again a liberal defends the indefensible and falls back on the last 8 years bull shit.
wonder how many years you will use the last 8 as an excuse
next you will say that means I am defending the last 8 years. which I can't.
keep them blinders on and don't forget to close the door on the way out if you are the last one.
Yes, I will defend everyone's right to
express their ideas... even if I don't agree with them, at all. Did you miss the part where I said that I thought the idea of the gov't eliminating private retirement was a very, very bad idea, and that I thought that it would never, ever happen, etc??
I'm not "falling back" on anything. I was just pointing out how some are getting all riled up about something that hasn't happened, and won't happen... these same people who have supported the crap that
has happened in the last eight years, real crap that has cost our country thousands of lives, billions of dollars, and multiple infringements on our personal liberties, etc.
That's real stuff, not just talk, and yet that doesn't seem to matter too much to a lot of folks. :wtf:
So, how exactly is pointing that out..."using the last eight years as an excuse"? I know you did not support Bush & Co that much.... I know you hate everyone equally.
It is funny, though, how often you bring it up.... it's kind of your "end of discussion" blanket you can throw on people to discount whatever point they are trying to make as just being simple "Bush-haters" and nothing else.