socialists movment woot woot!!!!

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Fox Mulder

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this is where we stop talking. once you insult my well being theres nothing more to be said. Have a nice night.

That's not how I intended it--it was the use of exaggeration/analogy to make a point--I don't even know you so I have no idea about your well being. However, I can understand you're taking it literally so I apologize--I did not intend it literally or to imply anything about you personally.

But you are correct that here is nothing more to be said because your assertions are simply untrue.
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Minor Axis

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We should rename ourselves to "Exilers of the Socialists".

BTW, I'm just curious, if you want socialism so much, why don't you move to a country that is already using it? That way, we keep our nice non-socialist lives here, and you can have all your socialist fun over in Europe.

Typical conservative response to a made up issue that they created...

Minor Axis

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You are either a liberal or mentally or emotionally disturbed because those are the only conditions of which I am aware that causes people to become irrationally paranoid.

Lol. This is why I'll no longer engage you in any meaningful debate. Conservatives have cornered the market or at least have a healthy share of looking over their shoulder mentality for communists, liberals, or the boogie man.


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Then I suggest you educate us so we can make an informed decision.

As for "if you don't like it move" that is such an infantile cliché it doesn't merit comment except it only reflect on the intelligence - or lack thereof - of the poster.

You see, you have fallen it the same old trap: all or nothing, the same way you deal with religion. A person believes whole-heartedly, 100% in the bible or capitalism or he doesn't and the world just doesn't work that way. Socialism is merely the pooling together the resources, time and effort to achieve something for the common good of the society. You are a socialist to a degree if you contribute to the building of roads, schools, water treatment plants and garbage removal even if you don't necessarily use any of those services (One of the stupidest things I have ever heard was somebody saying "Why should my tax money be put towards schools? I don't have any kids!").

We are all socialists to a degree (unless a person is a hermit living in a cave somewhere) so don't fall into the trap of "Socialism: yes or no." A much better question would be "Socialism: how much?".
Good point. But I wouldn't call our current government a "socialist" government, even though we have some socialist-like sharing of resoures for the public good.

Regardless of what the absolute definition of socialism is, we can agree that the general definition of socialism is the sharing of resources for the public good. All I am saying is that we should either reduce the amount of "socialism" in the country or, at the very least, keep it the same. We should NOT increase it, for reasons I have already specified. I think most people don't realize the consequences of socialism, such as higher taxes, fewer jobs, less incentive for innovation, etc, and that is what concerns me. If more people looked beyond the surface, beyond the "oh let's give money to everyone who is a minority" attitude, and actually figured out what it costs to "help" other people through the inefficiencies of the government, I think far more people would be opposed to the ideas.


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No see they can actually do what I said. They can arrest anyone, at anytime. You should be very worried that the executive branch of OUR country has expanded to such great lengths. The executive should have no such power. This isn't Bush bashing, this is just common sense that one branch shouldn't have such powers.

Plus I do not consider myself "liberal" anymore. I've cut off all identity with either party. They're both jokes and one side of the same coin.

Plus I think its rather funny that you think I buy into propaganda when you literally sound like a FOX news buzz word factory.
Last I checked, my local police department could do that before the patriot act anyway. ;)

And heck, I'd be willing to be detained for a while if I was a suspect character if it means that a bad guy with "not enough evidence against him" is detained as well, and there's one less terrorist attack on our country because of it. I really don't give a care if the government wants to listen to my phone calls or check through my emails to make sure I'm not planning to nuke the US - in fact, I applaud them for doing so! It'll help them catch the people who ARE trying to do these things. I'm probably in the minority on this, but I'm all for catching the bad guys, whatever it takes.
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why do people think that the modern american youth is so blinded by mediocrity based propoganda, the shit is transarent, you can smell the lies comeing long befor they even say anything!

Im only 23 ok, I hate tv, all i watch is the weather, and Heros! You cant even sit down and watch all of the news anymore without hearing that old cleche steriotyp, "a man was shot today on south side avenue, the suspect is a black man bettwen the ages of 28-36, he is 5'10"-6'4", and the crime is assumably drug related. The police have asked that anyone with information should come forward."

Sooo..... what if its was me that did it? I guess I dont need to worry now do I! but back to the subject, dude please dont try smering that youth blinding media propoganda bull shit in to many faces, cuz this generation is a lot smarter than most people think! The only reson we get in so much trouble now is becase your generation made "fun" illeagal!!


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why do people think that the modern american youth is so blinded by mediocrity based propoganda, the shit is transarent, you can smell the lies comeing long befor they even say anything!

Im only 23 ok, I hate tv, all i watch is the weather, and Heros! You cant even sit down and watch all of the news anymore without hearing that old cleche steriotyp, "a man was shot today on south side avenue, the suspect is a black man bettwen the ages of 28-36, he is 5'10"-6'4", and the crime is assumably drug related. The police have asked that anyone with information should come forward."

Sooo..... what if its was me that did it? I guess I dont need to worry now do I! but back to the subject, dude please dont try smering that youth blinding media propoganda bull shit in to many faces, cuz this generation is a lot smarter than most people think! The only reson we get in so much trouble now is becase your generation made "fun" illeagal!!
Who exactly are you talking to?

Everyone gets their news from somewhere, whether it be TV, newspaper, internet, or word of mouth. I've no idea where you are getting yours, but last I checked, every single one of those sources can be easily biased. And though they might not pull the wool over your eyes, they've managed to pull the wool over the eyes of many people I've talked to - and I'm not just talking about the younger generation. People twice my age sometimes have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to the issues... it makes me laugh. All because they believe everything the media says.

I'd say the most gullible are younger people though - 25 or so and younger. GENERALLY, they believe more of what the media says than those who are older, and I only say that from personal experience of talking to other people.


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Youth are idealistic

Then you age and become realistic and then pessimistic :D
Exactly. Because all the liberal economic ideas of helping the poor sound good on the surface, but when you dig down and realize what the consequences of said actions will be, and what it will do economically, well, you start to not like it so much. ;)

everyone in general I just keep poping in from time to time, but last time i noticed your sig spike
Ah ok, that makes more sense. That seemed to pop out of nowhere, but now I understand. :)

Minor Axis

Well-Known Member
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Good point. But I wouldn't call our current government a "socialist" government, even though we have some socialist-like sharing of resoures for the public good.

Regardless of what the absolute definition of socialism is, we can agree that the general definition of socialism is the sharing of resources for the public good. All I am saying is that we should either reduce the amount of "socialism" in the country or, at the very least, keep it the same. We should NOT increase it, for reasons I have already specified. I think most people don't realize the consequences of socialism, such as higher taxes, fewer jobs, less incentive for innovation, etc, and that is what concerns me. If more people looked beyond the surface, beyond the "oh let's give money to everyone who is a minority" attitude, and actually figured out what it costs to "help" other people through the inefficiencies of the government, I think far more people would be opposed to the ideas.

Don't be scared shitless of socialism while ignoring how scary capitalism can be without proper regulation. The government is currently going on a spending spree to fix a mess. What concerns me is my impression that the early hand outs were made without much of any conditions as in take the money and fix yourself. (true?) However we operate there needs to be balance between the needs of the people and the corporations. :)
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Exactly. Because all the liberal economic ideas of helping the poor sound good on the surface, but when you dig down and realize what the consequences of said actions will be, and what it will do economically, well, you start to not like it so much. ;)

Ah ok, that makes more sense. That seemed to pop out of nowhere, but now I understand. :)
lol i was born pessimistic, yea iv done that alot on this thread!


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Don't be scared shitless of socialism while ignoring how scary capitalism can be without proper regulation. The government is currently going on a spending spree to fix a mess. What concerns me is my impression that the early hand outs were made without much of any conditions as in take the money and fix yourself. (true?) However we operate there needs to be balance between the needs of the people and the corporations. :)
Do I need to remind you who created the mess? Not capitalists. The government created the mess, by pushing to give subsidies to the poor so they could own a house. The banks KNEW people who couldn't put 20% down on a house were a risky investment, and they wouldn't have taken those subprime loans 10, 20 years back. But they did recently because the Dems in the government pushed for it, and started programs that helped those people get those subprime loans. They thought everyone deserved a chance to own a house.

Now I can't put all the blame on the government, because the financial market was partially to blame as well. People were putting more trust into subprime loans than they should have. But no system is perfect. And without the government Dems pushing so hard to get the poor paying mortgage payments, I think this whole mess would have been much much smaller, if it even existed at all.


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Who was out there making megabucks packaging derivatives (or whatever those mortgage packages are called) if not for opportunist capitalists?
Like I said, the liberal government isn't the only thing to blame. But I say that Dems in the government can very well take MOST of the blame for creating the subprime mess. You can't argue with me that they were the main proponents of getting the poor and minority groups into their own homes.


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opportunist capitalists

All capitalists are opportunists, that's why you've got a job because of an opportunist capitalist.
BTW, has anyone read of these "opportunist capitalists" being charged with a crime? Anyone? I don't know if they will or they won't but what I've read so far doesn't seem to indicate they did anything criminally wrong.

Fox Mulder

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All capitalists are opportunists, that's why you've got a job because of an opportunist capitalist.

Actually, he wouldn't have a job if it weren't for the opportunists capitalists AND the union. His ass would have been fired a long time ago given the attitude he has towards his employer if not for the union protection.