I know you are having just a bit of fun, but on a serious note - I am not trying to convince anyone. No human can convince another to come to faith. It is a gift. And I can only speak of my experience and share what I know from my walk thus far.
Some laugh at my faith in God, others envy it ... I just share my life and hopefully it helps someone. If my sharing plants seeds, wonderful. But only God knows what is going to grow and what isn't in a human being's heart. If faith grows, it is to His credit, not mine.
I knew of God and didn't acknowledge Him for many years. And when I did come to acknowledge Him it was not because I was afraid of burning in hell. You will never grow to love someone out of fear.
It is a most miserable existence indeed; I know, I've lived it. I'd rather be a complete atheist, blind to God and His ways than to know He is there and ignore Him.
Us sinners, eh? I hope you are not insinuating that I am not in that group as well.
Part of my love for God is not being too arrogant to admit that I am a sinner and that I can't stop sinning no matter how hard I try. Being indwelt with the Holy Spirit, oh sure I stop doing something on the outside that everyone might see, but those are the easy things to stop doing. It is the inward sins that are the worst; the ones that no one can see. My soul/spirit struggles against my flesh. But graciously it's those inward thoughts that humble me and make me be less critical and more forgiving of other people.
LOL! I'd have to agree with that. :24:
One will never have adequate info to make the leap. If we had enough adequate info, a leap would not be necessary.
It is kind of like when a parent gives us rules and teaches us rights and wrongs. Our parents are of course right and know best. And if we would just mind them, our young adult lives would start off with much less turmoil. But we have to be prideful and arrogant and think our parents are stupid and so we don't believe them and we believe our way is better much to our dismay. Then 10 years down the road in hindsight we think ... 'oh, only if I had listened'.
This is how it is with God. We obey first and then understand; instead of understanding and then obeying.
Nope. Not going to remind anyone of forgiveness. You already did.