What do you think of same sex marriage?
Some countries together with their cultures and people are open already on this issue, but there are however countries which do not support this.
How about in your country? Is this thing already accepted by laws, cultures and people? How about your own perception on this matter? Are you affirmative or not?
I think same sex marriage is not love. It's promiscuity.
For love it is not necessary to marry...you love your family, your friends, and that does not involve sex..
Unnatural sex has always been detested throughout history and it is still so in many countries as well as by many religions. I do not say that gays are not human beings or that they must be detested. No, not at all. I only disagree with their conduct...ie same sex marriage.
It is not clear to me what exactly you mean by ''gay''. If by gay you mean those who are naturally devoid of sexual mechanism then that is a different story. I have them in my country as well and they have been given the right
to vote but not allowed to indulge in the promiscuous business of unnatural marriage. Other kinds of gays could be those who have deliberately converted themselves into one through surgery etc. These types of gays are mentally sick people....and hardly deserve sympathy. In fact they are sodomist...
Some people support gays by calling them better as persons...Okay, but how does this justify their promiscuous behavior??
If today we allowed same sex marriages then it will not be too late when mentally sick people will insist on human-animal marriages as well and that would be the end of the world!! (for your info Human-animal marriages are sometimes conducted in India....and they think they were ordained by god to do so)
Human beings are full of excuses, lame excuses....and a bent towards evil, the most attractive force in the universe.
Be human Stay human,..,,should be our Motto!