Selective Abortions?

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All Else Failed

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Your career beyond fast food services will not go far.
You believe in baby murder..
Aw, its fun to be juvenile, isn't it?

I'm going to quote something here. A rather important document, as I'm sure you'll agree.

It says created. Not born. Created. And a life is created when a sperm fertilizes an egg.

Too bad for you that they never even specify what they meant by that or even suggest that life begins at that stage.

Are you nuts? People with disabilities live full lives. How dare you say they should be discarded.
And most lead meaningless lives full of pain.

What makes a person?
A Born person to which rights are then bestowed. its not like rights are some magical force that hangs around when humans are there. Rights are only real when there are actual people to give them and enforce them.
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some yes .. but not the type that mst suggest aborting for. The type where the children are born without fully formed cranial bones, severe chromosone deficiencies and such .. they do not lead full lives .. most don't even know what's going on around them.

How great can someone's life be, as an adult .. who can't walk, can't talk, and can't even go without a diaper .. because they can't control their bowels?

That doens't sound very full to me.
If you had rubella while pregnant would you have an abortion if your doctor said you baby was likely to be retarded?


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Well, for one, if a woman is choosing fertility treatments, she KNOWS the increased probability of multiple births. Secondly, if she KNOWS this risk, there's no freaking reason why she should be able to get an abortion. Hell, even without fertility drugs, you know multiple births is a possibility, so if you know finances and whatnot will be rediculously tight, DON'T GET PREGNANT. If you already can't support the one, if you have twins you're gonna be effed hardcore. So just don't get yourself in that situation.

But then again, I go back to my pro-choice view. I still believe it is better to abort the child before it is fully viable than to wait until its older and neglect or abuse it. If this is going to be the case, then for gods sake take care of it sooner. There's no way I could do that to my own offpring, but seriously, if you fear any sort of issue in caring for a child and it's too late to "take it back" please, please do something about it. I would much rather have been killed in the womb then to have someone come up to me right now and stab me in the skull and wait for me to bleed to death...seriously...if the kid is going to suffer somehow, make it quick and painless. There's nothing worse than abuse or neglect. But there's also nothing worse than parental negligence. So don't be an asshole and think about all the possibilities before you go and get knocked up.



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Aw, its fun to be juvenile, isn't it?

Too bad for you that they never even specify what they meant by that or even suggest that life begins at that stage.

And most lead meaningless lives full of pain.

A Born person to which rights are then bestowed. its not like rights are some magical force that hangs around when humans are there. Rights are only real when there are actual people to give them and enforce them.
You are no progressive liberal, you are an advocate of old school eugenics.
Shame on you!


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If you had rubella while pregnant would you have an abortion if your doctor said you baby was likely to be retarded?

If it doesn't cause serious impedement issues and loss of life vitality then probably not.

You seem to have missed my post where I stated where most women are suggested by doctors to abort, so I'll post it again.

The type where the children are born without fully formed cranial bones, severe chromosone deficiencies and such .. they do not lead full lives .. most don't even know what's going on around them.

How great can someone's life be, as an adult .. who can't walk, can't talk, and can't even go without a diaper .. because they can't control their bowels?

Do you see the difference in mental retardation and what I posted?


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If it doesn't cause serious impedement issues and loss of life vitality then probably not.

You seem to have missed my post where I stated where most women are suggested by doctors to abort, so I'll post it again.

Do you see the difference in mental retardation and what I posted?
But you cannot really know that for sure.


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Hey, if it prevents a person that will have a life destroying illness from suffering, then call it what you want. You seem to want people to suffer needlessly.
I was born deaf. Under your life destroying illness I should have been aborted.
You hate people with disabilities and would like to see them aborted.

All Else Failed

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I was born deaf. Under your life destroying illness I should have been aborted.
You hate people with disabilities and would like to see them aborted.
Deafness isn't a life destroying deformity.

And no, I do not hate anyone, so stop trying to play that card to make me seem like pol pot.


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Being deaf (or blind, or mute) isn't a disability that ruins quality of life. You can still walk, learn, control your bodily functions, and take care of yourself. Not exactly the same situation we're talking about here.

But you cannot really know that for sure.
Thanks to our modern advancements in science and medicine .. they now have 3D ultrasounds and highly advanced blood tests that are able to test for certain genetic disabilities .. it's really not that hard to determine if a child will have certain disabilities of this nature this day and time.

Does that mean they are always right, of course not .. no one is always right .. but you just have to weigh it out when it happens.

To make someone feel bad about it is wrong IMO .. you aren't having to go through it, so it doens't mean quite the same to you as it would to a person faced with such a dilema.


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What is sad is that 90% of peopel dont' have themselves and their partner screened for these genetic disorders BEFORE deciding to have a baby. If you have a family history of any severe geneic disorder in your family history .. you should get screened before hand.

I am a carrier for cystic fibrosis. So if I ever decide to have another child I will need to have the father screened, otherwise .. if he is also a carrier (which isn't all that uncommon) the resulting child would have a 98% chance of having cystic fibrosis.

If you don't know what that is .. it's a terrible disease .. which kills. You don't survive it. Ever. You can treat it, fight it, whatever .. but it will always win. Usually the person doens't live past their 20's .. and each year is usually filled with operations, drugs, pain, and stress .. for both parent and child.

If I found out I had gotten pregnant on accident and my child would have that .. you can BET I would not allow it to suffer like that.

They've been working on a cure, but haven't found one .. only ways to "sustain" life .. but the life they sustain is a miserable one in most cases.


Now, does that mean everyone should to this .. no, but you have to live with your decisions .. and sometimes they are tough to make.


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Deafness isn't a life destroying deformity.

And no, I do not hate anyone, so stop trying to play that card to make me seem like pol pot.
Pol pot? You are after all extremely left wing.
My parents did not know I would be born deaf. All they knew is I would be born deformed. That is what the doctor say.

Being deaf (or blind, or mute) isn't a disability that ruins quality of life. You can still walk, learn, control your bodily functions, and take care of yourself. Not exactly the same situation we're talking about here.
Are you blind, deaf or mute? What do you know?