The Secret History of Gun Control

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Joe the meek

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The statistics I posted would indicate quite a lot are.

Ever take a college level statistic class?

Exactly how many guns are owned by U.S citizens?

I agree with you than any tom dick or harry who is breathing and has a pulse who hasn't broken the law may have WAY to easy of a time buying whatever they want.

I own a BUNCH of guns (and EVERY single one is SECURE, better bring a plasma cutter if you want to get to them, but then you have get through some of the other alarm systems in place), yet I know of some guys that are in the 150 plus count range easily. I can't think of ANYONE I know of personally who are in the statistics you brought to the table.

I do know of an older gentleman down the road who did use his handgun on himself, but he was pushing over 60 and he had an inoperable brain tumor and my understanding is he had very little time left, but he wanted to go out on his own terms, and I can respect that (my insurance prevents me from showing the same kind of courage as for what I pay in premiums, I'd like for my family to actually collect).

As I posted about that little girl who got ahold of a loose gun, by the same token, there were more than a couple of stories where people used guns to protect themselves that had a "happy" ending for the gun owner.
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Joe the meek

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Hehehe. You're right that it'd never fly in schools. I'm betting that most hunting families still use the method, though. Too bad that so much of America has drifted from such values

I still remember the first time my dad let me take my BB gun up the coal banks by myself (kind of funny now thinking about a child walking through town with a BB gun). My dad laid out the rules for me taking the gun out by myself, and me being a kid, I didn't follow them.

I was away for about two hours, what I didn't know what that my father followed and watched me the whole time, then got back to the house before I did. When I got home, my dad had a "report" on what I did. I got punished and didn't get the use of the gun for some time. I learned a lot from my father taking the time and doing what he did. I plan on using the same techniques with my own son.

Funny, dad is pushing 80, and he was just visiting the other week and we were out back with that same 50 plus year old 16 gauge shooting. He asked me if I remember when my uncle kicked me in the ass LOL

Peter Parka

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Ok, lets simplify it for you and post a statistic that even you should be able to understand. Gun owners are responsible for far, far more gun deaths than non gun owners.:thumbup

Joe the meek

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Ok, lets simplify it for you and post a statistic that even you should be able to understand. Gun owners are responsible for far, far more gun deaths than non gun owners.:thumbup

I'm not the smartest guy on the block, but sometimes you make me wonder.

You statement is not far off from saying "most car owners are responsible car accidents", to which I'd reply no shit sherlock.


Having way too much fun
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Ok, lets simplify it for you and post a statistic that even you should be able to understand. Gun owners are responsible for far, far more gun deaths than non gun owners.:thumbup

Car owners are responsible for far, far more auto related deaths than non car owners. :dunno

Peter Parka

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I lose track of how often I have to repeat myself. Cars are a pretty neccesary and useful invention in most suburban households. Guns are not.

Joe the meek

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I lose track of how often I have to repeat myself. Cars are a pretty neccesary and useful invention in most suburban households. Guns are not.

I've spend some time in Alaska and some pretty remote places in Montana and Idaho. Don't know about you, but my .45-70 was a trusted companion and more useful than a car (most guys will tell you if you bring a .44 to grease it up pretty good so when the bear shoves it up your ass it won't hurt as much LOL).

What I find interesting is your anti gun views, but on the "gun lovers thread" YOU were the ONLY person who posted a self portrait with a "gun" (hey, even a pellet rifle is a weapon).

I've actually busted guys chops on how they pose with firearms, and YOU were the one who showed how stupid people can be with guns. You &*&*&%$ posted a picture of the end of the barrel (with you aiming) towards the camera. For you, it may be "cool" to do so, but I instead see a picture of a stupid ignorant drunk redneck bastard who should be allowed to touch a firearm (the term "stupid ignorant drunk redneck bastard" wasn't aimed directly at you because we have them in America to LOL).

Peter Parka

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I understand that if you're one of the few people who live in remote Alaska, a rifle could be pretty useful. I would hardly call Alaska suburbia though. Please explain to me why owning a handgun when you like in the suberbs with your family is useful?

As for your pathetic personal comments and your stupid failure to understand a joke photo or differentiate between the dangers of a real gun and a pellet gun, I'll leave it there, it shows up your lack of intelligence far more than it does me.

Joe the meek

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I understand that if you're one of the few people who live in remote Alaska, a rifle could be pretty useful. I would hardly call Alaska suburbia though. Please explain to me why owning a handgun when you like in the suberbs with your family is useful?

As for your pathetic personal comments and your stupid failure to understand a joke photo or differentiate between the dangers of a real gun and a pellet gun, I'll leave it there, it shows up your lack of intelligence far more than it does me.

One reason why I own guns is I can't control what other men will do. I can however protect myself from others.

As for my stupid failure to understand your "joke photo", one simple rule, as a civilian, you don't joke with guns, period. Although I may consider a pellet rifle armed with a laser as a joke, it can still shoot a projectile and cause harm. The only thing I find play guns useful for is training your kids on the proper use of a firearm.

Peter Parka

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One reason why I own guns is I can't control what other men will do. I can however protect myself from others.

As for my stupid failure to understand your "joke photo", one simple rule, as a civilian, you don't joke with guns, period. Although I may consider a pellet rifle armed with a laser as a joke, it can still shoot a projectile and cause harm. The only thing I find play guns useful for is training your kids on the proper use of a firearm.

Your first statement makes no sense as it is a fact that a gun in the house is more likely to cause harm to you and your family that give you any protection.

My pellet gun was unloaded so was no harm to others, I don't keep it loaded and I don't have kids so you can relax, it is no harm to anyone.

Joe the meek

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Something someone like you may never understand is that the human brain is the biggest safety a firearm has.

I'll also give you some basic 101 firearms education. Treat EVERY gun as if it is loaded and NEVER point a gun at something you don't intend to destroy.

Took my 6 year old son a couple of hard learning lessons even with a toy gun, perhaps it will be easier with you.


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If you'd like to tell me how a bb gun which is 100% not loaded can cause any harm by pointing it, please, be my guest?

If you take a look at the photo in the link I provided just imaging for a second what would happen if you pointed that unloaded item at a cop. Keep in mind the cop doesn't know if it's loaded or not... anywhoo ... you would have your answer shortly after the one second you used imagining what harm it could be.

btw... I'm sure it's been tested and the answer is out there somewhere.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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If you take a look at the photo in the link I provided just imaging for a second what would happen if you pointed that unloaded item at a cop. Keep in mind the cop doesn't know if it's loaded or not... anywhoo ... you would have your answer shortly after the one second you used imagining what harm it could be.

What on earth makes you think I would point it at a cop? I pointed it a camera lense in my home, not at a cop. Maybe you should read before you reply to threads first.


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What on earth makes you think I would point it at a cop? I pointed it a camera lense in my home, not at a cop. Maybe you should read before you reply to threads first.

I did read it Peter. Matter of fact I quoted it verbatim. They were your words not mine. You just didn't like the answer to your question. Shit happens.

Peter Parka

Well-Known Member
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I nowhere mentioned pointing an air gun at cops and no where did you quote where I did. I don't dislike the answer, I actually find its nonsense rather amusing.:rolleyes: