socialists movment woot woot!!!!

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Minor Axis

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All capitalists are opportunists, that's why you've got a job because of an opportunist capitalist.
BTW, has anyone read of these "opportunist capitalists" being charged with a crime? Anyone? I don't know if they will or they won't but what I've read so far doesn't seem to indicate they did anything criminally wrong.

Then don't say it was government policy that caused this financial crisis and giving a pass to those in charge. It's a combination of all the factors, entities, policies, and the people in charge. Which also means the Republicans in charge have no special wisdom that sets them above others. For supposedly being fiscally responsible the Republicans are an absolute joke.

You vote an absolute disaster (Bush) into office for a second term, you absolutely refuse to admit he was a disaster, you don't care he was a disaster because he supposedly has his head in "the right place" and you'll vote again for another based on ideology while disregarding competence or policies. In fact if Bush was running for a third term, I have high confidence the conservatives in this forum would have voted for him again simply because he's a Republican.
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Minor Axis

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Actually, he wouldn't have a job if it weren't for the opportunists capitalists AND the union. His ass would have been fired a long time ago given the attitude he has towards his employer if not for the union protection.

Hilarious if it was not so sad. Your view is that employees have no right to question the polices of their bosses. This falls right in line with your bogus view of the world and how people interact.

Alien Allen

Froggy the Prick
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Hilarious if it was not so sad. Your view is that employees have no right to question the polices of their bosses. This falls right in line with your bogus view of the world and how people interact.

You are damn right an employee has no right to question their boss. Unless it is a matter of something related to issues such as safety or legalities.

A good employer will take care of his employees and accept input. That is being smart. But if you infer the employer has to act on the wishes of the employees you are wrong. The owner put his or her blood sweat and tears into the business and they have earned the right to dictate. If that is done negatively then the employees will leave.


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Then don't say it was government policy that caused this financial crisis and giving a pass to those in charge. It's a combination of all the factors, entities, policies, and the people in charge. Which also means the Republicans in charge have no special wisdom that sets them above others. For supposedly being fiscally responsible the Republicans are an absolute joke.

You vote an absolute disaster (Bush) into office for a second term, you absolutely refuse to admit he was a disaster, you don't care he was a disaster because he supposedly has his head in "the right place" and you'll vote again for another based on ideology while disregarding competence or policies. In fact if Bush was running for a third term, I have high confidence the conservatives in this forum would have voted for him again simply because he's a Republican.

Wow talk about a post that was totally non-responsive. I stated that the reason you have a job is because of a capitalist, an opportunist capitalist. The above is your response, which has absolutely nothing to do with what I posted. Maybe you meant to respond to Mulder, I don't know but the above is ridiculous in responding to my post.

BTW, I didn't say it was government policy, again, that was Mulder. My moniker starts with an "S" and Mulder's starts with a "F". Just in case you are confused.

Fox Mulder

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Hilarious if it was not so sad. Your view is that employees have no right to question the polices of their bosses. This falls right in line with your bogus view of the world and how people interact.

I never said that. Its a free country--you can question whatever you want. However, it works both ways--your fucking union guys want the right to show up to work drunk or not show up at all and have no repercussions.

I'll say this again--I have absolutely no problem with the right of workers to assemble and unite. What I have a problem with is the ridiculous laws that we have that provide such ridiculous rights to the unions. Do you fucking realize union people are the only people in the world that can tell your employer to fuck off--not show up for work for weeks and your employer has no right to fire you. That's a fucking joke. If you don't like an employer's policies then get another job or start your own business--its that fucking simple. We live in a country where there are plenty of jobs for people who want to work (maybe not right this minute because of the economic crisis--but certainly in general). There are also plenty of self-employment opportunities. Thing is you don't want to earn your keep by hard work and taking a risk, you want the union because it eliminates all risk to you--you can demand wages well in excess of what the skills are worth on the free market only because the government has given you the right to extort that--that's unfair--that's not the American Way, that's the Soviet Union Way.

The problem with many unions (and let's take UAW) is it doesn't promote aquiring marketable skills. That is that UAW workers who are high school graduates and have no real skills make more money than most college graduates, which is fucking ridiculous. We shouldn't have a society that rewards people for NOT going to college or a trade school or obtaining a skill where they will be paid a good wage without resort to extorting their employers. I am all for people getting paid good wages--hell, I wish everyone would obtain the skills they need to earn good pay--we'd be a much better society if that happened. But people should not choose to join the union out of high school rather than go to college or trade or tech school (or the military and learn a trade or get an education there).

Minor Axis

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In his world, the employer has no right to question the employee's conduct! :rolleyes:

Bull shit. The misinformation campaign continues unabated.

Anyone who wants to put down the supposed threat of socialism, as a country the collective "we" simply has to fairly treat our citizens by offering good paying jobs and benefits. My impression is that socialism only has a chance of gaining traction under capitalism when the majority feel they are being screwed by the privileged few. Share the wealth is a much better slogan than hog the wealth. :)


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Bull shit. The misinformation campaign continues unabated.

Anyone who wants to put down the supposed threat of socialism, as a country the collective "we" simply has to fairly treat our citizens by offering good paying jobs and benefits. My impression is that socialism only has a chance of gaining traction under capitalism when the majority feel they are being screwed by the privileged few. Share the wealth is a much better slogan than hog the wealth. :)
I'm trying to make sense of your post, but it isn't working... The first sentence of the second paragraph, care to reword it? Or explain it further? I really have no idea what you were trying to say there, lol. Or what the point of your post even was, as it didn't seem to respond to the quotation of Mulder's post.


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I'm trying to make sense of your post, but it isn't working...

Go with the feeling......its a post by a man who has never had to make payroll, a man who has never had to look his wife and children in the face and say "maybe next week", its the post of a man who, if he actually had to make a living for himself would shit his pants. Other than these minor drawbacks, his post is coherent as Ozzy Osborne on crack.