

That's why they created this kinder and more gentle guy named Jesus, so folks wouldn't be running from his father....

I mean it fills churches...right?

Far as I'm concerned with the whole thing, if the O/T guy is dead, good riddens....

Me I like the idea of a doobie brothers looking guy running my life:unsure:

Just curious if you are really serious about this?


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There is no point in digging further if the heart is not open to the Holy Spirit to reveal truth. Only Tempermental knows if her heart is open. There is also no point in reading the Word of God if it is only to prove one's own convictions. If the heart is not open to having God's convictions, will, and character revealed to them through the Holy Spirit, reading will be pointless.

Yeaup, that is where I failed. My heart rules not my life, and therefore was not a consideration of your language.

My apologies, and I did not want to seem as the guy CB was talking about, but sometimes I appear to be so. :thumbdown


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I did not want to seem as the guy CB was talking about, but sometimes I appear to be so. :thumbdown
I don't think so. I enjoy your posts and find them to be to the point and respectful of others. I enjoy reading them. I enjoy posting with you. I don't think CB was referring to you specifically.


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I don't think so. I enjoy your posts and find them to be to the point and respectful of others. I enjoy reading them. I enjoy posting with you. I don't think CB was referring to you specifically.

Well, if you read some of lemon's posts...
(my old alias here) I used to be a real instigator of shit. :(