Same sex marriage

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Ironic isn't it that men kill their own kind not for food, but for war isn't it? Although animals can be territorial and have their own social pecking order, they don't kill each other on the scale of men.

I would find it so ironic if a Dog was actually God and surprised a lot of people.

Sad indeed. But this is a fact that in India the Hindu's worship dogs as their deity and sometimes even wed their girls to dogs.
this is very true about animistic religions such as Hinduism which sees God in everything!

Joe the meek

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Sad indeed. But this is a fact that in India the Hindu's worship dogs as their deity and sometimes even wed their girls to dogs.
this is very true about animistic religions such as Hinduism which sees God in everything!

Three thoughts come to mind per your comment.

1 - I do believe God is in everything we see

2 - I do think you can gauge a society in the way it treats it's animals

3 - Wedding a dog makes as much sense as believing that God will reward you in death for killing another in his name


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Three thoughts come to mind per your comment.

1 - I do believe God is in everything we see

2 - I do think you can gauge a society in the way it treats it's animals

3 - Wedding a dog makes as much sense as believing that God will reward you in death for killing another in his name

Some say

1. You are a drop in the ocean
2. You are a wave among waves.

wonder which one is correct?

With women all around there is No need to bugger animals,,,they are so cute and harmless.



Joe the meek

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The fact is homosexuality has been around since man has been on this earth and the only time it will "stop" is when man and woman are no longer here.

To kill or imprision anyone to participate in a consensual act between two partners would be just as immoral as those who claim the act of homosexuality is immoral.

That's the thing with people and their moral highground. They know what's best for everyone else because their God has told them so LMAO


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The fact is homosexuality has been around since man has been on this earth and the only time it will "stop" is when man and woman are no longer here.

To kill or imprision anyone to participate in a consensual act between two partners would be just as immoral as those who claim the act of homosexuality is immoral.

That's the thing with people and their moral highground. They know what's best for everyone else because their God has told them so LMAO

Many other things are also a old as man on this earth. But those are not acceptable then why homosexuality??


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Joe the meek

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Many other things are also a old as man on this earth. But those are not acceptable then why homosexuality??

Exactly who does homosexuality harm? Ultimatley if you believe it (homosexuality) is sin, then those who commit the sin will be judged by the same entity you feel condemns it as sin. Then again, there is no man on this earth that does not sin. My point is that neither you nor I are to be the judge.

If you know your history, the fact is in some societies, homosexuality was acceptable.


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Exactly who does homosexuality harm? Ultimatley if you believe it (homosexuality) is sin, then those who commit the sin will be judged by the same entity you feel condemns it as sin. Then again, there is no man on this earth that does not sin. My point is that neither you nor I are to be the judge.

If you know your history, the fact is in some societies, homosexuality was acceptable.

At least in Islamic society it is unacceptable...

I think humans have been given enough intellect to judge black from white......and this is why Laws are made.

Homosexuality is not only an unnatural act but also tends to destroy the familial system..

True that none is exception to sin but we shouldn't be proud of sinning..

Joe the meek

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Just because it's unacceptable dosen't mean it doesn't happen.

I have no doubt that there are practicing Muslims who are homosexual. That said, my understanding it that the "Crime" in Islamic countries can be punished very harshly, thus you aren't going to have people open about it.

As far as destroying the family, I know a some homosexual couples that have a great relationship, probably more so than some heterosexual couples I know.

I don't know of anyone who is proud of their sins, just that he who is without sin should cast the first stone. I don't think any of us can cast that first stone.

Ultimately, if there is a God/Allah, that deity will decide everyones fate when their time on this earth has come to an end.

A quick internet search will bring up scores of information pertaining to homosexuals in Islamic countries…

Please note, I'm not gay, but I see no reason why those who are different than me should not be able to lead a loving happy life as they see fit. As mentioned, I am NOT their judge...
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Just because it's unacceptable dosen't mean it doesn't happen.

I have no doubt that there are practicing Muslims who are homosexual. That said, my understanding it that the "Crime" in Islamic countries can be punished very harshly, thus you aren't going to have people open about it.

As far as destroying the family, I know a some homosexual couples that have a great relationship, probably more so than some heterosexual couples I know.

I don't know of anyone who is proud of their sins, just that he who is without sin should cast the first stone. I don't think any of us can cast that first stone.

Ultimately, if there is a God/Allah, that deity will decide everyones fate when their time on this earth has come to an end.

A quick internet search will bring up scores of information pertaining to homosexuals in Islamic countries…

Please note, I'm not gay, but I see no reason why those who are different than me should not be able to lead a loving happy life as they see fit. As mentioned, I am NOT their judge...

I didn't say Muslims are innocent.there are Muslims who do all sorts of wrong which their faith forbid..

there is lotsa crap for and against homosexuality but personally I hate it... as criminals are taken care of they too be cared for as 'minority' consisting of 'deviates' problem!

According to Quran Allah judges men (regardless of their religion) in this world as well as in the hereafter...and that makes a lot of difference.

Joe the meek

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I didn't say Muslims are innocent.there are Muslims who do all sorts of wrong which their faith forbid..

there is lotsa crap for and against homosexuality but personally I hate it... as criminals are taken care of they too be cared for as 'minority' consisting of 'deviates' problem!

According to Quran Allah judges men (regardless of their religion) in this world as well as in the hereafter...and that makes a lot of difference.

Explain to me how Allah judges men in this world please. As far as I know, it's not Allah doing the judging, but men. I would love to know the latest man walking on this earth that Allah has judged.

This should be a good one!


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Explain to me how Allah judges men in this world please. As far as I know, it's not Allah doing the judging, but men. I would love to know the latest man walking on this earth that Allah has judged.

This should be a good one!

For the time being Here is one link that you may find informative
The La’nah (Curse) of Allah

The Curse of Allah Cause Disgrace Here and in the Hereafter

The Qur’anic word, la’nah means being far removed from the mercy of Allah, extremely debased and disgraced. Anyone under la’nah from Allah cannot be close to Him. For such accursed ones admonitions are very stern. This is their disgrace in the present life – the disgrace in the akhirah will be far too grim to contemplate.

Who Deserves the La’nah of Allah?

Ayah 52 states that anyone under the curse of Allah has no helper to help him in that predicament. The point to ponder is: Who are these people who become deserving of this la’nah from Allah?

According to a hadith, the Prophet sallAllahu aalyhi wa sallam has cursed the giver of interest, the receiver and the consumer of interest, and its writer and the one who bears witness to it, the whole lot of them, all of them equally involved in the sin. [Narrated by Muslim as in Mishkat]

There is another hadith in which he said,

“Cursed is he who does what the people of Lut aalyhi sallam used to do.”

Narrated by Razin and appearing in Mishkat, the reference is to the male homosexual.

Then, he said, Allah sends his curse on the thief who would not stop from stealing even very small things like eggs and in another hadith, he said,

“Allah curses the eater of interest, and its feeder, and the woman who tattoes another woman and the woman who tattooes herself, and the picture-maker.”[Bukhari, from Mishkat]

In yet another hadith, he has said,

Joe the meek

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You'll have to forgive my ignorance.

I read your link, but I'm still perplexed as to who actually judges the sinner?

Are you cursed by the act of sin alone? If that is the case, can the curse be "un done" (meaning if you're cursed and there is no hope for redemption, why try to redeem yourself?).

From what I've read of the Koran, it's a lot like the Bible as it is in the interpretation of the written word. Most Christians feel the Koran is a book of hate and killing your enemies, but the same can be said for the Old Testament IMO.